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Killing Canadians 'best way': student

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Free speech isn't absolute my friend.......

(Hey...wait a second.  Look there on the path...aren't those our footsteps from a while back? Didn't we go this route already?)

Ok, so what if we've had this out before. It's always a good one. I agree with SigO that we make a mistake when we preach the same nonsense as the people who p*ss us off. Political correctness might not be just a Leftie thing. On the Right it sometimes hides behind the word "Patriotism". We can't reduce the meaning of free speech to being just those things that we like to hear, from people we like to hear it from. That isn't free speech: it's preaching to the choir. And we certainly never want to remove debate, controversy and intellectual freedom from the post-secondary environment, even if there are some pompous (or lazy) professors who abuse it and stupid students who let them.

That said, I still think that there is a line that we have to be careful with, as difficult as that is to do. This concerns the blatant incitement to cause physical harm. In the end, the exact weight and meaning of inciting words will have to be measured on a case-by-case basis, probably by courts (hopefully not by politicians or by demagogues of the Left or the Right). Maybe this is why most liberal Western societies probably have some kind of rule about inciting violence through speech.

Free speech isn't absolute my friend.......

and nobody does anything because of the freedom of the speech

I do not agree with a word you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it -Voltaire.

On one hand, I can see where he's coming from if he doesn't support the war. He need revolting opinions to draw people to their side, and he reasons that if it's a bloodbath for us, an outcry will result. Furthermore, we are a pretty easy target for stuff like that. Oh well, it's like those professors at the U of R, people who supported him will slowly back away when they see the negative press.

My 0.02$

No charges yet for writer of anti-Semitic blog posts
Stewart Bell , National Post
07 June 2010

TORONTO — Three months after police launched an investigation into a Canadian who uses a website to call for a genocide of Jews, no charges have been laid and he has continued to advocate for racist violence.

According to sources familiar with the case, Ontario Provincial Police have completed their investigation and it is now in the office of Ontario Attorney-General Chris Bentley, who must decide whether to proceed with charges.

In the meantime, the subject of the investigation, Salman Hossain of Mississauga, Ont., has left Canada but continues to advocate for the mass killing of Jews on a U.S.-based conspiracy theory website.

“The Jews and their allies as a collective must be exterminated,” reads a May. 19 post that bears Mr. Hossain’s byline. “A proper invasion and genocide/slaughter is necessary to punish them,” it adds. “We must kill them off. As many of them as possible.”

Advocating genocide is illegal under Canadian law but Mr. Hossain — who calls himself “a regular Muslim supporting the jihad overseas” and a “buddy/acquaintance” of the Toronto 18 terrorists — has a history of making provocative statements on the Internet.

In 2007, after he called for terrorist attacks in Canada, supported the killing of Canadian soldiers and made offensive comments about Jews, he was investigated by CSIS, RCMP and OPP but no charges were ever laid.

Mr. Bentley told the Canadian Jewish Congress on Oct. 1, 2009 that Mr. Hossain was not charged because he had refrained from making such statements for over a year and was undergoing rehabilitation.

But Mr. Bentley promised to streamline the process for approving hate-related charges and said decisions regarding whether to prosecute would be made within 60 days of police submitting a request for charges.

“At that time we were assured that a new process was being put into place that would lead to a more speedy determination,” Bernie Farber, CEO of the CJC, said in an interview on Monday.

“Unfortunately, this most recent investigation has been moving at glacial speed which calls into question that assurance of a more streamlined process.”

The National Post reported on March 1 that police were again investigating Mr. Hossain. The Bangladesh-born Canadian was subsequently suspended from York University and left the country.

“I do not believe in ‘Canadian’ values whatever they mean,” he wrote on his website. “I forfeit my Canadian citizenship and will not literally participate in their fabricated judicial system.”

He did not respond to interview requests but his “official spokesman” wrote in an e-mail to a Post reporter: “You need to stop your harassment of Mr. Hossin, because he's not the only one calling for your execution you rat faced scumbag k*** mother f***er … Every last Jew on planet earth needs executed IMMEDIATELY.”

