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How to waste your money on kit


Army.ca Myth
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Tired of wasting all your money at the bar or on xbox games? Here's a few pieces of kit I managed to dump a lot of money on.
Some of them are usefull, others not at all. (Yes because im bored)


I went out and got Vibram soles (Right boot) put on both pairs of my combat boots. They were so amazing that when I wore those boots out I dished out the $75 each and put them on my new boots. Yes you can get the army to pay for it but it's a long process and if you don't really need the army to pay for them, don't be a cheap bastard. Buy them yourself. Thats why we don't have money for tanks!
While in petawawa getting a tatoo I stopped by a shoe store and picked up a pair of Magnum Stealths (left boot).
If Vibram soles make combat boots into running shoes, well I don't know what these do but it's amazing. Unbelievable how light they are.  Pretty cheap at $130 too.  It's probably a safe bet getting a chit to say your allowed to wear these. (easy to get).  They also have goretex versions at $179 and Danners which run $300 something or another.


(  http://www.msrcorp.com/stoves/pocket_rocket.asp  )
"pcket rocket" stove. 
[Careful when doing a search for pocket rockets, my wife came in ad an inoppertune time and asked me what th ehell i was looking at on the net)
For what a reservists makes in a night you can pick one of these up. $50 or so. (supposing you don't dump it right back into the mess]
I got mine at the 1RCR kit shop. Their great.  Heat up your rations, soup, coffee, water for shaving. Quick and painless. I think it only weights 3 ounces and the disposable butane/propane bottles cost about $5-$7 and they burn for about 2 hours.  I didn't even use a whole bottle using it every day on Stalwart Guardian. With those white tablits hard to come by and the MRE heaters being useless a lot of the time, these are great.

Sleeping bag

(  http://www.snugpak.com/30_codegreen/31_01_softie3merlin.htm  )
Merlin 3 snugpack.  $200 
Picked that up from 1rcr also. It makes a great summer sleeping back. It compacts into a little ball and it's good to about 0c. Mix it with a ranger blanket and bivy back and your probably good for a little lower.  You can get different snugpacks that are rated for lower temps.  It's amazing how much room this thing saves.

Finally (and a serious waste of cash)

(  http://store.yahoo.com/topsknivesstore/tombrowtrac.html  )

Tom brown 'tracker' survival knife (or anti tank, anti-bear,anti car door etc..)
I commented that I liked this knife and my wife decided to pick it up for me (She's looking for brownie points, she wants a diamond ring with ear rings, got it for christmas for me)
It's a beautiful beautiful knife. Unfortinuately this huge knife also costs $300 give or take  (With exchange, customs, shipping)
I have no idea what i'm going to do with this. I can't use it at work. Well I can try but everone will tell me to put it in my ruck. And i'll also get pegged a wannabe or something.  ww3 hasn't hit yet so I don't need to live off the land.  The knife is pretty cool when you read up about it. Has a chopping blade used like a hatchet. Regular blade portion for cutting, skilling. A hook for gutting animals. A saw for trees. Wire cutter ont he blade. Spear point too.
Of course i'm lying to myself, I'll never use it for anything other than trying to throw it through various things, I'll just hide it in my locker when i go to work and tell my wife it's wonderful  ;D
Wow... I drooled over the tracker for weeks after I saw "The Hunted" (terrible movie, not worth the 5 bucks to rent it. Cool knife though). If you don't want it I'll give you $10 for it ;D


Did you pay $75 per boot to put on those Vibrams? Or, did you pay $75 per pair of boots? What kind of Vibram sole do you ask for? Those things look better than the Danners. I always liked the rugged uppers of the MK III's.
Ghost, nice review - how do you rate that Snugpak?  I've been itching to invest, but I've seen mixed opinions on them.  I may opt for the 6.
Nice Knife. I would like to have it for hunting. Bet it would be a beautiful game skinner.
Anyone else blow big bucks on hit?  ;)

jjronnie- It was $75 for the pair of boots. A lot of people are turned off by the price but I'm willing to bet nearly anyone who has wore them will tell you it's worth it. It turns your combat boots into a new boot.  I'm pretty sure their just called Vibram soles. If the shoe store you bring your boots to doesn't know what your talking about I'd try a different store ;)

