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Killing Canadians 'best way': student

Maybe someone should take this pimple to the Human Rights Commission....seems to be the flavor of the day....
OberstSteiner said:
I think the man wouldn't last a second saying crap like that in the States! (excluding California maybe)

Considering there is groups of WASP American citizens which go to funerals of KIAs from the GWOT, carrying signs "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" etc, I doubt if anything would happen to him, shy of vigilante action of course.

One thing we have in common with this TRAITOR is we are genuinely disgusted.


Wesley  Down Under said:
Considering there is groups of WASP American citizens which go to funerals of KIAs from the GWOT, carrying signs "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" etc, I doubt if anything would happen to him, shy of vigilante action of course.

One thing we have in common with this TRAITOR is we are genuinely disgusted.



Wesley  Down Under said:
Considering there is groups of WASP American citizens which go to funerals of KIAs from the GWOT, carrying signs "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" etc, I doubt if anything would happen to him, shy of vigilante action of course...

Wes, many states have now passed legislation making it illegal to protest with 500 feet of funerals, and a court in Maryland recently awarded 11 million in damages to the family of one of the deceased.  A couple more judgements like that and they may shut down the b@stards.

http://www.kltv.com/Global/story.asp?S=7310835 to media story on settlement

Although the wheels may grind slowly, this seems a reasonable limit on free speech.
ParaMedTech said:
Wes, many states have now passed legislation making it illegal to protest with 500 feet of funerals, and a court in Maryland recently awarded 11 million in damages to the family of one of the deceased.  A couple more judgements like that and they may shut down the b@stards.

http://www.kltv.com/Global/story.asp?S=7310835 to media story on settlement

Although the wheels may grind slowly, this seems a reasonable limit on free speech.

Even so, for anyone or any group who supports such nonsense, there is some seriously mislead and phucked up people out there.

500ft  is what, 200 metres? Thats not much of a law to be passed. Oh, well, at least that gives the funeral procession some distance to get the speed up before running these phuckers over  ;D
the 48th regulator said:



Well, for one, I think that things are not tolerated as easily in the States,especially after 9/11. Canadians are much more passive than Americans when it comes to that sort of thing. Plus you might factor in the redneck, vigilantism aspect that is more prevalent in the States as well. I think the military is a stronger, more respected institution in the States as well (by the general population). Here we still get punks protesting and name calling at schools that allow CF recruiters on campus, I don't think that would fly too well in the States either. We as Canadains are just more tolerant to stuff like that in my opinion (which isn't necessarliy positive). We seem to put up with a lot of crap here without doing much about it, such as high taxes, corrupt politcs, seperatists, transfer payments to Quebec, shitty winters....
OberstSteiner said:
Well, for one, I think that things are not tolerated as easily in the States,especially after 9/11. Canadians are much more passive than Americans when it comes to that sort of thing. Plus you might factor in the redneck, vigilantism aspect that is more prevalent in the States as well. I think the military is a stronger, more respected institution in the States as well (by the general population). Here we still get punks protesting and name calling at schools that allow CF recruiters on campus, I don't think that would fly too well in the States either. We as Canadains are just more tolerant to stuff like that in my opinion (which isn't necessarliy positive). We seem to put up with a lot of crap here without doing much about it, such as high taxes, corrupt politcs, seperatists, transfer payments to Quebec, shitty winters....

Let me guess,

This is all "Your Opinion" based on absolutley no fact, correct?


the 48th regulator said:
Let me guess,

This is all "Your Opinion" based on absolutley no fact, correct?



Just my opinion based on having lived in Canada??? Jesus Christ, I wasn't looking for a fight about it. My god man, I have been around some and I am not pulling ideas out of my  ass.
OberstSteiner said:
Just my opinion based on having lived in Canada??? Jesus Christ, I wasn't looking for a fight about it. A Can a person not say something here without attitude!

You are making far out statements, with regards to what American will do, as opposed to Canadians, all based on conjecture.

I suggest, that you hit the post button a little less.  And don't try to turn this into a "stop fighting and picking on me" situation, we have heard it before.

And although I have been called many things, thank you for the JC reference, it gives me a fine attitude.

Now, let's get back on track.


the 48th regulator said:
You are making far out statements, with regards to what American will do, as opposed to Canadians, all based on conjecture.

