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Employment Opportunities For Spouses- Merged

Oh sorry, by partner I mean boyfriend :D  Just looking around.  And to the comment above mine,  I would tell them. Don`t start of a relationship with lies
novascotiagirl....have you considered a career in the military yourself?
yes, but I really don`t know what i would do. And I would want something that goes well with his career so then we could move together.  I am trying to find out more about the reserves.  The thing is though, if I had a career in the military, would it have to be in the navy like him?  I really am new to this all
For military couples the career managers do their best to post you together. mind you it does not happen all the time, it will depend a lot on your trade, his trade and if their are posting slots available. you will also find that postings for service couples has been discussed here at length lots of good information that can be found there.
Nova Scotia Girl,

For one thing, don't go into Graphic Design :P  I don't think that is one of the careers that would be posting-friendly. I can just picture myself now on the street-corner in Petawawa/Pembroke selling art cheap on the corner just to survive :P  My journalism background? Uh - toss that out the window too!!

Seriously though, I'm finishing my BA through correspondence and am hoping to get into teaching. I assume all bases that house families will have kids who need education. The other field that seems to be "hot" is nursing or some kind of health/mental-health care. Most of the jobs in this area seem to be in the area of nursing or health care of some kind, which I don't have a degree/diploma in... by the time I could get it, it would time to be posted again!

Another good field in Administration (like, office admin, medical admin) however -- there is an abundance of admin folk here in Petawawa so you better be a darned-good admin in order to get those jobs that do open :)

Try to not narrow yourself so much (like, my graphic design or journalism) but - 10 years ago when I started school, I never imagined I'd be a wife in the military!

Good luck!

Anyone else have ideas of "friendly occupations" for those married to the military? (short of joining the military... I joke to my hubby that I would be the world's worst soldier, and that it's better for the canadian forces that I do NOT join! :P)
I am not sure how it works with positions that have Provincial certifications (ie teachers and nurses) if you are posted out of your certifying province.

I know in Ontario there have been MANY teacher layoffs in the past few years, and I have several friends who finished teachers college here in Kingston and have had a lot of trouble trying to find a position.

As I have stated before - if you can get into the Federal Public Service it is great because they put you on a priority list for a position when your husband/spouse is posted. It doesn't guarantee you a spot - but it does give you a greater chance of finding one, and they leave you on the priority list for 5 years. You are free to work elsewhere while you are waiting for a position to open.

That being said, getting into the public service is anything but easy - if you are coming in "off the street" you have to apply to open competitions. Here is where  you will find them by geographic region:

Novascotia girl - if you are looking in to the reserves you don't have to worry about being co-posted because Reservists are not posted. You would not have to navy either - there are armouries and communications sqns/units in the Halifax area. (I am not sure where you are exactly). If you are able to work full time you may be able to get a Class B or C contract (full time) depending on your trade. If you wish to hold a"dayjob" a reserve position is nice to have if you are posted and unable to find new employment right away. You can transfer between reserve units relatively easily.

I suggest you go speak with your local recruiters and see what they suggest.

As many spouses can tell you - having a career when married to a military member is not always easy - but it is defiantly not impossible.

Good luck :)

Hi Muffin --

To transfer from province to province with your teachers cert isn't that difficult. My friend graduated in the spring from Ontario cert and had her Manitoba one almost immediately after. There is a brief examination from what she explained and of course, the customary exchange of absurd amounts of money in order to get your new papers.

Teaching jobs can be found if you are willing to move. Most people want to go back to their home community but - if you're from a small place or a place that has a teacher's college within 200km, good luck! North Bay has one of the lowest hiring levels for teachers since it churns out 700-some teachers a year. I've also been working as supply in one of the local schools already and have been enjoying it. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find something here -- if not in traditional education, then at the very least, in "untraditional" education!

I had the 'government' job before, for five years but, decided to return to school to prepare myself for future postings.... the posting was just nearer in the future than we envisioned!  Perhaps that experience will assist in finding something down here sometime soon :)
:) Thanks for the info - I had always wondered how that worked.