Infanteer- I like the snugpack a lot. My biggest complaint about it is that it packs down too small. It makes the valese awkward because of the room it leaves and I find myself stuffing it with things to try and even it out.  I may try to get away with using a smaller compression sack as a valese but I doubt that will work.
Some nights I was a little chilly and other nights when people were cold int heir regular sleeping bags I was fine.  I bought the merlin 3 because it was the last one in stock and, well i just wanted it.  I think if I had the chance to I would probably switch to the 6 for that little bit of extra warmth. I doubt the extra size will even be noticable.

Bet it would be a beautiful game skinner.
I think thats one of the funcitions. Theres a little hook for gutting animals then a portion of the blade for scraping the hides later (according to the book it came with)
Ghost778 said:
Anyone else blow big bucks on hit?  
nope. I use what I'm issued, and alter it to make it functional (using supplies found in the system). I see no need to blow my own money on kit, when the CF already does so. They blow enough of my tax money on kit, usually crap, that I see no use in adding to the wasteful expenditure. Besides, I break issued kit, I get new stuff "free". I break my stuff, I'm out cash.
Big Bucks wasted kit? HMMMMMMMMMMM

1989 big ugly velcro watch cover 5 dollars. WASTE OF CASH

1989 Big ugly green velcro wallette 5 dollars waste of cash

1990 poncho liner, 20 DM still have it concieved 2 children on it. Worth the money.

1990 Helmet bag, 40 DM still have it. Never used it since Germany, waste of bucks

1990 American Rain gear. 40 DM. Best damn money I ever spent. T

1990 American jacket liner. 20 DM, still got it don't use it its too small now. Good investment only became obsolete because of the invention of the fleece.

1991 mini mag light 20 DM, Good money still use it at work today.

1991 Goretex socks 90 DM worn once waste of cash.

Now they issue most of this stuff or have better kit replacing it.

Big spender here

One time $750 blow out at PeaceKeeper.com

-$ 249.00Wheeler's Garment Bag (olive drab) use it often for my DEUs going back and forth to Kingston, clothing store.

- $200.00 Wheeler's (CADPAT) Back pack I never hear the end of how much money I spent on this one, but sure is great to have a back pack the same colour as the leaves to bring out to the field. But now I am cursing myself now that they ISSUE small packs.

- $50.00 Wheeler's valice (CADPAT) excellent investment. No more garbage bags, its bigger, water proof, and no more stupid draw strings. I found it easier to work with by cutting out the separation barrier designed to make the valice a two compartment bag. Also is easier to distinguish your ruck from 50 other rucks

-$30.00 Wheeler's bag for the ruck sack. Again, no more garbage bags and lets you put more stuff into the ruck. Good investment.

-$100.00 Wheelers camel back (CADPAT) Its great because its CADPAT but the original Platypus bladder sucked so I replaced it with a real Camel Back bladder.

-$100.00 taxes not a good investment. Probably went to a liberal crony
Ghost778 said:
Infanteer- I like the snugpack a lot. My biggest complaint about it is that it packs down too small. It makes the valese awkward because of the room it leaves and I find myself stuffing it with things to try and even it out.   I may try to get away with using a smaller compression sack as a valese but I doubt that will work.
Some nights I was a little chilly and other nights when people were cold int heir regular sleeping bags I was fine.   I bought the merlin 3 because it was the last one in stock and, well i just wanted it.   I think if I had the chance to I would probably switch to the 6 for that little bit of extra warmth. I doubt the extra size will even be noticable.

Thanks, I'm sold - I need to get away from the issue bag due to allergy to the feathers (wake up every morning with plugged nose and itchy eyes).  The fact that this is compressible makes it even better.

paracowboy said:
nope. I use what I'm issued, and alter it to make it functional (using supplies found in the system). I see no need to blow my own money on kit, when the CF already does so. They blow enough of my tax money on kit, usually crap, that I see no use in adding to the wasteful expenditure. Besides, I break issued kit, I get new stuff "free". I break my stuff, I'm out cash.

