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Gotta Love the Drone!!

Has anyone seen a Phoenix gunship?  Found a thing on the net, wasn't sure if it was a proposal or an actual in service craft.  Looks like a serious piece of kit. 


My limited knowledge of air craft suggested to me that it probably wouldn't be a low level attack craft.
This comes out of the military's request for a low-cost,support-gunship,with long loitering capabilities,meaning it can remain over target area for 3-4 hours,expend,return.I doubt the design will allow for operation under about 10,000 feet for any length of time.
It is only on paper.
One of my bud's across the border,who frequents the forum pointed out that I made a typo on my post for the picture of the uav on the flight deck and I see that he's correct.should read a pic of a 47B.sory for that

In response to the heavy air-crew casualties suffered during the Vietnam conflict, a variety of small experimental aircraft were tested in the 1960s and 1970s to determine the feasibility of "stealthy" aircraft- vehicles incorporating design and materials technologies to reduce radar cross-section and obscure the signature of the aircraft.
I claimed it was a "stealth" didin't give the model of the plane.

The Boeing X-45A demonstrator first flew in May 2002.

And here's a NASA website with plenty of photos of the x-45 if you don't think the previous site is a reliable source!!!!!!!!
Hmmm......looks like the x-45 has stealthing characteristics to me......

Okay......there's your proof that stealth type aircraft were being tested (airborne) in the 60's, AND that extensive testing has been done on a ucav that has similarities to a stealth. Now....if you'd take the noose off my neck....I'd appreciate it!
Nothing I've said was "top secret", NOR have I suggested that CANADA has any type of top secret Arial program! We all know that the US has tested, and scrapped MANY MANY different types of aircraft. And like I said earlier (even if my dates were messed up), the first time WE seen the stealth was in.....well.....I guess it was Panama now?
Anyway, the proof is on the NASA website....testing with chase craft.....complete.....weapons testing......complete......standard flight testing......complete.......MAYBE....just maybe....the plane is ready for combat...
I'll be checking back frequently to read all of the apologies.......

Oh....and as far as it being used in Afghanistan goes......
(From a Feb. 13th Article)
Next month, Boeing will deliver the first of its new X45 pilotless bombers, with a 50-foot wingspan and the ability to refuel in midair. Northrop Grumman is working on an X47 model that's designed for use on an aircraft carrier.


In your quest to appear to be in the know. You certainly take the guesswork out of anyone,having trouble finding info on the Uav's.It saves many the time,That don't have High speed and hours to surf.Thanks so much for all your info.



From your post of 02 Apr 06 on this topic:

Canada created the first "remote control" bomber back in the early 80's. the Aircraft was NEVER used in combat, and was retired just last year (there were stories of it all over the news and in the papers), though I can't remember what the plane was called. Also, this aircraft was never made known to the public until it was retired last year.

Today you said:

Nothing I've said was "top secret", NOR have I suggested that CANADA has any type of top secret Arial program! We all know that the US has tested, and scrapped MANY MANY different types of aircraft. And like I said earlier (even if my dates were messed up), the first time WE seen the stealth was in.....well.....I guess it was Panama now?

So, which is it? 

Friendly advice before a Mod puts a round into your "virtual" head- quit posting on this subject, while you are still ahead.
Well.....like I said....Canada retiring the UAV was all over the news, therefore it was obviously not "top secret". I've done enough Googling for the ignorant. My point has been made, I have proven the existance of a "stealth like" UCAV. What more do you want? Pay attention to what's going on in the world.
Oh.....Parkie....I believe in one of the articles I've just referenced to, the x-47 is supposedly being constructed for Aircraft Carrier Purposes. (speaking about your earlier post stating a 47b cannot land on a flight deck). You are correct however, that an x-45 is not capable of landing on an Aircraft Carrier....from what I've read anyways.


I've been in the Cdn military 21 years.  I follow the news very carefully.  Unless I was in a coma last year, no UAV was retired from Canadian Service.  To my knowledge, the only UAV to ever get into Canadian service has been the Sperwer (unless you count the BOMARC missile, which gets us into an interesting semantic argument between what a missile is and what a UAV is).

I'm done here...
OK troll, you have claimed a Canadian aircraft was "retired" last year and was "all over the news", but provide no link. Proof please, or stop making wild a**s statements.

Secondly, you have "proven" that the US has had drone aircraft in the military since the 1960s (there have been radio controlled target drones since the 1930s, and some consideration to using thems as weapons in the 1940s), which is hardly in question. You have also "proven" there are UACV experimental programs going on in the United States (hence the "X" designation), also hardly controversial. When the XB-45 is delivered, it will be delivered to Edwards AFB or some place similar for further testing and developing doctrine and TTPs.

You have provided no proof whatsoever that any sort of drone, UAV or UACV was involved in the battle, or anything beyond the CIA's armed Predators are even deployed in Afghanistan. I think the person who should be paying attention is YOU.
I'm kinda reluctant to post this... considering....but there was the "Firebee" drone back in the old R.C.A.F. days.
http://belcherbits.mondenet.com/72sets.html  [at bottom]

Doesn't look look "stealthy" stuff though.....
Haywire said:
....from what I've read anyways.


Another case of "from what I read" arguing with someone who "has done", "worked with/on", and/or "developed". 

Very interesting concept.  When will the two clues come together?
I'm kinda reluctant to post this... considering....but there was the "Firebee" drone back in the old R.C.A.F. days.

Firebee's, eh?  Haywire, watch how this is done-

Jantor- thanks very much for the information. I did not know that before. You learn something new each day...
In the mid-1960s we purchased the AN/USD 501 drone from Canadair to equip a troop in 1 Locating Battery RCA which was based in Winnipeg. Unfortunately the battery was disbanded before the drone came into service so, as an interim measure circa 1968-1969 1 Drone Troop was formed in Shilo. The troop was soon axed as well, and the equipment was returned to stores.

The drone used a zero-length launcher mounted on a 2 1/2 ton truck and was programmed to fly a course with, I recall, four or five turns. It could turn its camera on and off twice during the flight. By today's standards it was pretty primitive, but it was on the leading edge then.

The drone was used by the British and German armies as well, so the formation of the drone troop may have been no more than a demonstration of support to Canadair.
SeaKingTacco said:
Firebee's, eh?  Haywire, watch how this is done-

Jantor- thanks very much for the information. I did not know that before. You learn something new each day...

You're welcome

I seem to recall that the U.S.A.F used the Firebee in Vietnam for photo-reconnisance and I saw a picture of a Lanc with one slung under the wing in a magazine some time ago.

I admit I missed the stealth part though. ;D
Old Sweat- Thank you also.

I hang my head in shame.  Especially being a former Artillery Officer!

No reason to hang your head in shame. All this happened nearly 40 years ago when we wore fuzzy battledress.
Ok......so there have been drones in the past, and there are drones now..... What drones do what, and what they look like, are beyond me. However, in my original post, as I stated, I was told by a soldier who was involved in that firefight, that a drone carrying hellfire missiles, went airborne and lit up the ground. He described the drone as being.....and I quote...."like a stealth" in appearance. He used the stealth as a visual reference because he knew I know what a stealth is/looks like. I did some googling, and posted the original pic, not as being the exact aircraft, but as a similar concept..... A drone plane with stealth like characteristics.
That drone COULD have been any of the drones we've been debating about, or, it COULD have been a new drone, which is seeing it's first combat testing. Who knows.....all I know is what I've been told by someone who has NEVER lied to me about anything before in his life (that I know of anyway).
Now......when do I get my "verbal warning" removed???