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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

BeyondTheNow said:
As well, you can compare the practice CFAT questionnaire with similar types of questions contained in the GED text for a greater range/variety of difficulty.

I do like that idea, the GED book is better at explaining things, my problem is that it is too general, but sort of combining the two does allow for it to be narrowed down.  I'm not necessarily dissatisfied, more worried about its relevance and if anyone had any experience with the CFAT book because it is a relatively new publication.  I do like your idea though and will definitely do that to pull it all together.

Thanks :).  I figure the more resources the better right.
WOW! 9-12 math Is close to 4 years worth of study to cramp in a 15-60 day period! and considering you only get 2 shots at it!  And one more thing! So many people on this website are sensitive and seem to have this issue with people and what they type ! If world war 3 was to break out tmorow I wonder what would happen to the cfat ?
eaglehawkdown said:
If world war 3 was to break out tmorow I wonder what would happen to the cfat ?

Not sure if trolling or simply curious about random things, but why lower a recruiting standard? Maybe we get rid of PT testing and medical testing too, and just send some cannon fodder out so we don't need to worry about actually winning.
All I wanted to get an idea about was ~ What level of math I should spend my study on so that I dont get my ass kicked on the test since its been some time that I have been in school thats all. And I think ive figured it out now. Thank you all! I can see how things on this website can easily get outta hand!
Hi Dent,

I used the same book to study for my CFAT a few weeks ago and I found it really helpful. I agree that there are issues with it (wrong answers, repetition of questions, etc), but the content is good - and actually a little higher / harder than the real test so it makes you well prepared.

In terms of studying, there isn't much you can do in a short period to increase your verbal, but there are a lot of free spatial exercises online and for problem solving I used this book: http://www.amazon.ca/gp/search?index=books&linkCode=qs&keywords=1564146782 . It should be available through your local library, and although it may seem slightly basic when you first go over the problems it was infinitely helpful as far as refreshing what was learned in grade 10 / 11 Math. I found just getting back into the habit and practice of doing problems and spatial exercises was key to success with the CFAT.

If you have any other questions send me a PM. Best of luck!

how high do you have to score on the aptitude test to become an infantry soldier. And what if you didnt qualify for a trade to wanted at first but after serving a couple year could you re-apply for that trade, or work your way into it ?
I'm guessing you didn't see the large CFAT thread or searc?  Because if you did you would have found a large thread about the CFAT.  You also would have found out CFAT scores are not posted,  even if they were how would that help you? 

You can request a VOT(change trade),  but if you do not meet the CFAT, Medical, etc requirements for that trade you will be denied.  There is no loop hole or way around it.

*edited to add link*

CFAT thread
Ryan jc88 said:
how high do you have to score on the aptitude test to become an infantry soldier.

What do you need to get on the CFAT for Infantry Trade?

CFAT Scoring? Minimum for Reg force Infantry?

Ryan jc88 said:
Thanks im new to this site and didnt see the post about CFAT.

If you have any questions regarding the recruiting process, etc,  99.9% of the time they are not unique and have been asked a few times already on the forums.  Just use the search on the website,  or search the site through google.
Hi guys, I am just wondering what score you would need to be able to get into infantry. I am confident I could pass the verbal and spatial easily, however math would be a bit more rough. The word problems specifically have never been my strong suit. Thanks.

BTW I apologize if this has been asked before.
Smith91 said:
Hi guys, I am just wondering what score you would need to be able to get into infantry.

What do you need to get on the CFAT for Infantry Trade?

CFAT Scoring? Minimum for Reg force Infantry?

CFAT for infantry officer 

"What are th lowest you can get on the cfat in order to get into the infantry?":

"Does someone know how high you have to score to become an infantryman?"

"To get into infantry, what is the school you need to get on the CFAT?";

"And one more thing im very bad at math?? will that have a lot to do with passing for Infantry Soldier which is what i really wanna do!!"

"My choice's were Infantry Soldier And Amoured Solider! Does anyone know if you need a supurb socre to get into thoise ocupations???"

"I plan to join the reserves, with an Infantry MOC. I hope the CFAT is alot easier than this test was.";

"And for infantry, you don't need a very high score (I heard)."

"For infantry you need to score 18/60...  :D"

CFAT Test Results...what does it mean?
"I‘m sure they have some room for you in the infantry, you don‘t need grade 12 math to know how to dig a hole  ;)"

Lots more Infantry CFAT discussions ...

mariomike said:
What do you need to get on the CFAT for Infantry Trade?

CFAT Scoring? Minimum for Reg force Infantry?

CFAT for infantry officer 

"What are th lowest you can get on the cfat in order to get into the infantry?":

"Does someone know how high you have to score to become an infantryman?"

"To get into infantry, what is the school you need to get on the CFAT?";

"And one more thing im very bad at math?? will that have a lot to do with passing for Infantry Soldier which is what i really wanna do!!"

"My choice's were Infantry Soldier And Amoured Solider! Does anyone know if you need a supurb socre to get into thoise ocupations???"

"I plan to join the reserves, with an Infantry MOC. I hope the CFAT is alot easier than this test was.";

"And for infantry, you don't need a very high score (I heard)."

"For infantry you need to score 18/60...  :D"

CFAT Test Results...what does it mean?
"I‘m sure they have some room for you in the infantry, you don‘t need grade 12 math to know how to dig a hole  ;)"

Lots more Infantry CFAT discussions ...

Worry less about the minimum man. You should be aiming to get 100 percent. Also I found the verbal part of the test the hardest and the math the easiest. The verbal had words I had never seen before and I have lived in Canada all my life
yamahaguitarguy said:
The verbal had words I had never seen before and I have lived in Canada all my life

Those imported words get them every time.
yamahaguitarguy said:
Worry less about the minimum man. You should be aiming to get 100 percent. Also I found the verbal part of the test the hardest and the math the easiest. The verbal had words I had never seen before

I'll agree with this post, both the aim for 100% and the remark about the verbal part.  I read a fair amount and most of the words were unfamiliar (albeit English  ;)).  Study etymology.  Go ahead, look it up.  :nod:

Loachman said:
Those imported words get them every time.

Maybe he was thinking about the Esperanto test.  ;D