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Hangover cures.

camochick said:
To try and prevent a hangover (or make it less of one) drink mixed drinks with diet pop.

Ewwww!  Usually the Mix creates worse hangovers.....drink them straight up.  
Yeah thats true, I also find that mix drinks with pop makes it worse. Caffeine dehydrates you even more.... double whammy!
    What I find really makes all the difference in the world for me, is when I am drinking, take each drink really slow.  Just nurse 'em.  I find that I just stay comfortably buzzed that way....instead of getting Sh$t  faced and you can enjoy alot of drinks as well like that.  If you have alot , yes there will be a small hangover, but not nearly as bad as normal.
  Then as mentioned before add lots of water and V-8 juice in the morning!
A bottle of Gator-Aid before going to bed.

BTW, don't have a couple glasses of wine during a dinner party and then switch to Gin. Man, I payed for that mistake big time.
Convenient post! I happen to be in the hungover state as I'm typing this. What I've found works well, aside from the need for water, is grapefruit. I've seen a few people posting that orange juice works well. Drinking takes a lot out of your system, so REHYDRATION and VITAMINS are my key ingredients. Grapefruit have a lot of vitamins and though not as good as a glass of water your body gets a lot of it out of a grapefruit. So seeing as I have no greasy spoon to go to (it's Vancouver, I think grease may be outlawed...), I like Quizno's where I can have a big ol' meal and grapefruit drink.
GO!!, are you reading my mind??  I totally agree with the IV fluids and O2 thing.  Nothing works as well as beautiful rehydration.
why does greasy food help with a hangover?  for my (ridiculously few) hangovers, the last thing I wanted to do was eat. 

I've found water is the best thing, and staying at home in my jammies, wishing the deadline for my essay would just go away.
Greasy food helps with hangovers because fat is quickly turned into sugar.  Your body is going to be kinda low on sugar, because your body has been producing insulin to deal with all the alcohol, which also digests down to sugar.  Then, you add the fact that you don't sleep well while drunk, and that sleep=sugar=oxygen....

This is why fresh air and exercise help too.  And the hair of the dog, which also has the benefit of kick-starting your liver to get rid of any other residual alcohol...

I stick to fruit juices for the entire AM, then try to have some carbs for lunch.  Usually end the day tired as hell, but that's just the price you pay methinks.
1. Try to drink lots of water while you drink.....difficult to keep up with this when you are really trashed
2. In the morning/afternoon, when you get up (and feel like you want to die) finnd your local friendly medic and ask him to do/administer the following:
(oh, first make sure he/she's not as hungover as you are)
3. Start an IV, doesn't matter what size, or where. This will be something you will argue about, but thrut the medic......they should know what they are doing.
4. Have them give you a liter or two of Lactated Ringers Solution (Salty water with electrolytes in it) over about an hour.
5. While getting the fluids, have them give you Gravol 50mg IV, a pleasant side efect of this is that it will help you go back to sleep while this is going on, as well as hopefully stopping you from puking more.
6. Have them give you an Amp of Dextrose 50%, as this will help correct your likely low blood sugar levels.
7. Depending on the state of the headache, a couple of Advil might also be appropriate.
8. When this is done, hopefully you can tolerate taking fluids orally. Lots of water and maybe a bit of Gatorade, but not too much as it is rather high in Sodium.
9. Try some bland food like crackers or bread depending on how your stomach is. Hoever like some of the contributors here, I prefer the Steak and Eggs myself.
10. Keep drinking lots of water until you feel better and you have to pee all the time. This is the sign you are adequately hydrated.
Personally i have never seen this approach fail. Then again, I haven't seen many who needed the whole 10 steps. If this doesn't work, perhaps going to your local hospital might be an idea.....as you are really messed up.
Hope that helps.
Ringer's Lactate is just an intravenous Gatorade?

Man....I'm gonna get so much out of those old Emergency episodes now....;)
As somone who very seldom gets hangovers, despite doing everything "they" say not to do, or at least regularly drinking different types of drinks at the same time, all I ever do is have water before bed. If I do happen to have a hang over, get out of bed, go for a run, you'll feel better for it (A habit picked up from regularly getting sloshed during summer courses, and still having to get up the next morning at 5:30 for PT)
I've tried repeating "I'll never drink again" over and over the night before, but so far no luck.  ???
Alright I'll throw in my cure I worked out today.

Keeping in mind this is a cure, not a preventetive measure so we'll assume you've done absolutely nothing to help yourself out the night before (drinking water, eating something)
2 Bottles water,
Mr. Noodle,
Cup of coffee (5 sugar)
Apple Juice,
2 Tylenol
1 Bottle of water,
Sleep for 4 hours.

The tylenol and the sleep were the most useful I think.
If this were 1978 to 1986 I would say stop at the Bell's truck stop just outside Pembroke for a "hangover sandwich" before you finish the drive [in those days] back to Pet.
Enough grease to keep the alcohol slowly dissipating over a couple of days..... :blotto:
I would caution about drinking too much water in short period of time. Something about your body going into shock because of not enough salt to dilute the water or something.

As for me, if I drink too much, I go for a good puke, drink a pint of water, 2 tylenols and then to bed.
RoyalHighlandFusilier said:
I would caution about drinking too much water in short period of time. Something about your body going into shock because of not enough salt to dilute the water or something.

We had this one out in one of the exercise threads, it is called hyponatremia, and it is pretty much impossible to get without first running a marathon in the heat, and then continuing to drink water after you vomit. It is a loss of salt compounded by an abundance of water.

It is not a concern for 99% of us!
I think the main thing is, hang-overs are just nature's way of telling you you're an idiot for drinking so much.

"To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of lifes problems." (Homer Simpson)
Just a Sig Op said:
I think the main thing is, hang-overs are just nature's way of telling you you're an idiot for drinking so much.

"To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of lifes problems." (Homer Simpson)

I think this summer course was just one big hangover/drunk
Here in North Bay, a Burger World burger with cheese and bacon cures any ills from any university style debauchery. If me and my friends can not take the bus down to BW, then we consume our pre-positioned, strategically located bacon, eggs, and hashbrown stash.
"A five to ten km run worked for me. "

- I had that philosophy once.  Then I realized one morning that I was sobering up at the 18km point of a 30km Volksmarche in Germany, and my last memory was eating bean soup in the Tav in Lahr the night before.

- The thought occured to me - as I began to recall more events as I ran - that getting 'faced and running 30km was not nearly as dangerous as driving the 145 km to the Volksmarch drunk at 100 miles per hour on the Autobahn.  I stayed at the Fest tent after the run and filled up with wurst, fritz, and cappy.  Then drove home, faster but sober.

- Eventually, something had to give.  Although I still run a bit, I no longer drink.  Priorities, you understand.