Ahh, you've yet to pick up the addiction - and I thought Kev would be rubbing off on you.  ;)
Infanteer said:
Thanks, I'm sold - I need to get away from the issue bag due to allergy to the feathers (wake up every morning with plugged nose and itchy eyes).   The fact that this is compressible makes it even better.

Infanteer do not run out and buy yourself one. If you are allergic to The Bag, get the MIR to give you a chit saying that you're allergic to it. Take it down to your clothing stores and they will purchase a bag for you.

And can someone please PM me with the details for this civy bag so that I can look into it? If it meets the temperature specs, I'll look at buying this one for the troops here that are allergic to feathers etc. Egads....I just bought another one for a guy a couple of weeks ago...

If they have a website address with pics etc, pricing, specs....please!!!

armyvern said:
And can someone please PM me with the details for this civy bag so that I can look into it? If it meets the temperature specs, I'll look at buying this one for the troops here that are allergic to feathers etc. Egads....I just bought another one for a guy a couple of weeks ago...

If they have a website address with pics etc, pricing, specs....please!!!

And while you're at it (whoever you may be) posting it here for everyone to see would be much appreciated.

I don't mind spending good money on good kit. Buying kit for the LCF is usually a bad move, as the hacking you receive from other's is seldom worth it, but having dry warm hands/feet/ass/head is well worth any ribbing you may receive (especially if the hack-er is cold/wet/miserable).

I spent a good chunk of money on kit for various courses (CADPAT FMP cover (not for LCF, but for more water-resistance) was worth it, about $30 in Sharpies (turret monster eats these like candy), gloves of all types and names in search of the Holy Grail of gloves: one that will keep your hands dry and warm, yet will allow you to not have to take them off to write, open pockets, etc. I haven't foun d it yet, but have come semi-close with SealSkinz insulated gloves.

I find that too much of the kit they get tries to be everything for everybody, and doesn't always measure up. The goretex gloves are a good example of this. They are OK, but tried to take too many elements of a lot of gloves, and just jam them all into one glove. I was involved in the trials, and saw where they got all their ideas from. Good idea, but the execution kind of sucked.

One thing that I wish I would have bought earlier in my career was good boots. I always held off on Matterhorns/Danners/Corcorans/etc for 2 reasons: 1) hoping that the Army would provide for me. That one took a lot longer than I would have liked (about 10 years too long). 2) The whims of Sgt Majors. Some would allow them in the field, and then others would say "issue kit only!!!", just so we could ALL be miserable together. I have had Vibram soled boots for quite a while (army paid for it), but after the Mk III's packed it in, I had to get a LPO for Matterhorns (which are nice) because the Mk III's are rarer than hens-teeth now, and went and bought a pair of Corcoran model 1944 (very similar to the Magnums) for ~$170. I wear them, and actually have a chit allowing it, so that will keep SSM's off my back. Definitely worth the spendolies, IMO. So, I am completely Mk III free. Amen to that.

I find that too many people are just plain jealous of those that are willing to spend their own money on kit, especially the kit that has serious deficiencies. Waiting for the system to provide for you isn't worth it, especially in regards to "sniv" kit. And the classic line that I just love, especially in regards to boots is: "What if something happens, like you step on a mine, or have a real bad accident and they have to cut it/them off of you??!?!". I suppose in that case, I'm not going to be too concerned about a pair of boots or a pair of gloves.....

Having just said that, there is some kit that people buy that I don't "get", like big-ass knives, super-techno watches that are accurate within a nano-second every 1000 years, Junior General kits that are a 2 man lift (especially when Pte's buy them), etc. But, as a guy I know says, "Whatever blows your hair back" (and keeps Mark Wheeler in business  ;D )


Another option for sleeping bags if you have issues with feathers.
Allan Luomala said:
bought a pair of Corcoran model 1944 (very similar to the Magnums) for ~$170. Al

The Corcoran 1944 is one of the models that I buy here in Gagetown for the troops with chits. They can choose from quite a few makes and models but these seem to be a very popular choice.
Farmboy said:
Another option for sleeping bags if you have issues with feathers.

