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Go Habs, go!

uncle-midget-boyd said:
Nah, just been a Leafs fan my whole life.

mmm. got the address of you niece somewhere ?
We could send her some Habs paraphernalia 
uncle-midget-boyd said:
Nah, just been a Leafs fan my whole life.

Well, if it's any consolation to you (and your whole life!!) -- I'm 39 (will be 40 in October) -- and your team has yet to win in my lifetime either.  >:D

Yrys said:
mmm. got the address of you niece somewhere ?
We could send her some Habs paraphernalia 

My sister would love that, but her husband (a Canucks fan, go figure) wouldn't find it too amusing.
Myself, I plan on getting some Leafs things for her.  ;D

Well, if it's any consolation to you (and your whole life!!) -- I'm 39 (will be 40 in October) -- and your team has yet to win in my lifetime either.  >:D

Where's that *I'm plugging my ears* smiley hiding at?

uncle-midget-boyd said:
My sister would love that, but her husband (a Canucks fan, go figure) wouldn't find it too amusing.
Myself, I plan on getting some Leafs things for her.  ;D

Well, this one year for Christmas when my brother, PPCLI, was remaining in Victoria for Christmas --- I mailed him off his Christmas parcel with the card on the outside. The card said "Give one to all your friends -- Merry Christmas!! Love Ronnie -- xxoo" and all that neat stuff. He opened up a case of RCR cap badges -- I still don't think he's over it (This parcel was from me -- he should have known better). Best thing to do is send your sister a size small Canuks jersey with her first name on the back -- and he, a bigger Habby thingie with his first name on the back. That ought to go over well -- and fair too!!  >:D
karl28 said:

     Just because your a sore loser and cheer for a sucky team IE the Leafs  who haven't won a cup in god knows how long . That doesn't mean you have the right to become a Traitor  and cheer for an American ( No offense to Yanks met some nice ones but this is Hockey )team no matter how many Canadains are on it LOL.   I will forgive you for your moment of weakness if you say the LEAFS SUCK and become a true Canadains fan by cheering for the Habs .    ;D :o

I.m not uncle-midget-boyd , but picture this:

New Years Eve 1975 in the 2RCR WO & Sgts Mess. Everyone dressed to the nines(evening gowns, Mess Kit, tuxedos etc)

Lo and behold the game on TV was Russia vs Montreal, and I was the only one of many sneaking into the games room to have a look, AND CHEER FOR RUSSIA!

Yes, I'm a Toronto boy  >:D
ArmyVern said:
Toronto -- has them as well. They still pack in and sell out the house every friggin' game every friggin' year, despite being losers since '67.
That's losers since '68, thank you very much.  They won in 67, but lost in 68 (and have every year since)

ArmyVern said:
Well, this one year for Christmas when my brother, PPCLI, was remaining in Victoria for Christmas --- I mailed him off his Christmas parcel with the card on the outside. The card said "Give one to all your friends -- Merry Christmas!! Love Ronnie -- xxoo" and all that neat stuff. He opened up a case of RCR cap badges -- I still don't think he's over it (This parcel was from me -- he should have known better).


Best thing to do is send your sister a size small Canuks jersey with her first name on the back -- and he, a bigger Habby thingie with his first name on the back. That ought to go over well -- and fair too!!  >:D

Did you plan on attending my public hanging the day after that?
(I'd probably be hanged with Canucks and Habs neck-ties tied together)


          OK you got me on the Fan thing and good for you even if it is the Dark Side that you cheer for . I have been a HABS fan for all my life as far  back as I can remember and I am 32 so been around a bit so  Iam not changing any time soon LOL . 

        I still can't believe you did that to your brother with the cap badges . Truly twisted I like that kind of sense of humour .
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
That's losers since '68, thank you very much.   They won in 67, but lost in 68 (and have every year since)


No it's not. I was around in '68 & they did not win that year! They haven't won since the late spring of '67, but nice try.  >:D

It was the Montreal Canadiens who won the '67/68 season ... so they can lay claim to the '68 year legitimately.  ;)

Unlike Boston I'd like to point out, who did win the '69/'70 season & the 71'/'72 season -- TWICE in my lifetime. That's TWICE as much as your team. So there.  >:D

ArmyVern said:
So, if you want Canadians to actually win the game -- an Amercian team must win. How ironic is that??  >:D

That is not what he is saying.

He is saying that if Habs win, well, they Habs win. And if Flyers win, well, Canadians  WIN  ;D!
Geez, did all you Montreal fans run off to watch the game!!??

Here I was willing to give you all updates ... but I guess you already know it's 2 up for Philly over a big O for les canadiens at the moment. Philly in 6.  >:D
ArmyVern said:
Here I was willing to give you all updates ... but I guess you already know it's 2 up for Philly over a big O for les canadiens at the moment. Philly in 6.  >:D

Jeez, for somebody that doesn't listen to hockey after Bruins elimination, you seem ... well informed !
2 - 0  Nah... we just gave them a 2 point lead - just for sportin's sake
geo said:
2 - 0  Nah... we just gave them a 2 point lead - just for sportin's sake

And took it away just to be a pain in the arse.
Clearly above the crossbar. Well... from my point of view, anyhow.

Flyers 3 Canadien 3 (prolongation)

IF Habs loose , it will be because they're shy to win in Montréal, after last Monday night event ...

Yrys said:
Flyers 3 Canadien 3 (prolongation)

IF Habs loose , it will be because they're shy to win in Montréal, after last Monday night event ...


Now where's that little BS Flag?  ;D

Oh -- 4-3 for the Flyers eh!!??

Better luck next game.  >:D


My ESP IS on tonight ... wait for it.