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Gotta Love the Drone!!

Haywire what's your source.
My source is good, and very reliable. The attack happened on Wed. and he called me on Fri. His description of the aircraft was "...you know the stealth? It's just like one of those.....They sent the drone up with the hellfire missles, and the Taliban were dragging bodies of thier own and loading them into trucks and running away. The drone killed (I believe he said 22 of them, but I can't remember for sure, the numbers were in the 20's for sure.)."

As far as the drone pic goes, do you all know when the FIRST flying/operations-capable Stealth Bomber was airborne??? 1969!!! When did we FIRST see the Stealth used in combat? Operation Desert Storm in the 80's! Just because some of you may not have seen the "Drone" before, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Canada created the first "remote control" bomber back in the early 80's. the Aircraft was NEVER used in combat, and was retired just last year (there were stories of it all over the news and in the papers), though I can't remember what the plane was called. Also, this aircraft was never made known to the public until it was retired last year.
Here is another stealth styled UCAV article with a photo (different aircraft than the original photo I posted).

"The jet-powered Corax had performed several successful flights as early as 2004 – taking off and landing under computer control," New Scientist notes. "The aircraft is curved in a manner than resembles existing 'stealth" aircraft. The special shape of such craft is designed to defeat radar detection by reflecting radar away from a radar sensor instead of back at it. Corax also lacks a conventional tail, which should make it more aerodynamic but also more difficult to control."

Another article on the UK's Corax:
The prototype Corax was first flown in 2004 after a 10-month development programme.

You can't tell me that the US would let ANY other country get ahead of them in the military technology field.....so.....it is still that hard to believe???? Take your heads out of the sand.....this is 2006, not 1906!

Haywire said:
Canada created the first "remote control" bomber back in the early 80's. the Aircraft was NEVER used in combat, and was retired just last year (there were stories of it all over the news and in the papers), though I can't remember what the plane was called. Also, this aircraft was never made known to the public until it was retired last year.

I call bullshit on this one too. If your so sure, and it was all over the news and papers, I suggest you get on Google and post a couple of links.

Time is ticking and running out.
Haywire said:
You can't tell me that the US would let ANY other country get ahead of them in the military technology field.....so.....it is still that hard to believe???? Take your heads out of the sand.....this is 2006, not 1906!

I suppose that's why they want our Coyote surveillance package so bad?
Operation Desert Storm in the 80's!

Are you old enough to remember Desert Storm? 

FYI and on the off chance it was a typo, Desert Storm was in January of 1991, with Desert Sheild starting in August of 1990, not the 80s as you claimed.

As far as the drone pic goes, do you all know when the FIRST flying/operations-capable Stealth Bomber was airborne??? 1969!!! When did we FIRST see the Stealth used in combat? Operation Desert Storm in the 80's! Just because some of you may not have seen the "Drone" before, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Canada created the first "remote control" bomber back in the early 80's. the Aircraft was NEVER used in combat, and was retired just last year (there were stories of it all over the news and in the papers), though I can't remember what the plane was called. Also, this aircraft was never made known to the public until it was retired last year.

Haywire-  You are seconds away from being called "full of crap".  On the off chance that I slept away the last 21 years of my military service, I suppose that you can provide a link or two for the rest of us to learn about how Canada managed to operate a secret fleet of UAV bombers for the past 20 years- without me or anyone else here knowing about it.

Link up, or shut up.
I guess we must have an "Area 51 25 1/2" somewhere in remote Nunavut where we have constructed a large underground Air Base and disguised the Airfield as a glacier.  Anyone posted to this Top Secret site has had all reference to their existence erased from all data bases, and never been allowed to leave.  On Retirement they are set out on an Ice Flow to perish in the North Atlantic wastes.  The story of the existence of this secret Base only came to light when a sixty year old Airman washed ashore in Come By Chance, Newfoundland, last summer, and in his delirium before he passed away made references to it to his rescuers.
Haywire said:
My source is good, and very reliable. ...

...  Just because some of you may not have seen the "Drone" before, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. ...
So, are you suggesting that this aircraft does exist & that its existence is secret?

