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Incindental Expense Allowance [Merged]

recceguy said:

I'm (and the other Mods) are glad you're around. We can always count on you to finally step in and ground the thread with the actual 'section and verse'. BZ to you. :salute:

Absolutely.  ESPECIALLY retired RMS Clks like me who sometimes like to think we know what we're talking about - only to be reminded that we're out of date!!  I always appreciate PO2FinClk's corrections when I stray out of my lane (even though I still THINK it's my lane!!)

navychick77 said:
If no advance is taken on a TD claim then it does not actually need to be settled for upwards of six months.

My TD claims are usualy worth  US$ 1500 or more so if, for some reason, i was rich enough to go without an advance, i would seriously have issue with an OR that took 6 months to get me my money.......

Lucky for me, my OR is on the ball
CDN Aviator said:
My TD claims are usualy worth  US$ 1500 or more so if, for some reason, i was rich enough to go without an advance, i would seriously have issue with an OR that took 6 months to get me my money.......

Lucky for me, my OR is on the ball

Amen to that, my SOR is the same. I had my money from an extended trip to Ottawa in less than 2 weeks, freezing rain kept us there for 4 nights longer than we planned, it was in the $1500 range as well. I would be torqued if they didn't get it processed quickly. It's not like it's pay, it's reimbursement for expenses you've already paid on your own dime.
Ergo the reason that I am absolutely baffled that this would be regarded as ACCEPTABLE anywhere, in any OR, in any environment, in either the RegF or the ResF.

Action them as you get them. It's just that simple. Oooops, buddy didn't show up in the OR until 16 hours before his advance was due to be recovered so other people who actually did what they are supposed to get bumped?? Who's fault is that?? It's buddies fault. Put his claim exactly where it should be, right underneath those ones you've already got to action and action it when it makes it's way to the top of the pile. If that happens to be after recovery action is taken ... so be friggin' it -- I'd be adressing that little fact with his supervisor. I guarantee he'll not make the same mistake again. I hate babysitters, the CF is supposed to be comprised of adults last time I checked.

It's baffling that those who do the proper thing, get bumped. That's not acceptable.
My previous unit and my new unit , do not give us claim advances as were are supposed to have that stupid AMEX card. I hate having the card as it seems one more thing to worry about.

I like cash advances but I just follow policy.
It doesn't matter if you're reg or reserve
How's about 2 months+ for a return?
That's how long it took for my claim for travel to KAF to be finalized
..and that's with buggin' Gagetown MPSS weekly a month after I got back (not Gagetown's fault BTW, the claim was idling in KAF).
I understand it is one helluva load for the clerks there, and in the middle of a rotation to boot, but that's ridiculous
Sometimes there's no accounting for other peoples actions (or in-actions for that matter)
HFXCrow said:
My previous unit and my new unit , do not give us claim advances as were are supposed to have that stupid AMEX card. I hate having the card as it seems one more thing to worry about.

I like cash advances but I just follow policy.

Local policy for sure.......

I have AMEX as well but unless its a last minute trip, i dont leave without an advance.

Time to wade in.

All members of the Reg and Res Force must now have a DWAN account.  They must have access to Outlook on the DIN, as soon as possible after they are 'enlisted'.

For you who have not yet been introduced to CLAIMS - X.......wait for it.

All members of the CF are now expected to do their own claims by using ClaimsX.  Prior to departure the member is responsible to fill out their itinerary, accommodations and rations, advances, etc.  They will then submit their 'draft' claim (Claim in progress) electronically to their authorizing authority (Usually their Unit Fin Clerk) and then PRINT it.   This printout is taken to the OR for an authorizing signature and then is used as the "Route Letter".   On their return, the member will call up their claim in progress and complete it.   They will once again print it, and attach all their receipts to it.  They submit it again electronically, and bring in the 'Finished' Claim that they printed to the OR, replacing the first page with the first page of their draft claim/Route Letter which has the authorizing signatures.  

If there is a problem with your Direct Deposit, as was mentioned in a previous post, the member will receive an email from Ottawa requesting Banking information to be Faxed to them.  In my case, my Fin Clerk had kept the samples of our VOID cheques on record and it was a simple matter of faxing a copy off to the number provided in the email.