This is to bring all on-line as to what this Salmon Hossain has been writing.
I personally find it quite sickening to know that he can actually continue.
Reproduced under the Fair Comment provisions of the Copyright Act:

“…a genocide should be perpetrated against the Jewish populations of North America and Europe.” Salman Hossain, Feb. 11, 2010.

“All Jews are treasonous terrorists, and the punishment includes death. Time to break out the rope and balance the scales of justice.” Posted using the email of “Arman Hossain,” March 8, 2010.

“The Final Solution will be to eliminate the Terrorist Jewish community via mass executions from the face of this earth.” April 1, 2010.

“This is precisely why we need to start carrying out a genocide against the Jewish people … Their permanent extinction is the only solution.” April 26, 2010.

“Jews around the United States, Canada and Europe should start getting rounded up and executed via acts of collective punishment.” May 2, 2010.

“…the Jewish people … deserve nothing less than permanent extinction.” May 6, 2010.

“Jewry in America should be ready for a permanent extinction which no other group has ever seen before it.” May 7, 2010.

“The Jews and their allies as a collective must be exterminated.” Salman Hossain, May 19, 2010.

“We must kill them off. As many of them as possible.” Salman Hossain, May 19, 2010.

“We must bring the war to the West … Millions of the Western populations have to be killed off and permanently suffering with nuclear radiation since they openly cooperate with the Jews in the war on Islam.” Salman Hossain, May 19, 2010.

“It would be my ultimate wet dream to see half the population of the United States (150 million) and one third of Canadians (11 million) get slaughtered.” Salman Hossain, May 19, 2010.

Wow!! Hateful little Sh!t isn't he. Glad he left the country. Hopefully he goes somewhere that he ends up looking down a 120mm smooth bore just before he hears "load canister"  "Fire"
Tank Troll said:
Wow!! Hateful little Sh!t isn't he. Glad he left the country. Hopefully he goes somewhere that he ends up looking down a 120mm smooth bore just before he hears "load canister"  "Fire"
Okay, while I agree he's obviously sick, twisted, and absolutely wrong in his opinions, suggesting he get killed for it makes you no better than he.
Nauticus said:
Okay, while I agree he's obviously sick, twisted, and absolutely wrong in his opinions, suggesting he get killed for it makes you no better than he.

Not suggesting any thing.........................just hoping, and because I hope for him what he advocates for 500 million people makes me no better than him! Wow odd set of scales you have. Every one here is talking about freedom of speech, I've earned my right to it. What has he done to to earn his right? Nothing, however because he lives here (or lived here) he is still untiled to it and is protected the same way that I am. I'm good with that.
Nauticus said:
Okay, while I agree he's obviously sick, twisted, and absolutely wrong in his opinions, suggesting he get killed for it makes you no better than he.
Call me twisted and sick then. I prefer to see him on the WRONG end of a .50 cal sniper rifle. :sniper2:

In fact...I'd love to see what's left over.
If we're forming a sick and twisted club, I guess I'll sign up... Toss the little sociopath prick on a red ant hill.
quoted from wikipedia

3rd largest navy when ww2 ended
4th largest air force  "    "
canada alone
Many things in our history remind Canadians that we have definitely NOT always been "best friends" with the US. From the incursions during the American Revolution, the War of 1812 and the Fenian crisis, at least three generations of white, Anglo-Saxon Canadians grew up fearing the US and fretting about Free Trade and Manifest Destiny

As we mature(matured-my insert-scotyb) as nation (don't forget, we really only became a "country", as opposed to an autonomous colony, in 1931...), we need to remember that countries don't really have "friends": they have interests.
canada doesnt bitchslap we kick serious ass(check my ref to pbi's post)
just my 2CENTS
best regards to all
scoty b


Mid Aged Silverback said:
Call me twisted and sick then. I prefer to see him on the WRONG end of a .50 cal sniper rifle. :sniper2:

In fact...I'd love to see what's left over.

Kat Stevens said:
If we're forming a sick and twisted club, I guess I'll sign up... Toss the little sociopath prick on a red ant hill.

Gentlemen, we went through this type of BS a few years ago with army.ca posters invoking their death wishes on people - AND IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE CONDUCT. This is your warning, and for others who may think of posting similar comments.

