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Go Habs, go!

You guys are all trippin'

I gonna be Pitt vs. Dallas

and Dallas is gonna come in with an upset victory.

Mortarman Rockpainter said:
Hey, I'm in Wainwright.  I thought it WAS Saturday, gimme a break ;D

I can see where that could happen, when one day just blends into the next.......Groundhog Day!  ;)

PMedMoe said:
I can see where that could happen, when one day just blends into the next.......Groundhog Day!  ;)

Wainwright does that to you.  ;D
            Man I hope they can win tonight they need do something the big lady is humming . I just hope the coach puts Price back in net Halak has been cold for to long . Price may be a young goalie but he has practically carried the team the whole season I say give him another chance .  During the season Price had very few bad games I think he should be good to go for tonight if he gets to play .  That is the one thing I Hate about the Habs is they place to much pressure on the Goalies that's how we lost Roy .
          The rest of the team needs to pull it together and put some more pucks in the net I know they have been getting shots on net but it doesn't do any good unless they actually go into the net .  In short GO HABS GO
ArmyVern said:
Relax folks ...

I said Flyers in 6.  ;)

Tonight's only game 5.

Vern knows all, like the invisible pink unicorn, or the FSM ;)

Baker said:
And so it is again.

Come on Pens/Sharks! ;D


Oh I'm OK with that.

Tango22Bravo must have forgotten to send his promised HBMOAB into my location as promised to disrupt my HabBuster. I sparked it up anyway to zap away the Habs, so blame him if you've got any issues about the Habs going down doooownnn dooooooooown.  >:D


Now ... Go penguins !!!

        God even though I cheer for the Habs and always will.  I now have to start sounding like a Maple leaf fan by saying next year is the year  . Gonna cry myslef to sleep with a bottle of jack tonight  :'(
Petard said:
and off to the golf course the habs go!

At less the Loser Leafs have a month ahead of the Habs... got to be good for something eh?