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"I'd do it again if I had to."


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COURAGE: Charles Augusto Jr., yesterday at his Harlem shop, made good on the warning above him. "They had a chance to leave," he said.
Last updated: 5:50 am
Posted: 3:32 am
August 15, 2009

"I'd do it again if I had to." Those were the first defiant words out of no-nonsense businessman Charles Augusto Jr.'s mouth yesterday as he came back to work less than 24 hours after opening fire with his trusty shotgun on four robbers -- killing two of them.

The four men had picked the wrong shop -- and the wrong man -- to mess with. And they would have known it had they read the prophetic words from Dante's "Divine Comedy" written in marker above the door: "Abandon all hope all ye who enter here."

The thugs entered a world of hurt when they barged into Augusto's Harlem restaurant-supply shop, Kaplan Bros. Blue Flame Corp., Thursday afternoon, pulling out a 9mm pistol and pistol-whipping an employee as they demanded cash. "I told them there wasn't any money. 'Take your gun, put it in your pocket, and go home.' They had a chance to leave," Augusto said. But they didn't listen.

So Augusto, 72 -- known to most as "Gus" -- channeled his inner Dirty Harry and pulled out the Remington shotgun he had hidden under his desk for 20 years. He opened fire three times, peppering all four men with buckshot. "I did what I had to do," he said. "It wasn't my choice; it was their choice."

The wounded men tried to run but didn't make it far. The man armed with the pistol, 29-year-old James Morgan -- who had a long rap sheet with nine prior arrests -- took the first shot directly to his face and made it only as far as the shop door before crumpling dead to the ground.

A second man, Raylin Footman, 21 -- who had a prior arrest for robbery and a relative who was a cop -- made it across 125th Street before collapsing. He'd died by the time he was taken to a hospital.

The other two, Bernard Witherspoon and Shamel McCloud, both 21, were picked up by police nearby and taken to St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital. They are expected to survive. Both are to be arraigned today on robbery charges.

Sitting at his desk in the middle of his shop, marred by bloodstains and with bullet holes in the windows, Augusto said he felt bad about what happened.  "I had to shoot them. It was a tough thing to do," he said. "I have to live with that. I'm sad that there are mothers and fathers who lost sons."

But Augusto's beaten employee -- who would only give his name as J.B. -- had little sympathy.  "S- - - went real bad for them, not for me," he said. "I'm breathing. They dead."  The 35-year-old had nothing but praise for his boss.  "I know Gus is a good dude. He's looked out for me since I was 19," he said. "He saved my life, man."

Augusto said: "I don't feel like a hero. I would have felt like a hero if I'd talked that kid down and into going home."  It wasn't the first time lowlifes had tried to rob Augusto. After a robbery 20 years ago, he bought the pump-action shotgun and stuck it under his desk. Until Thursday, he'd never had to use it.  "I hadn't touched it all this time. I didn't even know if it would work," he said. "I never fired it all this time."  But he left it loaded, just in case.

"If every single citizen were allowed to hold a gun, there would be less carjackings and robberies," he said.  Augusto's gun was properly registered with police, and he does not face any charges, authorities said.

The Coast Guard vet, who was born in Yonkers and lives with his wife of 48 years in Irvington, Westchester County, said he had been selling commercial kitchen equipment for nearly 50 years and had no intention of quitting.

"What's the worst they could do? Shoot me? I guess so. I'm not going to lay down and die. I'm just not going to," he said. J.B. said his boss likes to do things "the old-fashioned way."  "Of course, he's going to keep open," he said.

Augusto and his employees tried to get back to business as usual yesterday, although it wasn't easy. When a woman came to place a candle outside the shop, J.B. angrily kicked it across the pavement.
"Who's this for?" he demanded of the startled woman. "For the guy who died? F- - - him!"

Additional reporting by Lachlan Cartwright, Shari Logan and Larry Celona

Good for him.

No offense, 5parta, but your post would have been easier to read with spaces between the paragraphs.
PMedMoe said:
Good for him.

I agree.
"Sitting at his desk in the middle of his shop, marred by bloodstains and with bullet holes in the windows"
It must have been a bloodbath in there.
Reminiscent of the "Subway Vigilante". Four on the floor, but all survived. Two of the four in this case were D.O.A.
I like the line at the bottom of the story, "Do you know someone who has made New York a better place?"
Good on him.

