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CadetPat field uniform

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Silent said:
Just a couple of quick questions, first of all: are these CADETPAT uniforms only intended for army cadets, or can they be acquired by all three elements? second: Do these have to be ordered direct from the company, or can they be ordered and issued via our LHQ?
any cadet can get them
but by ordering online, how can they confirm that the person ordering is in fact, a cadet? :-\
By the looks of things this stuff is of a MARPAT style, and its for sale to the general public thru a CADET kit website. No restrictions and why would there be in the first place.

exactly, someone could argue that the new CADETPAT is a type of civilian clothing in a military pattern, which means anyone can buy it and wear it legally ( as long as they don't go so far as to pass themself off as a military member)
Delivery can be to the LHQ if you've prepaid and asked your CO or applicable officer. All it will do is fill their mail box.

I'd suggest it be sent to your house (when I order on line I do COD as much as possible)
Ok, i just wasn't really sure if this was an actual uniform that would/could be issued if you paid for it, or if it was just a civillian piece of clothing that was made for cadets. thanks! :salute:
Silent said:
Ok, i just wasn't really sure if this was an actual uniform that would/could be issued if you paid for it, or if it was just a civillian piece of clothing that was made for cadets. thanks! :salute:

The only recognition it has as a uniform from the CATOs is that any military uniform look alike must have deonation that you're a cadet.
If this actually all goes through, in time you will see 55-04 re-writtten to include it as an authorized form of dress.  This could still be a few years down the road.


I don't like this......so, my next bush weekend, I might have cadets show up in civvies, OD, CADPAT, and "CADETPAT"......civvies and ODs I don't mind so much; CADPAT, officers said they're good to go, but I don't agree much with them on that one, but this CADETPAT garbage?!...I agree with one of the previous statements about cadets needing their own distinct pattern. hey, i hear there's a new thing called CADPAT, and they are phasing out Od's?.......:O......maybe, cadet's can stick with Od's!...if we stuck to Od's, they'd be distinct from the   res/regs soon enough.....what is the CCM comming to.......*sigh*
What is the CCM coming too "phasing out" (wrong words) an old uniform, I'm not sure perhaps a modern organization witha  vision and resources for Cadets?
I agree with dane on the boots, they are a joke, my friend has a pair and ive seen them the tread is reallly messed up, but it you use Cbt. boots with this Cadetpat, I think it would work just fine.
I don't like this......so, my next bush weekend, I might have cadets show up in civvies, OD, CADPAT, and "CADETPAT"......civvies and ODs I don't mind so much; CADPAT, officers said they're good to go, but I don't agree much with them on that one, but this CADETPAT garbage?!...I agree with one of the previous statements about cadets needing their own distinct pattern. hey, i hear there's a new thing called CADPAT, and they are phasing out Od's?.......:O......maybe, cadet's can stick with Od's!...if we stuck to Od's, they'd be distinct from the  res/regs soon enough.....what is the CCM comming to.......*sigh*



hold off on the CADETPAT as for now, it is strictly and Army Cadet League thing for Army Cadets.  i mean i suppose Air Cadets could buy it, i doubt that my unit would allow it because right now, it really doesn't fir into Air Cadet dress regs.  Another grey area.


I don't like this......so, my next bush weekend, I might have cadets show up in civvies, OD, CADPAT, and "CADETPAT"......civvies and ODs I don't mind so much; CADPAT, officers said they're good to go, but I don't agree much with them on that one, but this CADETPAT garbage?!...I agree with one of the previous statements about cadets needing their own distinct pattern. hey, i hear there's a new thing called CADPAT, and they are phasing out Od's?.......:O......maybe, cadet's can stick with Od's!...if we stuck to Od's, they'd be distinct from the  res/regs soon enough.....what is the CCM comming to.......*sigh*

Why does it matter what the cadets wear at a bush weekend? They are just supposed to wear civvies and that is what the imitation CADPAT, CADETPAT and OD's are. They arent actual uniforms issued by the CCM, if the cadets want to get all this stuff themselves and pay for it, let them have their fun and think that they are in the army. ;)
Sir,would you mind filling out your profile before you start questioning the rationale behind uniformity in the CCM? Thank you.
Army Cadets have in the past had a field uniform.
It makes sense for the Army Cadets to have some form of Field uniform has just like the regular Uniform worn at LHQ or on Parade it breeds that Uniformity, the idea of Esprit de Corps amongst the cadets and something that you know is practical for field use (in theory)

In the base funding has meant that a issued Field uniform hasn't been maintained.
Field Uniforms are generally based on the regular force uniform of the time. Thus a Cadetpat makes sense as the Regular Forces use Cadpat. The issue of using a MARPAT clone is it is very different from CADPAT.. but I think some of the purpose is to be obviously different from CADPAT.

I think it's a decent idea to make it purchaseable.

It's not needed per say.. but it is something that allows the cadets to be individual, Identifiable and ensures that they can feel like cadets even when in the field.

Just my 2 cents.
2332Piper said:
If his info is required by a mod in regards to a useful discussion, it was be asked for. Cadet discussions are not one of them. 

What makes you able to dictate which discussions are useful and which are not? Although this discussion is not useful to you it could be very useful to the cadets on this board.

Anyways there is no problem in Mandal asking the user to fill out his profile.
Where to start.

Ain't your place to ask that.  

Besides, he's right.

Well, i would say you "A'int" correct either.  
Here we have "some dude" at an internet java joint for all we know (cause his profile isn't filled out...get it?) coming onto the cadet board making an incorrect statements.  If i was Mandel and i justread some idiotic statement that wasn't really correct, i might ask for a little history as well.
Second what makes a forum important or not and who are you to judge? maybe you should stick tot the forum you deem to be important instead of acting like an ass-hat in this forum?

With that out of the way, as i believe we were on topic of Air Cadet dress regs as it refers to CADETPAT before, i refer you to http://www.cadets.ca/_docs/cato-oaic/5504_b.pdf

You will find that:

A) No, the cadet dress regs are all not the same as you stated.
B) Cadet slip ons ARE NOT to be worn with any camo clothing, unless it is official CF issue.
C) Pers. wearing Civi Camo clothing are to wear reflective safety vests as required.


D) Cadets are not suppose to wear civi's they have the option of purchasing CF bush clothing or wear civi's.  Where a cadet is never forced to buy CF "combats" they will usually see the advantage of the durability aspect vs. their CK jeans.  The key element is that they are dressed suitably for the particular event (weather).

Now, as i have stated.  i think the CADETPAT is a great idea, it does give distinction and pride in a cadet uniform but until they change the dress regs for Air, it sits as a civi pattern, which is fine just no cadet slip ons or head dress is to be worn.  And at my unit the vest would probably be "required".

hope that clears things up.......  Laughing at somone because they asked another "guest" for further details about profile info  ::)  ? grow up.


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