The Direct Deposit does not take very long and is usually in you bank account in less than 12 days.  

Any prolonged delays in Claims today are not usually the result of the System, but of the member not submitting the required documentation.

For those who have yet to be introduced to ClaimsX, your day is coming soon.  It can be a very frustrating procedure when you first get into it, but in the end, it greatly speeds up the process.  When you first load it on your computer, logoff before you try to use it or you will get error messages and be tempted to throw your monitor out a window, over a cubicle or off a bridge.  Make sure you have all your Banking info ready when you first logon, and be prepared to have to Fax it off to Ottawa.  Once you are set, you can go in and review all your claims over the years.

Because of processes like ClaimsX and Security Clearances, all members of the CF must now have a DWAN account as soon as they join.
George Wallace said:
All members of the CF are now expected to do their own claims by using ClaimsX.

You could not be further from the truth George.  I certainly do not do my own claims, the SOR does that.  When its ready for pickup, they email me. The only thing ClaimsX has changed for me is that now, i have to go back to the OR when the staff there are done finalizing my claim and sign it before i can get my money.  I used to just sign it when i brought it back saving everyone a visit to the OR

As I said........"Wait for it!"

You will soon be doing everything yourself, except the signatures.
George Wallace said:
As I said........"Wait for it!"

You will soon be doing everything yourself, except the signatures.

Been dealing with ClaimsX for months.......
If you have, then you have some of the 'nicest' Clerks in the CF or one's who really don't trust you to know how to fill in blank forms.

I don't mind having a Clerk do it all for me..........I'm not a Clerk, but times are changing, and now I can control my own Claims........next my Pay!  >:D
George Wallace said:
If you have, then you have some of the 'nicest' Clerks in the CF or one's who really don't trust you to know how to fill in blank forms.

George, i think i work in differing circumstances.  I dont go on TD twice a year...more like twice a month. The crew lists change right up to the day before deployement and sometimes during the night before. Whe we need a part on the other side of the planet, the poor private technician who has to fly comercial to bring them gets to have his claim and bookings done by the duty clerk. Yes, i do have some of the best clerks available. Heck, i already have my claim for next week and my advance is already DFT'ed !!

next my Pay!   >:D

Now that is crazy talk
Actually George for a lot of units there is no other way to make it work other than to leave the task in the OR. If you have regular access to your DWAN account, fine, but if not (for example someone returning from leave and going straight to the field or other task), then how else could it get done in a timely way?
All I'm getting at is that people need to be prepared for possible delays, but if they see them happening to not let it drift.
No ClaimsX at my last location in the Orderly Room ... although they did try to push it out to us.

But, with the head cashier being in a different province (thus one would need an entire claim all by itself just to go turn in the claim to get an advance on the advance for the advance!!), they eventually agreed that the best and most efficient system for us and the personnel we support would be to allow us to continue with our standing advance kept in civie bank account. We then draft the cheques off that account.
don't they push the AMEX card on you for advances! I haven't had an advance on a claim in 5 yrs.

HFXCrow said:
don't they push the AMEX card on you for advances! I haven't had an advance on a claim in 5 yrs.

Nope.....my AMEX is there for those trips where i make an unplanned landing away from home or very last minute trips where theres just no time to have claims made and advances drawn.  The rest of the time i get a cash advance (for US funds) or DFT
I envy you, I would like to cut the card up.

I wonder if there is a National Policy on this, or just units SOP's?
HFXCrow said:
I wonder if there is a National Policy on this, or just units SOP's?

PO2finclerk can hopefully shed some light on that for you next time hes around. I suspect your situation is a unit SOP.
CDN Aviator said:
PO2finclerk can hopefully shed some light on that for you next time hes around. I suspect your situation is a unit SOP.

Corporate VISAs are the answer for those of us in MH. All aircraft captains have had to do an expenditure management course since the new thing for us will be a Visa issued to the AC to pay for fuel, rental cars, lodgings for the crew, etc. The only thing people will be paying for will be meals, pretty much everything else goes on the Visa and it's billed to the Sqn.