Milnet.ca Staff

OPP set to charge Muslim extremist; 'Ready to kill'; Man called for 'liquidation' of Jews in Web posts
Stewart Bell
National Post
08 July 2010

Over the past three years, Salman Hossain has openly called for terrorist attacks in Canada, cheered the killing of Canadian troops in Afghanistan and urged fellow Muslims to "exterminate" Canada's Jewish population.

When police started showing up at his suburban home in Mississauga in 2007, he was not chastened. He wrote that he "honestly got a kick out of pissing off the RCMP.... HAHAHA.... You can't charge me for possessing a thought."

Canadian authorities have apparently heard enough of Mr. Hossain's thoughts. Ontario Provincial Police have scheduled a news conference for this afternoon to announce the results of a lengthy investigation into the young extremist.

He is expected to face charges of promoting hatred and, quite possibly, advocating a genocide. If so, it would mark the first time an advocating genocide charge has been prosecuted in Canada. The charges relate to hundreds of racist comments Mr. Hossain has posted on the Internet.

In an indication of the significance of the case, outgoing OPP Commissioner Julian Fantino, Deputy Commissioner Vince Hawkes and Canadian Jewish Congress CEO Bernie Farber are all scheduled to attend the 2 p.m. news conference in Toronto, along with members of the OPP Operations Intelligence Bureau.

The announcement comes nine months after Ontario Attorney-General Chris Bentley told the Jewish community the Crown had decided not to proceed with charges against Mr. Hossain because he was in a rehabilitation program to correct his behaviour.

Far from being rehabilitated, however, Mr. Hossain has only become more outspoken since then. He now openly urges Muslims to organize an invasion of Canada to overthrow the "Jewish run Canadian government" and begin the "mass extermination" of Canada's Jews.

While Mr. Hossain will face criminal charges, arresting him will be more complicated. He left the country before the OPP investigation was completed and is now in South Asia, where he continues to advocate racist violence on his U.S.-based website.

"Yes, I am a fanatic," he wrote in one of his recent posts from abroad. "I am ready to kill millions." Last week, he wrote, "We must never cease in our efforts to eliminate the Jewish people from the face of the earth. Their permanent liquidation and destruction is the only solution."

Under Canada's hate propaganda law, it is illegal to advocate or promote a genocide against an identifiable group. Offenders face up to five years imprisonment for each count. The law has been on the books for decades, but it has never been used.

Canada's only genocide trials to date have involved suspects accused of mass atrocities abroad, in countries such as Rwanda. The government has also deported suspected war criminals on the grounds they were complicit in genocides.

But Mr. Hossain's repeated calls for the mass killings of Jews may have prompted the Crown to put the genocide law to its first test. All charges under the hate propaganda section of the Criminal Code require the approval of the provincial Attorney-General.

In addition to filing charges, the OPP could use the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty to ask its law enforcement partners in the United States to shut down the website that posts Mr. Hossain's alleged hate materials.

Mr. Hossain did not respond to an email asking whether he would return voluntarily to Canada to face charges, but his "official spokesman" told a Post reporter on May 21: "You need to stop your harassment of Mr. Hossin, because he's not the only one calling for your execution you rat faced scumbag ... Every last Jew on planet earth needs [sic] executed IMMEDIATELY ..."

Born in Bangladesh, Mr. Hossain immigrated to Canada with his father and mother, who once told a reporter her son was "stupid, an idiot and immature." Online, he has described himself as "a regular Muslim supporting the jihad overseas" and a friend of the Toronto 18 terrorists who have pleaded guilty to plotting attacks in southern Ontario.

The RCMP and CSIS started investigating Mr. Hossain at least three years ago, when he began calling for terrorist attacks in Canada. In response, students at the University of Toronto Mississauga launched a campaign to have him expelled.

The OPP hate crimes and extremism unit also investigated and brought a case to the Crown but Mr. Bentley told the Canadian Jewish Congress on Oct. 1, 2009, that no charges would be laid because Mr. Hossain was in a program to help him understand and rectify his behaviour and had refrained from making similar statements for over a year.

Shortly after Mr. Bentley's announcement, Mr. Hossain resurfaced on Filthy Jewish Terrorists, a conspiracy theory website, with headlines such as "The Jews and the West must be nuked" and "The destruction of the West is the only way to exterminate the Jews."

