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Killing Canadians 'best way': student


  I worked with your son while at 2PPCLI.

  I respect your words. I do not think that we should play into this persons ideas because it empowers his thoughts.  I do not agree with his words, but I cannot disrespect his rights to speak them.

EMEGUY421 said:

  I worked with your son while at 2PPCLI.

  I respect your words. I do not think that we should play into this persons ideas because it empowers his thoughts.  I do not agree with his words, but I cannot disrespect his rights to speak them.

Thank you for your kind words. I must disagree. This is not free speech, this is hate speech, pure and simple. Advocating the genocide of a race is not, IMO, free speech.
EMEGUY421 said:
I am not advocating that he is right, or that people who oppose him are right, but the laws state that every person be afforded freedom of speech, and if the words are illegal then the person is subject to the penalty of law.  He was investigated and no laws were broken, or he would have been detained form the beginning.
Re:  the bit in yellow, if you'd read Interpol's "Wanted" poster, it says this:  "Categories of Offences: CRIMES AGAINST LIFE AND HEALTH, ORGANIZED CRIME /TRANSNATIONAL CRIME Arrest Warrant Issued by: CITY OF MISSISSAUGA, SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE, CENTRAL WEST REGION OF THE PROVI / Canada".  And I guess you missed this bit too in the latest media report:  "The resurrection of a website advocating the genocide of Jews and Canadians, founded by a Toronto extremist who is wanted by police, highlights the difficulties of policing the Internet, where public postings can be generated and disseminated from almost anywhere."  He may have been cleared before, but if that's the case, he should have nothing to worry about speaking to police now since they appear to have more questions, right?

EMEGUY421 said:
I didn't read the whole thread, 9 pages of rants and rage would sour my day. 
I guess you missed a bit of INFORMATION in not reading at least the last half-dozen posts, eh?

Also, I guess that if this chap and his web page/forum posts were to incite/condone/encourage doing harm to, say, "Land based weapons doctors", or their families, you'd still be comfortable with his "freedom of speech"?  If you are, you're a bigger man than I am.

I hear what you say about keeping criticism in perspective, but this goes beyond criticizing the status quo - headlines like "Learning How To Identify Jews During Roundup Time!" or "The Destruction of the West is the Only Way to Exterminate the Jews!" strike me as WAY over the "civilized and reasonable debate and dissent" line.
milnews.ca said:
Re:  the bit in yellow, if you'd read Interpol's "Wanted" poster, it says this:  "Categories of Offences: CRIMES AGAINST LIFE AND HEALTH, ORGANIZED CRIME /TRANSNATIONAL CRIME Arrest Warrant Issued by: CITY OF MISSISSAUGA, SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE, CENTRAL WEST REGION OF THE PROVI / Canada".  And I guess you missed this bit too in the latest media report:  "The resurrection of a website advocating the genocide of Jews and Canadians, founded by a Toronto extremist who is wanted by police, highlights the difficulties of policing the Internet, where public postings can be generated and disseminated from almost anywhere."  He may have been cleared before, but if that's the case, he should have nothing to worry about speaking to police now since they appear to have more questions, right?
I guess you missed a bit of INFORMATION in not reading at least the last half-dozen posts, eh?

Also, I guess that if this chap and his web page/forum posts were to incite/condone/encourage doing harm to, say, "Land based weapons doctors", or their families, you'd still be comfortable with his "freedom of speech"?  If you are, you're a bigger man than I am.

I hear what you say about keeping criticism in perspective, but this goes beyond criticizing the status quo - headlines like "Learning How To Identify Jews During Roundup Time!" or "The Destruction of the West is the Only Way to Exterminate the Jews!" strike me as WAY over the "civilized and reasonable debate and dissent" line.

Has he actually hurt anyone? Has he been arrested?  I am not a coward, and will do what is neccessary to defend my family and myself, but I am also trained in Rules of Engagement.  You cannot go ballistic on the belief of terrorism, you have to have PROOF.