It's a good thing this didn't happen in Canada.  The store owner would find his behind in jail somewhere, facing multiple charges - starting with "improper storage of a firearm", "possessing an unregistered weapon", and no doubt - "wrongful death".

He may be nominated for something called a "Liberty Medal":
mariomike said:
He may be nominated for something called a "Liberty Medal":

That seems to be only a poll on a blog-type forum.
PMedMoe said:
That seems to be only a poll on a blog-type forum.

There's a bit more about The Liberty Medal here:
There is a photo of Mayor Bloomberg with members of NYC Emergency Services, and civilian recipients.

Roy Harding said:
It's a good thing this didn't happen in Canada.  The store owner would find his behind in jail somewhere, facing multiple charges - starting with "improper storage of a firearm", "possessing an unregistered weapon", and no doubt - "wrongful death".

You're wrong about one charge, he had the shotty properly registered... And he "could have" had a trigger-lock on it, possibly negating your "improper storage" charge...

In reality though, that's what's wrong about our "Laws"... They protect the criminals more than the innocent...

Bring the 'Castle Law' to Canada, I say... This shouldn't even be a debate...

mariomike said:
Sometimes the good guys win:

I remember the Kessler thing when it happened.  Don't forget that this took place in 1986 - BEFORE the Gun Registry and accompanying silliness.  And also don't forget that Mr. Kessler WAS charged - but a jury wouldn't convict him.  If he hadn't had public support and dollars, I'm not sure he could have mounted the same legal defence.

Note that the storekeeper in New York is NOT being charged with anything (as far as I can tell in the news story).
FishOuttaWater said:
Bring the 'Castle Law' to Canada, I say... This shouldn't even be a debate...

I agree with that statement 100%. If someone wants to break into my home, they should be ready to receive the same sort of treatment they would most likely give my family and I.

MAMS_933 said:
I agree with that statement 100%. If someone wants to break into my home,

Or my car, my shed, my dog-kennel, any of my neighbors' equivalent, my business...

MAMS_933 said:
...they should be ready to receive the same sort of treatment they would most likely give my family and I.

Or worse...

FishOuttaWater said:
Or my car, my shed, my dog-kennel, any of my neighbors' equivalent, my business...

Or worse...


Does it cover your neighbors property?? I know that there was the man in Texas, Joe Horn, who killed the two guys who broke into his neighbor's house and in the end was given a no bill. It's been quite the controversy about whether he was within his rights or not.

I wouldn't be quite so concerned about the law covering my car,unless my family or I was in it, or my garage. Break into my house with my family or me in it though. It's on. :threat:
MAMS_933 said:
Does it cover your neighbors property?? I know that there was the man in Texas, Joe Horn, who killed the two guys who broke into his neighbor's house and in the end was given a no bill. It's been quite the controversy about whether he was within his rights or not.

I wouldn't be quite so concerned about the law covering my car,unless my family or I was in it, or my garage. Break into my house with my family or me in it though. It's on. :threat:

I know exactely what you're refering to... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7jqLie6-Y0

I agree with what to be "concerned with", your home & family... But I also applaude that guy...

For reference purposes only, some may dismiss the linked website as invalid, but I find it for the most part accurate...

MAMS_933 said:
I know that there was the man in Texas, Joe Horn, who killed the two guys who broke into his neighbor's house and in the end was given a no bill.

There was also the Yoshihiro Hattori case in Louisiana:
Bank managers used to have guns at their disposal, but not any more.
mariomike said:
There was also the Yoshihiro Hattori case in Louisiana:
Bank managers used to have guns at their disposal, but no any more.

Relevant, maybe. Tragic, definately. But the Hattori case shouldn't be used as a tool to strengthen gun-bans (if that's what you're implying), more so regulations governing ownership (in America).

I think that old man was crazy... How many burglars show up in Tuxedos, and walk-away after simply knocking... And the American Justice-system failed (Hattori) as much as any Gun-Laws did.

FishOuttaWater said:
But the Hattori case shouldn't be used as a tool to strengthen gun-bans (if that's what you're implying),

No, I was not implying that.