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May 5th BMOQ

Flav said:
I have a B.E. and a B.Sc. (Comp. Sci.) and no word yet about if I would get a signing bonus. But then again, I've been offered the CELE trade with an initial contract of six years so it may have something to do with the trade and length of contract.

I'll ask about it when I swear in next week. I don't want to bother them now since I've already done that enough over the whole recruiting process.

Speaking of that, I have no idea what happens if any of us with nine year contracts leave before the end.  In other words, would we have to return part of the bonus?  I am doubting it, but it is still a possibility.
Flav said:
I have a B.E. and a B.Sc. (Comp. Sci.) and no word yet about if I would get a signing bonus. But then again, I've been offered the CELE trade with an initial contract of six years so it may have something to do with the trade and length of contract.


I really don't know why everyone here seems to be signing up just for a "Signing Bonus".  If you really want to know if you are getting one, ask the CFRC where you signed up, or even better, look at the contract that you signed.

As for more information on this site, try using the SEARCH function and look up "Signing Bonus".
George Wallace said:

I really don't know why everyone here seems to be signing up just for a "Signing Bonus".  If you really want to know if you are getting one, ask the CFRC where you signed up, or even better, look at the contract that you signed.

As for more information on this site, try using the SEARCH function and look up "Signing Bonus".

I’m not sure why you’re rolling your eyes at me indicated by the smiley, but if it’s because you think I was showing off or something like that, that’s not the case at all. There are copious amounts of people that have done far better and greater things than I have and I know it’s nothing special. I have a long road ahead of me before I’m worthy of any respect. In fact, a colleague of mine with the exact same two degrees from the exact same institution has already joined the Forces so I know there’s nothing unique or special about it at all. I was merely stating that as a catalyst for the discussion early about the suggestion that one’s degree has a factor on whether or not the bonus is eligible, nothing more.

Also, my reasons for wanting the honour to serve my country are not about the money or the “Signing Bonus”. I will swear in and sign the contract with or without the bonus. I would prefer a bonus since I have a massive student loans debt and it would make life easier, but I’m prepared to do without one. I can only speak for myself but I’ll venture a guess that these fine people that I’ll be joining this May are also signing up not because of the “Signing Bonus”.

Thank you for your understanding.
Flav said:
I’m not sure why you’re rolling your eyes at me indicated by the smiley, but if it’s because you think I was showing off or something like that, that’s not the case at all. There are copious amounts of people that have done far better and greater things than I have and I know it’s nothing special. I have a long road ahead of me before I’m worthy of any respect. In fact, a colleague of mine with the exact same two degrees from the exact same institution has already joined the Forces so I know there’s nothing unique or special about it at all. I was merely stating that as a catalyst for the discussion early about the suggestion that one’s degree has a factor on whether or not the bonus is eligible, nothing more.

Also, my reasons for wanting the honour to serve my country are not about the money or the “Signing Bonus”. I will swear in and sign the contract with or without the bonus. I would prefer a bonus since I have a massive student loans debt and it would make life easier, but I’m prepared to do without one. I can only speak for myself but I’ll venture a guess that these fine people that I’ll be joining this May are also signing up not because of the “Signing Bonus”.

Thank you for your understanding.

I had similar thinking to this reply. 

I didn't even find out about bonuses, et cetera, until *after* I received and accepted the formal offer. 

I spent five years at a very expensive university for a degree, and whatever bonus is given will probably just payoff my student loan obligations.  I sincerely doubt that any DEO eligible for a bonus is signing up for it.  Frankly, with comp sci and engineering degrees we could be making oodles more in the civilian world.  However, the challenges that a military career presents far outweigh any monetary gains.  If we cared about the money, we likely would not be pursuing a military career.

I thought that this forum was for the free exchange of ideas and information about our upcoming careers.  Perhaps I am mistaken.

Flav said:
......... I was merely stating that as a catalyst for the discussion early about the suggestion that one’s degree has a factor on whether or not the bonus is eligible, nothing more.

As I stated before; RESEARCH (ie. Use the SEARCH Function.) "Signing Bonus".  One's degree or multiple degrees have absolutely nothing to do with a "Signing Bonus" being offered, with only a couple of exceptions; Medical Doctor and perhaps Legal Officer.  As you claim to be neither of these, I am asking you what your hangup is on getting a "Signing Bonus"?  You in all likelihood are not going to get one.
George Wallace said:

I really don't know why everyone here seems to be signing up just for a "Signing Bonus".  If you really want to know if you are getting one, ask the CFRC where you signed up, or even better, look at the contract that you signed.

As for more information on this site, try using the SEARCH function and look up "Signing Bonus".

I appreciate the witty retort but there was never the implication in any of the previous posts that any one of us was signing up purely for a "signing bonus".  If money was what we're after it would be quite obvious that we're in the wrong business anyway!

What it comes down to for me is that it wouldn't be a nice staring point to arrive at BMOQ and find that your troop mate, employed in the same trade with the same qualifications, is getting a fairly substantial bonus that you won't be receiving yourself.  It only makes sense to share this information beforehand and to help and encourage one another as much as possible.

After all, with the exception of Mr. Wallace, we're all on the same team ... shouldn't we
  • share goals and objectives
  • maximize our resources
  • increase the trust among each other
  • practice effective communication
  • assist in problem-solving and decision-making processes

... or is that just something we say for the media folks? 

I know I haven't met any of you yet, but from what I hear we are going to form some life-long relationships here.  You people will see me at my best, you'll see me at my worst ... I'd just like not to start at the worst.

If I can't talk freely to theses future friends of mine somethings wrong with this forum.  Maybe this topic has been dealt with before ... well it's being dealt with again, now, by us!  :salute:
Jadeen said:
Speaking of that, I have no idea what happens if any of us with nine year contracts leave before the end.  In other words, would we have to return part of the bonus?  I am doubting it, but it is still a possibility.

I was told that for my bonus I must serve a minimum of 4 years in order to avoid penalty.  If I were to leave before the 4 years were up, part of the bonus would have to be paid back by some pre-determined schedule ... basically pro-rated.
tayze said:
I appreciate the witty retort but there was never the implication in any of the previous posts that any one of us was signing up purely for a "signing bonus".  If money was what we're after it would be quite obvious that we're in the wrong business anyway!

If I can't talk freely to theses future friends of mine somethings wrong with this forum.  Maybe this topic has been dealt with before ... well it's being dealt with again, now, by us!   :salute:

If I may also thank you for your witty retort and I find it humourous that you immediately post about what?.........A Signing Bonus. 

Yes; the topic of the Signing Bonus has been covered ad nauseum and your covering it here is a derailment of the topic's original intent - BMOQ.

Thank's for the :salute:  (I'll leave out the expletive.)

I find your arrogance disrespectful towards what the site is about and the people who have made it what is today - a useful tool for members and future members of the CF to exchange information.  If you insist on basically turning this into a CHAT ROOM with unnecessary SPAM, then we will either ask you to change your ways and attitude or find a site that is more to your liking or suggest you all get ICQ or MSN accounts.   You have of course read the information on registration and the disclaimers that this is not an official CF site, but a privately owned one?

George Wallace said:
As I stated before; RESEARCH (ie. Use the SEARCH Function.) "Signing Bonus".  One's degree or multiple degrees have absolutely nothing to do with a "Signing Bonus" being offered, with only a couple of exceptions; Medical Doctor and perhaps Legal Officer.  As you claim to be neither of these, I am asking you what your hangup is on getting a "Signing Bonus"?  You in all likelihood are not going to get one.

