My invite stands. If you have any specific critique of the facts or reasoning I’ve relied on in the things I have talked about, feel free to argue your point. Although I’m fairly far from being a layman, I’m very far from an expert. If there’s a good faith discussion on something I’ve said, I’ll bring the best knowledge and civility I can to the table. But a rant is just a rant, and that’s what you entered the thread with and basically stuck to.If you can't pick a source to believe, there's lots more where these came from. I think it's relevent, because some of those DAs are in New York and might have involvement in the case. I just thought it might have had some relevance. But I'm not the expert here, am I. And seeing you discount that connection, I just have to be wrong and have no business to my layman's opinion. Sorry to intrude into your territory. Reply if you wish. I'm not continuing to take this off track or infringe on your professional advice. You can have your thread back.
How George Soros funded progressive ‘legal arsonist’ DAs behind US crime surge
For the last several years, billionaire philanthropist George Soros has been quietly financing a revolution in criminal justice reform, doling out tens of millions of dollars to progressive candida…
Two dozen progressive prosecutors linked to Soros money, report finds
While billionaire and millionaire philanthropists often seek to influence national policy, George Soros has long made headlines for his financial support of progressive prosecutors, many of whom push policies criticized for emboldening criminals in major American cities. A total of 24
George Soros-funded DAs represent 20% of Americans after $40M was funneled into races, report finds - Wall Street PR
Far-left billionaire George Soros funneled $40 million dollars into district attorney campaigns nationwide, and now his beneficiaries represent around 20% of Americans, a new report […]
Secretive Soros-funded group works behind the scenes with Biden admin on policy, documents show
A secretive Soros-funded group is working behind the scenes with the Biden administration to shape policy though executive orders and regulations, documents