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Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

Not sure if I should :ROFLMAO: or :cry:

I opened the link...

Conor Mcgregor GIF by UFC
The problem with waiting until the writ is dropped is that the CPC has let the Liberals off the hook. With Trudeau as the leader there wasn't a hope in hell of them winning. The CPC needed to push the message hard throughout the Liberal leadership that whomever they picked you are getting the same party with the same policies.

They should have anticipated that the Liberals would do a 180 on unpopular policies and got ahead of it and identified their hypocrisy by showing their history on the key topics (in a non-cartoon attack dog way). Instead they let them off the hook. Carney was able to take the spotlight and Canadians could see someone totally different than Justin Trudeau and presenting more gravitas than PP. It gave them the opportunity to actually view Carney as a possible alternative rather than just a face change. It will be much harder to overcome now that he's seen as a legitimate option than if they had filled the void left while the Liberals were still leaderless.
And let's keep the spotlight on him. Keep the spotlight on all the lies he's been caught in so far. Keep the spotlight on the way he snaps at reporters asking tough questions, especially about his finances. Keep the spotlight on how condescending and misogynistic he is to female reporters, like telling Barton to reflect and look inside herself, when she asked about his financial disclosures. Keep the spotlight on the absolute horrible, amateur way he attempts to misdirect and change the subject, mostly by dragging PP into it with the thinnest of threads of reality.

By all means, keep the spotlight on him. He is a shadow that has been working phones and boardrooms for the last ten years, private meetings and shell companies. It's good to see him, like Nosferatu, exposed to the sunlight. The more people see of the real guy, the more they will realize he's worse than trudeau ever was.
Good God...
I was about to ask just how stupid the CPC was going to get ?
Apparently someone took that as some sort of challenge.
It's a poll, strictly to feed to his base, in order to increase donations. It helps them feel as they are part of the solution, that party listens to them.

And then it asks for money.

Ads like this seldom go to anyone that has not gotten themselves on a CPC mailing list sometime in the past. They aren't cold calls, so to speak.

You guys should be smarter than this.
By all means, keep the spotlight on him. He is a shadow that has been working phones and boardrooms for the last ten years, private meetings and shell companies. It's good to see him, like Nosferatu, exposed to the sunlight. The more people see of the real guy, the more they will realize he's worse than trudeau ever was.
Worse for conservatives you mean, and the polling shows it, his foreign policy is already showing a difference, and he is shifting the party quickly back to the center which will bleed Red tory, and centerists from voting CPC. It took 48h for the CPC to even react to the consumer carbon tax being dropped because they kept saying he wont do it. Then he did, Carney is keeping the CPC in reaction mode, which means he has the advantage.
Worse for conservatives you mean, and the polling shows it, his foreign policy is already showing a difference, and he is shifting the party quickly back to the center which will bleed Red tory, and centerists from voting CPC. It took 48h for the CPC to even react to the consumer carbon tax being dropped because they kept saying he wont do it. Then he did, Carney is keeping the CPC in reaction mode, which means he has the advantage.
If you say so. I don’t see it. However, I'll wait for the writ, to see how people are thinking. My position on polls has been pretty clear.
It's a poll, strictly to feed to his base, in order to increase donations. It helps them feel as they are part of the solution, that party listens to them.

And then it asks for money.

Ads like this seldom go to anyone that has not gotten themselves on a CPC mailing list sometime in the past. They aren't cold calls, so to speak.
But that mailing list has a lot more people on it than just his base. People whose votes he needs. People who -as evidenced by this thread- are turned of by such nonsense.

Sure- best case is the Conservative Party of Canada acting like a 2bit social media scam to siphon money out of their most intellectually vulnerable members.

Worst case is some goblin in Jenni Byrne's office is going to use responses as evidence of support for the direction the party is going.
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It's a poll, strictly to feed to his base, in order to increase donations. It helps them feel as they are part of the solution, that party listens to them.

And then it asks for money.

Ads like this seldom go to anyone that has not gotten themselves on a CPC mailing list sometime in the past. They aren't cold calls, so to speak.

You guys should be smarter than this.
Sometimes, even partisans want to give honest feedback.

“Hey, smarten up, assholes. Are you trying to lose the election? I’m not donating a single nickel (red cents are no longer produced) until you get your act together”.

Instead, it sounds like the one bogus poll I responded to a couple of years ago:

“If an election were called today, who would you vote for?

  • the Liberal Party of Manitoba
  • the Green Party of Manitoba
  • the Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba under the leadership of Brian Pallister
  • or the tax-and-spend socialist NDP”

No word of a lie. That’s how they asked the question. 🤦‍♂️
It's a poll, strictly to feed to his base, in order to increase donations. It helps them feel as they are part of the solution, that party listens to them.

And then it asks for money.

Ads like this seldom go to anyone that has not gotten themselves on a CPC mailing list sometime in the past. They aren't cold calls, so to speak.

You guys should be smarter than this.
Regardless of who it's directed at it reinforces the non-serious tone that comes across in other public-facing material put out by the party. It again repeats the juvenile, Trump-style "Carbon Tax Carney" name calling and the questions are plain silly. Might as well be:

Q. Do you like puppies?
Yes - Of course I like pupplies as any true blooded Canadian would...they are cute!
No - As a Libtard Canada hater I abhor the existence of puppies and think they should all be destroyed!
Regardless of who it's directed at it reinforces the non-serious tone that comes across in other public-facing material put out by the party. It again repeats the juvenile, Trump-style "Carbon Tax Carney" name calling and the questions are plain silly. Might as well be:

Q. Do you like puppies?
Yes - Of course I like pupplies as any true blooded Canadian would...they are cute!
No - As a Libtard Canada hater I abhor the existence of puppies and think they should all be destroyed!
Good. At least someone else understands how useless polls are.