He is an airbag that is desperately in need of a pin.
Since when does he need to "hurt someone" to be held accountable for his actions?

Criminal Code of Canada: Hate Provisions - Summary

In most cases, hate propaganda communicated through the Internet is an offence under the Criminal Code. Amendments to the Code, made under the Anti-Terrorism Act in December 2001, further clarify measures and offences regarding Internet hate crimes.

(More at link)
EMEGUY421 said:
Then he is the police's responsibility now, and not for us to debate anymore...

Huh?  At what point did the subject cease to be suitable for debate here?

What guidelines are you using to make that determination?
EMEGUY421 said:
Then he is the police's responsibility now, and not for us to debate anymore...
It was the "police responsibility" when you chose to 'contribute' to this thread by saying it's "his right" to foment that sort of hatred, and got called on your BS.

So once again folks, someone posts without bothering to know the topic, gets proven wrong, feelings are hurt, there's an unspoken suggestion that perhaps it's best to stay in one's lane......and we see proof yet again that there's more to informed debate than merely saying "you people need to come to your senses." 
Does that about sum it up?

You will have to forgive my brother folks(EMEGUY421), he is passionate about some things, and impassive on others. This nutbar (not my brother, the other one! ;)) should be arrested for these ludicrous comments. and when found, locked up for the duration of his miserable existence. I again apologize for the outburst my brother has made. Ubique
EMEGUY421 said:
Then he is the police's responsibility now, and not for us to debate anymore...

Don't like the debate?

Feel free to leave.

The Army.ca Staff
EMEGUY421 said:
Has he actually hurt anyone? Has he been arrested?  I am not a coward, and will do what is neccessary to defend my family and myself, but I am also trained in Rules of Engagement.  You cannot go ballistic on the belief of terrorism, you have to have PROOF.

He is an airbag that is desperately in need of a pin.

It must be noted that there are a couple of things going on with Mr. Hossain.

Firstly, there was the 'Canadian soldiers should be fair game' comments. He was investigated for those, and widely castigated, but charges did not result. In my personal opinion - and I was quite vocal about expressing it - that was an appropriate decision. He's just some mouth breather who, as disgusting as hsi words were, did not cross the line into speech proscribed by law. I naturally resist most attempts to regulate free expression; I'd rather see society confront such opinions, rather than driving them underground where it's harder to keep track of them.

Where he crossed the line was in his publishing calls for the mass slaughter of Jews. At that point he fell on the wrong side of the Criminal Code, and he has been indicted with advocating genocide, which is a specific criminal offence. One I agree with, incidentally. It's on those charges that he's currently wanted, and it's based on that that he fled the country.

His rantings agaisnt soldiers were largely pissing into the wind and didn't carry any credible element of threat to it. His calls for the active eradication of jews wasn't much more credible, but targeting a specific race like that is objectionable enough that we've decided as a nation tha tit's a criminal offense, and with how hard it is to get an indictment for and prosecute that offense, I feel secure enough that it's a restriction on speech not likely to be abused I'm cool with it.

With that said, his actions certainly are not something that we should ignore or stop debating. It's the ability of society to confront issues like this and exposes pieces of shit for what they are that makes it unnecessary to resort to legal mechanisms in all but the most grievous cases. We *need* to be paying attention and making noise- just so that others know the sentiment's out there, if nothing else.
Ok, well stated Brihard.This person obviously has a few nuts loose in his boiler, and is looking for some attenion from others in the same boat(zealots). His comments were rather disgusting and disturbing, for certain. But he has fled this country, most likely for his ancestral home or one that will not be sending him back too soon. I feel, and this is only myself, that we as a civilized society need to be vigilant on these individuals(zealots), with legal consequenses being severe enough to deter any further attempts to try this or other such action again. Our justice system needs to grow a set, and quickly. Maybe then these nut jobs will stay away in their caves or wherever they come from. :2c: