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Bemoaning The Lack of Sports in The CF? [merged thread]

Bruce Monkhouse said:
RG,...while we're at it, lets stop sending kids to the Olympics also,....same taxpayer pot ya' know.

I'm sure you understand that I'm talking about the pot that's handed to the CF to allocate to its various needs.

Sending young, amateur athletes to the Olympics is a matter of national pride and serves a national interest (including financial when we host).

Sending semi pro (yes they are being paid to play) members from a Unit to play a tournament, across the country, from a military budget, is not.

However, you knew that  :stirpot: when you tossed out the red herring.

I've made my points and defended them. I have nothing left to offer. I'm not going to waste anymore time when there's no compromise to be reached.  :salute:
I've resisted posting on this topic until my thoughts were more clear on the issue. Anyways, my  :2c:

I think there's some middle ground here. I agree that those pers who serve their careers on a "sports scholarship" need to wake up and realize that they're in the CF to serve it rather than the other way round. That being said, there's still scope to send pers, and even teams, to national and international events.

It used to gall me that hockey players would get the entire morning to practice, while everyone else worked. Then at PER time these guys would get pushed up the merit list with nothing other than their sports to support their PER. At the same time, individual athletes (TKD, Biathalon, etc) would have to train on their own, and routinely get turned down for attendance at various national camps etc. I'm not talking about casual participants, rather nationally ranked athletes. The result is that the base hockey team got to train and travel extensively on the Crown's dime, where the individual athlete had to travel and train on their own; and take annual leave to do so.

I'm not singling out hockey here, but hockey seems to be the biggest offender. I'm OK if we turn down the taps on team sports. It's important to recognize that there are high caliber individuals who need to compete at national events too. Support to one team from one base once per year may not be as effective as support to 22 individuals across the country.

We talk about the leadership and so on the team sports builds. I submit that there are traits such as perseverance for example, that individual sports build. Both are equally valid and valuable to the CF.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
...(snip)... I'd rather see my dollars spent on military sports than sending folks to score more degree's, jammy postings, useless HQ's, friggin' etc, etc, etc.........

Oh, and I agree with Bruce. I'd rather spend money on sports rather than some of the other wasteful things we have going on.

recceguy said:
Also, people are not fat and lazy because they don't agree with the current policy.

You're right, people are fat and lazy because they're fat and lazy. It has nothing to do with policy, and everything to do with the lack of a fitness culture in the CF. But that's another discussion for another time.
recceguy said:
I'm sure you understand that I'm talking about the pot that's handed to the CF to allocate to its various needs.

Sending young, amateur athletes to the Olympics is a matter of national pride and serves a national interest (including financial when we host).

Sending semi pro (yes they are being paid to play) members from a Unit to play a tournament, across the country, from a military budget, is not.

However, you knew that  :stirpot: when you tossed out the red herring.

I've made my points and defended them. I have nothing left to offer. I'm not going to waste anymore time when there's no compromise to be reached.  :salute:

"Red Herring"??  When the phrase "only one pot" gets used in an argument, well there is only 'one pot', so it's fair game to be tossed.
Let me ask this, if that money was allocated by the "one pot people" to the CF to be used or loosed for national sports then you'd be onboard??

Bruce Monkhouse said:
"Red Herring"??  When the phrase "only one pot" gets used in an argument, well there is only 'one pot', so it's fair game to be tossed.
Let me ask this, if that money was allocated by the "one pot people" to the CF to be used or loosed for national sports then you'd be onboard??

I'm only posting here again as a matter of clarifying my statement.

The red herring you tossed out was about cutting amateur athletes to the Olympics and it was addressed as such after my explanation of the athletes.

But then, once again, I'm sure you knew that and your indignance is, yet again, just another attempt to jerk my chain. Sorry, this dog is in the house and that chain has nothing on the end.
Your wrong my friend, if I wanted to "jerk your chain" I'd go to the 'Gun Control" thread. ;D

I'm just very passionate about people getting involved in sports of any kind, at any level.  Almost all the real important things I learned in life came from playing, or teaching, sports.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Your wrong my friend, if I wanted to "jerk your chain" I'd go to the 'Gun Control" thread. ;D

I'm just very passionate about people getting involved in sports of any kind, at any level.  Almost all the real important things I learned in life came from playing, or teaching, sports.

No sweat. PM replied to.
Eye In The Sky said:
Now THIS I can agree with.  I'd love to see base level intersection rugby. 