There is no hang-up and I am already aware of the Search Function and have used it before. We were just having a discussion about why js25, who's also entering as a SIGS DEO, is not getting a bonus as compared to the other SIGS DEO that are on the same course date. Which led to the suggestion that maybe one's degree may have something to with it. But since you stated that it isn't, there must be some other factors that we are unaware of.
George Wallace said:
If I may also thank you for your witty retort and I find it humourous that you immediately post about what?.........A Signing Bonus. 

Yes; the topic of the Signing Bonus has been covered ad nauseum and your covering it here is a derailment of the topic's original intent - BMOQ.

Read a little closer ... my post was about standing up for my fellow May 5th BMOQ-ers!

George Wallace said:
I find your arrogance disrespectful towards what the site is about and the people who have made it what is today - a useful tool for members and future members of the CF to exchange information.  If you insist on basically turning this into a CHAT ROOM with unnecessary SPAM, then we will either ask you to change your ways and attitude or find a site that is more to your liking or suggest you all get ICQ or MSN accounts. 

Apparently your little tag "Unless so stated, they are reflective of my opinion -- and my opinion only, a right that I enjoy along with every other Canadian citizen." doesn't really apply to every other Canadian citizen.

We're bonding George.  ;D  Over topics that we feel are important to all those starting training together in May.  We're all "future members" of the CF ... we haven't even signed the paperwork yet.  We may be overly concerned about things now that 30 years in we'll look back and say "remember when we thought ...".  They may not be relevant to you, but if they are to us; please just let us be. 
I have created a Facebook group "5 May BMOQ" for anyone attending this course.
This new forum will provide a platform for anyone to discuss anything on their minds, without penalty.

I have been accepted into the CELE(Air) via DEO and I will be enrolling on March 27, 2008. But regarding when BMOQ starts, they haven't told me a date. So far, I'm told it will be in May, but not an exact date. I'm currently living in St. John's, NL and I'm very curious to know if my BMOQ and the one mentioned here for May 5, is indeed the same course. If so, I wonder why the recruiters here don't know the date.

Does anyone know if SIG and CELE(Air) train in the same BMOQ course? If so, then would anyone know why the recruiters in St. John's wouldn't know the start date of BMOQ?


Hi Chris,

I'm glad to hear your joining us as well, but as for may 5th, don't bank on that untill they actually tell you it's may 5th. There could very well  be another course starting up in may that haven't been finallized yet. One popular saying I've been seeing is "hurry up and wait". 

If you do get the notice for may 5th great, I'll see you on the course, if not I'm sure it'll all work out, who knows may even see you at the MEGA.

As for the recruiters at St. John's, I'm sure they are just as competant as the recruiters at any other station, also you have to remember what they know and what they divulge can be two entirely different things for many valid reasons. It'll all happen in time, best advice is to give them a call every 2 weeks to inquire about your status, usually the file clerk is the best one to get ahold of, well it was for me.

Good luck
:gunner: :deadhorse: :fifty:

This horse just wont die!

The argument started among the future SIG/CELE ... ie. those identified as having skills in the area of 'communications and electronic engineering' and the majority having CS backgrounds.

I would hope that we're all aware of how to keep our private information private.  ::)

Facebook is password & invitation protected, unlike this site which is wide open to the world.
KenJacobson said:
Sorry, but I'm not going live in an alarmist state of paranoia.

Fill your boots.

It is just a little reminder for you about PERSEC and OPSEC.

(IF you don't know what they are, then now is the time to learn.)

[Edit to add:  I see tayze has a nice picture of me beating him.  ;D]
I have created a Facebook group "5 May BMOQ" for anyone attending this course.

The Facebook search tool can be a bit flakey sometimes.  It gave me a bit of grief trying to find it. 
If you have trouble locating the group, do a search for "5 May BMOQ" including the quotation marks.

Hi everyone.
I am going on May 5th as Signal Officer (DEO). Does anyone know after August 15th  When is next training, I know we donot know exaxt date yet, But if someone has any idea , how much time off we get  after BMOQ until next training, Can we take our family with us to Gagetown?