Good luck!
novascotiagirl said:
yes, but I really don`t know what i would do. And I would want something that goes well with his career so then we could move together.  I am trying to find out more about the reserves.  The thing is though, if I had a career in the military, would it have to be in the navy like him?  I really am new to this all

The reserves are not as bright and shiny as they sound. You may actually be away more than he is if you join the naval reserves. It is also contract based, but in order to make the money you have to take the contracts...

There is obviously going to be sacrafices from both parties. That is what love is about. Just make sure they are the ones you both want. It will be a tough balance regardless of your career. The only benefit I see from one in the military is you having a better understanding :) Good Luck kiddo :)
I have a great job of my own, which I had for 5 years before we met, three years ago.  We decided when he joined the CF (just last fall)that I am going to continue with my career.  I am a biologist for the Federal Government.  I do know that I would be a "priority 1" if I did want to follow my DH around, but in the science field it really isn't a good thing to keep switching jobs every few years.  I like where I live and I like my job- a lot.  We are going to try to make it work with me staying here and having my career, and he going where he has to and having his career.  I have not found much support from anyone about keeping my career.  Everyone seems to think that I have to give up the last 8 years of my life and follow my DH around.  I know this is just the beginning- but I am really hoping that somehow it can work!  A lot of business people (etc) travel while spouses stay put in one city with their jobs- why can't we have that option?
Well of course you can do it, no one said you can't. It's very hard on a relationship though. My boss is currently going through that. He is in Ottawa but his wife stayed here in Halifax. they have a teen still at home and it's very difficult for her while he is up in Ottawa for weeks at a time. He comes home about every 5-6 weeks. Most people I've talked to who choose IR (Imposed Restriction) do not enjoy the time spent apart from their spouse and family. there is a high degree of divorce among those who choose this route.....I'm a Chaplain so get to see the results of this separation quite a bit.
The best bet is always if you can get accomodation to stay put (if his career will allow) or have a job that has highly desired and portable skills . My wife is an OR nurse so she is in demand wherever we go.
Cheers....Padre IHS
There seems to be a small probelm getting 'jobs' when moving around to the bases, or losing your career.

A career is what you want it to be, so don't think too big. You don't have to work for a big corporation.
Don't get me wrong, I admire those who have their careers and want to stick to them. Do what you need to do. This is merely some suggestions for others who want to start something new or change venues to follow their spouse/partner.

Maybe my definition of 'Career' differs from most, but there are qute a few jobs/careers you can have from your own home.

An example is 'Medical transcription'. My mom is working at this now, and doing great. Everything is done over the internet, so they don't care where she is living (she is in Ontario, she works for a US company and her accounts are from the southern states and Alaska).
This is one that I am seriously looking into.

Other areas seem to be 'normal' everyday services that most take for granted.
Such as:
Childcare - daycare, babysitting, tutoring...
Pet services - grooming, training...
Exercise - Yoga, Pilates, martial arts...
Beauty - Nail tech, Hairstylist...

There are probably a longer list of others, but I can't think of them now.
Most of these can be done out of your own home, so no 'rent' for a separate building. For exercise interests, look into renting a chuch basement/gym.

These are just some areas I've noticed from other threads on this site.
Pisces201 said:
I have a great job of my own, which I had for 5 years before we met, three years ago.  We decided when he joined the CF (just last fall)that I am going to continue with my career.  I am a biologist for the Federal Government.  I do know that I would be a "priority 1" if I did want to follow my DH around, but in the science field it really isn't a good thing to keep switching jobs every few years.  I like where I live and I like my job- a lot.  We are going to try to make it work with me staying here and having my career, and he going where he has to and having his career.  I have not found much support from anyone about keeping my career.  Everyone seems to think that I have to give up the last 8 years of my life and follow my DH around.  I know this is just the beginning- but I am really hoping that somehow it can work!  A lot of business people (etc) travel while spouses stay put in one city with their jobs- why can't we have that option?

I was glad to read your post - I'm in the sciences as well although not quite sure what I'll be doing after my degree in a few years.  You definitely can't establish a lab if you have to keep moving, and doing post-doc after post-doc does not particularly sound appealing.  I'm starting to think becoming an MD will give more hire-a-bility when moving around, but again, that requires another huge investment of time in one place.  I'm at the beginning as well, so it's encouraging to see that others are thinking positively about the tough out the long-distance approach for a few years.