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Fake DRILL SGT and Naked man


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I think sometimes some Americans are too funny

Fake drill sergeant chases real naked man

By Caitlin Ginley, Court TVFri Jun 16, 5:38 PM ET

(Court TV) - When an Ann Arbor, Mich., man decided to run naked down the street to prove a point to his reluctant girlfriend about the importance of taking risks, he was unaware of just how big a risk he was about to take.

The man, whose name has not been released, was allegedly chased by another man with a gun, according to Lt. Khurum Sheikh of the Ann Arbor Police Department.

"This was not a typical case," Sheikh said. "It was a compound of strange things that just kept getting worse."

According to Sheikh, the man and his girlfriend were in their apartment discussing marriage. The girlfriend said she didn't feel ready to tie the knot, according to Sheikh, and her boyfriend replied that taking risks is an important part of life. To demonstrate his point, he hopped naked out their first-story window.

Down the block, the alleged gunman, who later told police he was an Army drill sergeant, was walking a friend home when the naked man spotted them. The would-be fianc� hid in the bushes to avoid being seen, Sheikh said.

But the alleged gunman saw him and chased him down the street.

"He was probably thinking this person was up to no good," Sheikh said. "I'm sure it looked suspicious."

After the alleged gunman fired into the air to show he was serious, a resident called police to report a gunman chasing a naked man down the street. Officers arrived and arrested him.

No one was hurt, Sheikh said.

The alleged gunman does not appear to be in the Army and also has no permit to carry his .40-caliber gun, Sheikh said. Police said there was no explanation as to why he was armed and why he claimed to be a drill sergeant. He was arrested and held at the county jail on charges of aggravated assault and carrying a concealed weapon.

The naked man was not arrested and suffered no major injuries.
See? THIS sort of thing is why I keep sayin' it...

Time to cull the herd.
It's things like this that make living in this area sooooooo entertaining. ;D
It's things like this that make living in this area sooooooo entertaining.

The article never did say if the girl agreed to get married  ::) Could you ask around your area??
Being male.....look down...yup....and yup(always) ;D
S_Baker said:
probably find out they were CDNs that overstayed their visas....damn illegal aliens :)

Well, if your are not going to build a fence, then don't complain!!!
Guess the normal Marine pickup lines ain't working eh? ;D

The Top 15 Drill Sergeant Pick-Up Lines
15. "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most people do all day."
14. "What's a pathetic weak piece of @#$%*! like you doing in a !&%#@$ dump like this?"
13. "Drop trou and give me 20!"
12. "Care to accompany me on a quiet, romantic, moonlit beach for a 5-mile hike and a hundred push-ups"
11. "I'm admiring your strategic frontal mammary tissue mounds, two each."
10. "Remember 'An Officer and a Gentleman'? I'm neither, baby."
9. "The penalty for being out of uniform is a spanking."
8. "Wanna know why I'm called a 'drill' sergeant?"
7. "Drop and give me 69!"
6. "Baby, you put the 'fox' in 'foxhole'."
5. "You only have to give me one pushup, soldier, if it's your bra."
4. "Your perfume reminds me of napalm in the morning."
3. "Drop and give me 20 -- on my lap."
2. "Wanna help me get an 'honorable discharge'?" And the Number 1 Drill Sergeant Pick-Up Line...
1. "Uncle Sam ain't the only one who wants you."

S_Baker said:
probably find out they were CDNs that overstayed their visas....damn illegal aliens :)

Now that the dollars coming up, and we can't smoke here, we'll be taking over mexican/ greek town and Lafeyette Coney Island first ;D

Soooo....what's the problem with the top 15 pickup lines???   Methinks you are jealous because you never got to use them !!  :)
#1 is said with a sincere look....
Well I have never had any of those lines used on me... :rofl:
If I did I think I would bust a gut lmao

Hey was there a description of the streaker... ;D

Interesting take on the same article... as seen in the toronto sun: stated that the naked man tried to hide in some bushes of the gun-wielding man's yard... when the man ordered the naked man out of the bushes he fired at him.

Article also says the naked man sustained injuries.