I think you pumping out bad information but, if by some incredible accident you are correct, do you think posting this was a good idea?
George Wallace said:
I guess we must have an "Area 51 25 1/2" somewhere in remote Nunavut where we have constructed a large underground Air Base and disguised the Airfield as a glacier.  Anyone posted to this Top Secret site has had all reference to their existence erased from all data bases, and never been allowed to leave.  On Retirement they are set out on an Ice Flow to perish in the North Atlantic wastes.  The story of the existence of this secret Base only came to light when a sixty year old Airman washed ashore in Come By Chance, Newfoundland, last summer, and in his delirium before he passed away made references to it to his rescuers.

I can see it now, as you clear out of Area 24 1/2.  "Please look into the little light"  flash ....Wake up outside a Tim Horton's in Lower Sackville.
Haywire said:
As far as the drone pic goes, do you all know when the FIRST flying/operations-capable Stealth Bomber was airborne??? 1969!!! When did we FIRST see the Stealth used in combat? Operation Desert Storm in the 80's! Just because some of you may not have seen the "Drone" before, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Canada created the first "remote control" bomber back in the early 80's. the Aircraft was NEVER used in combat, and was retired just last year (there were stories of it all over the news and in the papers), though I can't remember what the plane was called. Also, this aircraft was never made known to the public until it was retired last year.

The F-117 first flew in 1981.  It began life at Lockheed Skunkworks in 1977 under the "Have blue" project. In 1978 the "Senior Trend" program was launched  and resulted in 5 pre-production aircraft, the first of which made its first flight on 18 July 1981.  First time a photograph of the F-117 was unveilled by the pentagon was 10 November 1988 by assistant secretary of defence for public affairs Daniel Howard.

First Combat action for the F-117 was in Panama on 19 December 1989 during Operation JUST CAUSE.  The strike was on PDF barracks in Rio Hato.  Aircraft flew non-stop from their base at the Tonopha airfield and dropped 2000 lbs LGBs.

Desert storm was in 1991

I call bullshyte....plain and simple.

If your friend did call you from theater and told you that stuff as you say he did, that's an OPSEC violation and he will be charged for it. Well done rat.

You are going down a path....stop while you can.

I supose his friend brought his own Sat Phone......What does this so called friend of yours do?
Well with all the knowledge this so called friend has I'm betting this friend is...

A Para/Recce/Sniper/Pathfinder/JTF2/Ninja of the super secret and elite unit know in some circles as RO of E


your done haywire move along!
SeaKingTacco said:
Haywire-  You are seconds away from being called "full of crap".  On the off chance that I slept away the last 21 years of my military service, I suppose that you can provide a link or two for the rest of us to learn about how Canada managed to operate a secret fleet of UAV bombers for the past 20 years- without me or anyone else here knowing about it.

Link up, or shut up.

Seaking--remember on another thread we were talking about the AH-130 Spooky and the video from it?  One of you flier types mentioned a new drone that may be replacing the Predator, and that it may be being carried on a Spooky.  Smaller, and no Hellfires, if I am remembering right (and it is entirely possible that I'm not).  If I'm not totally out to lunch, which drone was it you guys were talking about? 
On the off-chance Haywire isn't 100% off target...
zipperhead_cop said:
Seaking--remember on another thread we were talking about the AH-130 Spooky and the video from it?  One of you flier types mentioned a new drone that may be replacing the Predator, and that it may be being carried on a Spooky.  Smaller, and no Hellfires, if I am remembering right (and it is entirely possible that I'm not).  If I'm not totally out to lunch, which drone was it you guys were talking about? 
On the off-chance Haywire isn't 100% off target...


I have no opinion on what may or may not be in service as a UAV in Afghanistan in conjunction with AC-130s- I just don't know enough, so I consider it to be outside my lane.

I was calling Haywire out on his claim that Canada invented a secret fleet of UAV bombers that have been operated for over 20 years.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof...

Cheers, bud!
His brother is in 'ghan:


I think, regardless of whether what you post is true or not, anything your brother tells you about what is going on there, should not be getting put on here by you.

Now remove you hotmail address from your profile so anyone who wants to can't find you.