On the website, Mr. Hossain uses terminology reminiscent of the far right and neo-Nazis, writing that "a genocide should be perpetrated against the Jewish populations of North America and Europe." Another post on the site reads, "we need to start carrying out genocide against the Jewish people ... Their permanent extermination is the only solution."

York University suspended Mr. Hossain after the National Post reported he was under investigation. "I do not believe in 'Canadian' values whatever they mean," he responded on his website. "I forfeit my Canadian citizenship and will not literally participate in their fabricated judicial system."

Canada does not have an extradition treaty with Bangladesh, but Ottawa could still ask Dhaka to arrest and return him to stand trial. At the very least, the approval of charges means he will be immediately arrested if he sets foot in Canada again.

"We are unable to comment on whether we could proceed with such a request in the abstract and in the absence of a formal request for extradition which would have to be assessed based on all of the relevant circumstances," said Paula Creighan, a spokeswoman at the Department of Justice. "Such matters would be assessed on a case-by-case basis."

Commisioner Fantino, who is stepping down next month, was closely involved in the investigation of Mr. Hossain. He said in an interview in May that he felt the website was "crossing the line significantly" and the investigation was a "high priority."


  • June 3, 2006 Police arrest 17 people for plotting terrorist attacks in southern Ontario. Salman Hossain writes about his relationship with some of them on the website Haloscan. "I also talk about jihad overseas," he writes, "all the time."
  • Sept. 5, 2007 German police arrest terrorists plotting to bomb a military base. Mr. Hossain writes that "Muslim militants" should also attack Canada and supports the killing of Canadian troops. "When do I get to shoot a few Jews down," he adds.
  • Sept. 11,2007 Mr. Hossain writes that CSIS and RCMP officers have spoken to him over his call for terrorist attacks in Canada. Undeterred, he repeats them and adds that violence against the Jewish community "would knock some sense into the community at large."
  • Sept. 12, 2007 "The RCMP has put me the subject of an investigation," he writes. "Harper is a Jew," he writes of the Prime Minister.
  • Dec. 27, 2007 Defence Minister Peter MacKay visits Afghanistan. "I pray that the Taliban kill our Mackay motherf---er," Mr. Hossain writes.
  • Jan. 30, 2008 The National Post reports that Mr. Hossain is under police investigation. Fellow University of Toronto students campaign to have him expelled.
  • Feb. 9,2009 Mr. Hossain emails a National Post reporter: "Count your days goodbye motherf---er!!!" He also wrote that he hoped for the "extermination" of Jews.
  • June 29, 2009 The OPP says that there were insufficient grounds to lay charges against Mr. Hossain.
  • July 29, 2009 Canadian Jewish Congress meets Attorney-General Chris Bentley to complain.
  • Sept. 24, 2009 The website Filthy Jewish Terrorists is registered.
  • Oct. 1, 2009 Attorney-General Chris Bentley writes to the Canadian Jewish Congress, explaining that Mr. Hossain was not charged because he had not posted offensive statements online for a year and was undergoing rehabilitation to rectify his offensive behaviour. But he acknowledged the case had taken too long and promised that future decisions on whether to prosecute hate crimes would be made within 60 days of police submitting a request for charges.
  • Feb. 11, 2009 Salman Hossain writes on Filthy Jewish Terrorists that "...a genocide should be perpetrated against the Jewish populations of North America and Europe." The website identifies him as the administrator.
  • March 2, 2010 The National Post reports that Mr. Hossain has returned online and is again the subject of a police investigation.
  • March 8, 2010 York University suspends Mr. Hossain and orders him to appear before a tribunal.
  • May 19, 2010 He says he has left Canada. "The Jews and their allies as a collective must be exterminated ... We must kill them off. As many of them as possible."
  • June 6, 2010 "The Jews and their allies as a collective must be exterminated."
  • June 9, 2010 "Yes, I am a fanatic. I am ready to kill millions ... am I an extremist? Yes, I am."
  • June 10, 2010 "We will bring the war to the West." He calls on Muslims to attack Canada, Australia, Britain, Denmark, France, Germany and the United States. "Our prime targets will be any major cities with Jews residing in them."
  • June 11, 2010 "The mass executions and/or expulsion of the Jews from the Americas and Europe will have to begin as soon as possible."
  • June 14, 2010 "The only solution to this Jewish problem is their permanent elimination."
  • June 18, 2010 "Now I am advocating violent regime change in Western nations in order to remove the presence of Jews ... of course such regime changes will result in the slaughter of Jews."
  • June 24, 2010 "We must immediately start slaughtering Jews en masse."
  • July 8, 2010 -- The OPP is expected to announce charges against Mr. Hossain.
I agree with his mother: he is stupid.  He has fled Canada and is spewing his hatred over an American based website.  I guess he doesn't figure other agencies will target him, perhaps for termination with extreme prejudice.  >:D  He would have been safer staying in Canada.

