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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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No audio assaults on citizens, no fireworks being set off in the downtown core...
Haven’t seen anyone piss or dance on the war memorial yet or demand food at homeless shelters either…

Blocking highways in Toronto though…

But that being said, I have no qualms with people advocating the eradication of Israel being identified, cancelled or have their employment terminated as a result of their words and values not meshing with the rest of the country.
The State of Palestine may not have lasted for long (1947 until the establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948) but it is hardly a “fictitious” place.

Also, that’s a bit hyperbolic - there are short term protests about every single issue every weekend in Ottawa, to the point that they aren’t even reported on. My Jewish friends in various cities in Canada aren’t exactly hiding in fear of their lives due to “Jew-hating mobs infecting the streets”. I think your bias against cities (which is fine) is showing.

There are two big differences between the convoy and these mobs.

The end-state of the convoy was well within the control of Trudeau and the government. The convoy would leave after the mandates dropped. (Lets not get into that again).
These Israeli and Jew haters want a "Free Palestine", which doesn't mean anything considering Palestine was never a state or country and at this rate, never will be. What is a Free Palestine? Israel withdraw from Gaza? Stop building settlements in the West Bank? Ceasefire before Hamas is completely eliminated? They are demonstrating against something Canada has no control over and are doing it just for the sake of disrupting the lives of everyone else. They likely don't even know what they are demonstrating against or the history of the conflict. They are the liberal pigeons. Canada has already called for a ceasefire at the UN which is part of their grievance, so shouldn't they stop?

The bigger question is, how much longer will these demonstrations go on until the citizens are fed up and someone gets killed?

Lantsman needs a memory check.

I didn't mean to include her political X.

But, the heads up for today's end of holiday travellers was attached to it.

I could see the protest at Union splitting, and hopping the UP Express to Pearson, and turning it into a double end of holiday sh!t show.
In fairness to Toronto Police, IIRC, the 2010 Class Action G20 lawsuit cost Toronto taxpayers $16.5M .

Perhaps they have taken that into consideration ?
< dunno emoji
Interdicted them for what? And then do what and under what legal authorities?
So all these truckers just randomly showed up in Ottawa? It was my understand that they moved effectively across the country.

One can easily conduct legal interdictions on a group of people to stop them all and conduct safety verifications, verification of registration and insurance, weight limits etc.

I mean it is done regularly for OMG trips - it would seem to be that after some of the issues out west that the potential for violence if assembled in mass was high, and certain steps should have been done to try to dissuade members from continuing their journey.

I really want to know what part of my post you find so incredulous. Do you support freezing the bank accout of every protestors who disrupts traffic?
I agree with everyone having the right to peacefully assemble, however it is fairly clear that a number of these gatherings are also designed to intimidate people, and their right to assemble ends when it steers into the right of society to be free and feel safety and no persecution. When those crowds chant River to the Sea, that is a genocidal call, to eradicate the Jewish culture and people of Israel, which isn’t peaceful.

Just like the Trucker protest a segment of the protesters ruin the actions of those who legitimately just want to have a peaceful protest.
People are free to support or not support whatever they like. But they should’t expect to be free of consequences when they wade in. Several businesses in Ottawa found that out the hard way.

These guys are about to as well…

People are free to support or not support whatever they like. But they should’t expect to be free of consequences when they wade in. Several businesses in Ottawa found that out the hard way.

These guys are about to as well…

As the saying goes in the US, “freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences”.
One can easily conduct legal interdictions on a group of people to stop them all and conduct safety verifications, verification of registration and insurance, weight limits etc.

The freedom convoys, that I have seen, in the GTA, appear to be mostly four-wheelers. Not actual truckers. Saw one rolling coal!

Even so, like you say, might not hurt to run a quick driver's licence and vehicle check.
For a safe protest.
If the police consider that appropriate.

The folks under discussion in this thread seem to be more transit oriented.
So all these truckers just randomly showed up in Ottawa? It was my understand that they moved effectively across the country.

One can easily conduct legal interdictions on a group of people to stop them all and conduct safety verifications, verification of registration and insurance, weight limits etc.

I mean it is done regularly for OMG trips - it would seem to be that after some of the issues out west that the potential for violence if assembled in mass was high, and certain steps should have been done to try to dissuade members from continuing their journey.

I agree with everyone having the right to peacefully assemble, however it is fairly clear that a number of these gatherings are also designed to intimidate people, and their right to assemble ends when it steers into the right of society to be free and feel safety and no persecution. When those crowds chant River to the Sea, that is a genocidal call, to eradicate the Jewish culture and people of Israel, which isn’t peaceful.

Just like the Trucker protest a segment of the protesters ruin the actions of those who legitimately just want to have a peaceful protest.
Oh, if you mean the sort of minor roadside hassle we might leverage against OMGs, sure, but that’s a brief delay and would not have impacted the big picture. Maybe caught a few people with driver’s license/insurance/registration of commercial vehicle safety issues. But such an ‘interdiction’ isn’t really something with precedent for quashing public order issues that had not, at that point in time, yet become illegal. in and of itself there’s nothing wrong with driving to Ottawa en masse for a protest. Where it became criminal was the actions that they took place once on the ground.
These protests will turn violent. Maybe not in the next day or two, but eventually they will.

Hopefully, there will be no violence and everyone will stay safe.

But, I've seen some online betting pools in the past.

"Azz stompings"

People are free to support or not support whatever they like. But they should’t expect to be free of consequences when they wade in. Several businesses in Ottawa found that out the hard way.

These guys are about to as well…

Prestige Worldwide lol hahahaha
So all these truckers just randomly showed up in Ottawa? It was my understand that they moved effectively across the country.
So, I lived there when it happened.

Most of the vehicles involved (I’d say 70% or more) were not “trucks” in the commercial sense. The actual Trucks were stopped on Wellington, Laurier, Kent, etc avenues.

Most of the vehicles were pickups, cars, SUVs, etc who came down to party. I lived close enough to see the ebb and flow of people - it would swell on the weekends when it would be significantly more crowded than in the weekdays.

Those morons would be the ones driving around the wrong way down one-way streets, disregarding traffic lights, about 5 hours after massive beer runs at the LCBO and Beer stores downtown.

I’ve said this before, but it stopped being a “protest” within 48 hours. Then it just became a dumbass party with ever-increasing extremes.
And a damning indictment against spineless local civic and police leadership.
More police than civic. Police operational decision makers are well shielded form civic political whims when it comes to specific operational decisions like how to respond to an individual protest. The entirety of Ottawa's civic government could have been screaming in the face of the chief of OPS and it would have been entirely the police service's call. My understanding from what I've heard is that part of the issue was that the municipal police chief was stepping too heavily on his operational commanders filling the role of the Critical Incident Commander. Even the chief of police generally isn't making operational calls; their job is to run the department. Ops get delegated.