Got one -40 rated? That's my purchase specs. I know -40 ...but hey our specs require it can be used in Arctic temps should the need arise....
You just need to get an overbag as well.

With the Ultimate Thule this will take you to -60

The Corcoran 1944 is one of the models that I buy here in Gagetown for the troops with chits.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, Vern: I bought them at Pro-Am (I got the LPO for the Matterhorns when they were out of Mk III's, and bought them there) and buddy said that the 1944 wasn't authorized for purchase (with chit), and he alluded it had to do with the fact that the Base RSM didn't like those style (canvas sides). Maybe it was the old Base Chief, and the new one is a little more accepting of the fact that they are a great boot, even though they don't LOOK like the Mk III's (what are we, an Army, or a fashion show?!?!?!)

Regardless of whether the Crown would have paid for them or not, a very nice (temperate weather) boot, if only a little low: I tuck the storm cuffs from my pants into my boots, and they keep coming out. Only an aesthetic issue, so not a big drama.

Maybe I'll abuse the system and try to get a pair purchased for me, so that I can have 2.....  >:D Nah, too many people here that might narc me out  :threat:

Allan Luomala said:
I don't know whether to laugh or cry, Vern: I bought them at Pro-Am (I got the LPO for the Matterhorns when they were out of Mk III's, and bought them there) and buddy said that the 1944 wasn't authorized for purchase (with chit), and he alluded it had to do with the fact that the Base RSM didn't like those style (canvas sides). Maybe it was the old Base Chief, and the new one is a little more accepting of the fact that they are a great boot, even though they don't LOOK like the Mk III's (what are we, an Army, or a fashion show?!?!?!)

Regardless of whether the Crown would have paid for them or not, a very nice (temperate weather) boot, if only a little low: I tuck the storm cuffs from my pants into my boots, and they keep coming out. Only an aesthetic issue, so not a big drama.

I can tell by your post that your chit said "requires combat boot to fit orthotics." (ergo the reason we can not purchase a gortex boot in this instance because cbt boots are not gortex/nor are they mesh-sided. I need to purchase an all-leather boot)

Other variations:

"requires WW Boot to fit orthotics" now I CAN purchase a gortex boot because WW Boots are Gortex.

You need the:

"requires breathable/mesh sided boot due to medical reasons" chit to back you up when the RSM says....Hey son what the heck are you doing with those godawful unauthorized mesh sided boots on your feet.....

Kicker isn't it? What a difference what is actually written on the chit makes. That's the difference though. Perhaps when you renew your chit...

It wasn't actually the Base RSM but rather was a point brought up by the CDS after his visit here last year as to why were the troops wearing civy boots while on duty. Especially the mesh sided ones which clearly do not resemble any military boot that is authorized for wear in-country. The RSM was simply passing it along.

You have to remeber that this Base gets picked up for the "little things" such as this more often than all the other Army Bases. Why? Because as all the troops from all the Army Bases attend courses here, when the CDS visits he doesn't just see the 3 or 4 styles we purchase. He sees our 3 or 4 styles, Pets 3 or 4 styles, Valcartiers 3 or 4 styles....etc etc etc. It tends to draw attention to the fact that their is no standard of dress in the footwear department. Through no fault of this Base though, but rather the fault of the fact that there is no National contract with anyone to kit pers with chits...rather it is all done on local contracts instead.
Thouse Magnum Stealths are a very nice boot.  Just so you know, (IF)  you have problems with your feet or   normal combat boots  don't fit correctly.    You can go into clothing stores and get your foot sized for proper fitting boots, you can get custom made combats,  work boots   from a  local  supplier  ie  Kodiak Iseco  or even   Magnum Stealths,  but army bases might be a little slow at that process.   Once again nice buy on the boots ;D