I think touch/flag rugby should be considered for a National level sport.  But Rugby union is too dangerous if played incorrectly.  A couple of years ago we had 2 players die in Canada from collapsed scrums.  Our insurance sky rocketed.

The other aspect is having observed 2 CMBG play rugby it looked to me more like a bunch of thugs who found an excuse to club each other, rather than a Rugby match.  I have played this sport for over 20 years at the school, club, provincial and representative level and I would encourage those interested to to seek out a local civilian club as you will learn more and become a better rugby player.
upandatom said:
You mean Adventure training? Units do that all the time.

Yes they can, I agree fully. Usually with people that are out of shape though, or just plain and simple too lazy to participate.

Adventure training, in my experience, is difficult to get approved. Units do not "do it all the time".

And again, you use a very broad brush to paint the vast majority of CAF  members as out of shape and lazy.

I would love to see biathlon as a training activity. It's good exercise and it can improve marksmanship.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Now I don't even know what 'CISM' stands for ...
International military sports league.
PPCLI Guy said:
Mind you, I am not sure the Bde Comd will be allowed to play anymore - this year he cracked three ribs and had his right lung collapsed by a young Strathcona...

Wonder if that would be a chain of command prohibition, or a 9D prohibition...
Eye In The Sky said:
So the CF should be responsible for each and every members recreational activities?  I don't want to play hockey or soccer.  I want to canoe.  So I guess for each hour someone plays hockey, I should be able to throw a canoe in the water and paddle around.

During work hours, that is.  I should also be able to load that canoe up for a week and go paddle in other places, on TD.

PSP at least in Kingston has canoes available to sign out, fill your boots. Canoe at lunch hour when shinny hockey is on. If there's a regional canoe championships, paddle yourself there and enjoy the TD. If there isn't, work with your sports director to get one started if you think there's enough interest.
Halifax Tar said:
I think touch/flag rugby should be considered for a National level sport.  But Rugby union is too dangerous if played incorrectly.  A couple of years ago we had 2 players die in Canada from collapsed scrums.  Our insurance sky rocketed.

The other aspect is having observed 2 CMBG play rugby it looked to me more like a bunch of thugs who found an excuse to club each other, rather than a Rugby match.  I have played this sport for over 20 years at the school, club, provincial and representative level and I would encourage those interested to to seek out a local civilian club as you will learn more and become a better rugby player.

That's fair; I know there are some really quality clubs here in the NCR but as Dad's Taxi co can't really properly commit anymore.  Fortunately we've taken up triathlons more or less as a family, so it's a good excuse to get out and run, bike and flounder around the water as a group.  I think touch rugby would be a lot of fun though, might see if I can set something up informally among some of us kicking around LSTL once the ground thaws as we could probably find a nearby park to run around in.
PuckChaser said:
PSP at least in Kingston has canoes available to sign out, fill your boots. Canoe at lunch hour when shinny hockey is on. If there's a regional canoe championships, paddle yourself there and enjoy the TD. If there isn't, work with your sports director to get one started if you think there's enough interest.

No no, I want to do it during work hours and the same TD as a Wing/Base hockey team  ;D
Jim Seggie said:
Adventure training, in my experience, is difficult to get approved. Units do not "do it all the time".

And again, you use a very broad brush to paint the vast majority of CAF  members as out of shape and lazy.

I would love to see biathlon as a training activity. It's good exercise and it can improve marksmanship.

Understood, Ill agree i may have gone a little broad with that, but you must admit that the average fitness level in the CF is of concern.

As for biathlon i would as well. But the problem there would be weapons, range safety etc.
If Biathlon, a national pastime that even cadets participate in, is something we can and want to do,  I'm sure we can well figure out how to run a biathlon range. I mean, it's not like those with PLQ don't have an A/RSO ticket or anything...

Edit: my grammar is terrible today.
JesseWZ said:
If Biathlon, a national pastime that even cadets participate in, is something we can and want to do,  I'm sure we can well figure out how to run a biathlon range. I mean, it's not like those with PLQ don't have an A/RSO ticket or anything...

Edit, my grammar is terrible

I have my PLQ and dont have the A/RSO ticket...
I should have spoken more specifically and accurately, PLQ-L, I'm sure we can scrounge up a few kicking around.

HT - sorry about overlooking your Naval kindred.
JesseWZ said:
I should have spoken more specifically and accurately, PLQ-L, I'm sure we can scrounge up a few kicking around.

HT - sorry about overlooking your Naval kindred.

Theres always someone like me who has to be different eh  :nod: ;)

Just poking at ya bud... I do get your point and agree