Anyway......Good riddance.
I don't think he would have been safer in Canada. That's why he fled. We have laws that protect
people from this type of lowlife. The Criminal Code provides enough clout to bring those responsible
to stand before a Judge. Better known as "Hate speech laws".
Personally speaking, I think this is one man that should stand trial. He takes great pleasure in
the things that he says. More on hate crimes can be found on the link.
Actually, he would be safer in Canada.  We have laws that protect this type of lowlife.  Other nations do not, and depending on what nation he has fled to, he may be an easy target. 
Some day, some where he will find out that there are others in this world who believe talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. Unfortunately for him this leasson will come to late and the next time we hear about him it will be postmortem
George Wallace said:
Actually, he would be safer in Canada.  We have laws that protect this type of lowlife.  Other nations do not, and depending on what nation he has fled to, he may be an easy target.

What laws protect this individual?  Unless I'm reading this wrong

The Criminal Code of Canada
Sections 318, 319, and 320 of the Code forbid hate propaganda.[3] "Hate propaganda" means "any writing, sign or visible representation that advocates or promotes genocide or the communication of which by any person would constitute an offence under section 319."
Section 318 prescribes imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years for anyone who advocates genocide. The Code defines genocide as the destruction of an "identifiable group." The Code defines an "identifiable group" as "any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation." Section 319 prescribes penalties from a fine to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years for anyone who incites hatred against any identifiable group. Section 320 allows a judge to confiscate publications which appear to be hate propaganda. Under section 319, an accused is not guilty: (a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true; (b) if, in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text; (c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true; or (d) if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred toward an identifiable group in Canada
News release (highlights mine):
Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) have charged a Mississauga man under a seldom-used section of the Criminal Code of Canada governing hate crimes.

At a news conference in Toronto, Commissioner Julian FANTINO and members of the Provincial Operations Intelligence Bureau's Hate Crimes Extremism Unit outlined details of the charges against 25-year-old Salman An-Noor HOSSAIN. A five-month investigation revealed that a website and blog operated by Mr. HOSSAIN contained information that, among other things, wilfully promoted hatred and advocated genocide of the Jewish community.

Mr. HOSSAIN is charged with:

    -  Wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group,
        Section 319.2 - three (3) counts
    -  Advocate or promote genocide against an identifiable group,
        Section 318.1 - two (2) counts

One of the counts of wilfully promote hatred against an identifiable group involved information placed by Mr. HOSSAIN on a third-party website.

"Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms includes the right to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly," said OPP Commissioner Julian FANTINO. "But we must not stand idly by when these rights are used as a shield to promote hatred against any community."

"This complex investigation is a tribute to the commitment of members of the Hate Crimes Extremism Unit," added Deputy Commissioner Vince HAWKES, Provincial Commander of Investigations and Organized Crime. "The OPP is confident we'll continue to find those responsible for committing any act motivated by hate and bring them to justice."

Representatives of the Canadian Jewish Congress and B'nai Brith Canada were also in attendance.
Can't wait to see the defence's arguments.
"Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms includes the right to freedom of speech and freedom of assembly," said OPP Commissioner Julian FANTINO. "But we must not stand idly by when these rights are used as a shield to promote hatred against any community"

This quote should also stand in regards to the latest "black block" anarchists activity in Toronto.
It seems to me that every time I turn around I hear the same thing, "MY RIGHTS...MY RIGHTS".
After of which they so blatently violated someone elses' rights. It's sickening. Somewhere, sometime,
somehow, someone must draw the line.
What happened to the expression, "The buck stops here"