I suggest, that you hit the post button a little less.  And don't try to turn this into a "stop fighting and picking on me" situation, we have heard it before.

And although I have been called many things, thank you for the JC reference, it gives me a fine attitude.

Now, let's get back on track.



You certainly straightened me out! thanks!
the 48th regulator said:
Sarcasm does not suit you.




Nor are you any good at sarcasm.

And while we're at it - you haven't answered my rebuttal to your supposition regarding Americans yet.

Opinions as some one once remarked are like err...... rectums everybody's got one . Granted this ones pretty vile and while I think that this guy is entitled to to his opinion I also think he's an idiot! My solution is that we have given this twerp far more attention then he deserves and we should ignore him .He appears to crave attention , why are we rewarding him with even more attention?
  Perhaps it's just me but I also feel that the impersonal nature of the internet causes people to blurt out things they would never say in conversation even when inflamed with emotions.Instead of bringing us together in an community of communicators(as it were) the internet seems to "decivilizing" discourse.
Just my .02 cents . 
If he feels that way about Canadians then why the a$$ is he in Canada getting a Canadian education at a Canadian university.  Send his sorry a$$ back to Bangladesh.
This is just my opinion, no facts.
I did check his facebook site out of curiosity but didn’t put him on my friend’s list for my own reasons so I have no idea what is exactly on his site. I was able to see though who his friends are. And the faces I saw did raise questions in me. Some of them:
- If he is such a hot headed jihadist who wants all Canadian soldiers pulled from muslim countries then how come he is still residing in Canada quite obviously enjoying the higher middle class life this wonderful country can provide to all who wish to live here. (Maybe he wouldn’t be able to play around with his friends with tricked out cars on nice suburb neighborhood streets.)
- Same thought stretched a little further – I don’t even think he is really such a hard line muslim as he would like to be seen from his writing. (The photos speak for themself.)
- Interesting enough there is a uniformed male on his site with the same lastname he has. (Wonder what this person would say about S. Hossain.)

Just a feeling but he seems like oh so many other young kids (riiight, he’s in his mid 20’s he is accountable for all his actions) who is bored out of his mind with doing no actual productive activity and living off mommy’s and daddy’s hard earned money.
I might just be actually way off here. I apologize.

I have a feeling he doesn’t even know what Canadian soldiers are doing in Afghanistan. This is possible because media brain washed Canadians only see and read what is put in front of them.
Some though take the time to research. Kudos for these!

My thoughts: as now is the trend in Toronto - minority brings attention to themselves with stupid acts that in reality and in the past would have been punished. (I can only speak of Toronto because this is where I live right now.) 
Example: I only ask my neighbor to close her door so the fire department won’t come out yet again for a false alarm because of the spices she uses for cooking and I’m screeched at that I’m a racist. And I better shut my pie-hole or I will be in court in a blink for verbal assault.

I’m not saying they don’t have the right to free speech. All I’m saying is that the balance of living together in peace has been tipped over and is fast escalating to something that might be hard to stop in the future.

End of rant. I will step off my soap box now.
Roy Harding said:

Nor are you any good at sarcasm.

And while we're at it - you haven't answered my rebuttal to your supposition regarding Americans yet.


As sarcasm was once said to be the lowest form of humour(Oscar Wilde), I don't think one could be good or bad at it. As for your rebuttal, all I said was I thought Americans are less likely to put up with that kind of crap. I meant the average citizen, not the government or any bills on human rights, just the individual. I said this from my experience and how I see things, unfortunately, 48th regular  requires facts, not theories based on conjecture, so forget I said anything, it really wasn't worth the big to-do.
I meant the adscam payments, not transfer payments, my mistake. As for the sunshine barb, you have shown your sarcasm is as bad as mine.
I’m not saying they don’t have the right to free speech. All I’m saying is that the balance of living together in peace has been tipped over and is fast escalating to something that might be hard to stop in the future.

If we accept your premise, we might infer that immigration has occurred at a faster rate
than naturalization or the adjustment to Canadian values.  In Canada we have been fortunate, thus far with our particular version of multiculturalism. In Europe, however
there is an emergence of some difficulty.............
I REALLY hope I'm not going to far here.  ;D