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BC Murders / MB Manhunt of Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky

tomahawk6 said:
What I said was poorly worded. Of course law enforcement will pull out all the stops to catch anyone who is a threat to the public. Two untrained kids were able to avoid capture at quite a cost.I was thinking these guys may have gotten some help from people familiar with the area. I dont know if trained special forces could have avoided capture.

Maybe the trained special forces would still be alived because these  two.. 'people' are not. Hopefully.


P.s I care not the court of public opinion, those who murder innocent people intentionally and often.. deserve the same.
I wonder if their deaths will be determined to be accidental or intentional...as from what I understand, they did leave behind some personal effects at the boat. Was it to lighten their load or to leave a hint that their corpses could be found nearby?
I suspect more details will come to light when their bodies are confirmed. Likely clothing makes it very likely it's them, but they may have had their faces chewed off by wildlife. It will be interesting to see the estimated time of death.
Brihard said:
Manitoba RCMP just announced they’ve found the two, dead.
More from the RCMP info-machine ...
Significant announcement from Assistant Commissioner Jane MacLatchy regarding the search for the BC suspects in the Gillam area
August 7, 2019
Winnipeg, Manitoba

News release

Over the last two weeks, our officers have worked tirelessly to find the suspects wanted in connection to the homicides in British Columbia.

While there were no confirmed sightings since July 22nd, our officers never gave up in their search efforts – following-up on every lead, considering all options, and using every available resource.

Our officers knew that we just needed to find that one piece of evidence that could move this search forward.

On Friday, August 2nd, that one critical piece of evidence was found – items directly linked to the suspects were located on the shoreline of the Nelson River.

Following this discovery, we were, at last, able to narrow down the search.

We immediately sent in specialized RCMP teams to begin searching nearby high-probability areas.

This morning, at approximately 10:00 am, RCMP officers located two male bodies, in the dense brush, within 1 kilometer from where the items were found. This is approximately 8 km from where the burnt vehicle was located.

At this time, we are confident that these are the bodies of the two suspects wanted in connection with the homicides in British Columbia. An autopsy is being scheduled in Winnipeg to confirm their identities and to determine their cause of death.

To the families of everyone affected by the series of events over the last few weeks, I know it has been so very difficult and I hope today's announcement can begin to bring some closure.

I want to thank the communities and the leadership of Gillam, Fox Lake Cree Nation, Ilford War Lake First Nation and York Landing.

Your lives have been disrupted, many of you lived with uncertainty and fear, but throughout, you were resilient, you came together as communities and you helped our officers get the job done.

To the officers involved in the search efforts; I commend you for your determination, for your innovation, for never giving up, and for working night and day to bring this search to a conclusion.

This was a search that could not have been successfully achieved without the help from our partners at the Canadian Armed Forces, from RCMP employees who came in from across the country and from multiple private partners.

Above all however, it was a search that could only be successful if we had strong public engagement and support.

Thank you to all Canadians for remaining vigilant, for calling us with information and most importantly, for being our partners.

RCMP Manitoba Twitter posts also attached.


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Remius said:
Good riddance.

True; saves lots of taxpayers money. However, if they had been taken alive may be the police would know why they went on the rampage? Why they killed some people but not others? How they evaded capture for so long? Where did they get their firearms? etc??
Retired AF Guy said:
True; saves lots of taxpayers money. However, if they had been taken alive may be the police would know why they went on the rampage? Why they killed some people but not others? How they evaded capture for so long? Where did they get their firearms? etc??

There may be details the police have that’s we haven’t heard yet about a lot of that stuff.  Spending a few days under water is a very effective way of evading capture.  Assuming they drowned.  Time of death I guess will determine how long they were actually “evading” or if they were just both bags of human waste letting nature take its course.

Saves money yes.  But also rids the world of two scumbags no one will miss.  I hope it was a terrifying and suffering ordeal for both of them.
As much as they were murdering scumbags, I can also see two more young lives wasted, I suspect one mostly followed along.
Colin P said:
As much as they were murdering scumbags, I can also see two more young lives wasted, I suspect one mostly followed along.

For what its worth I agree. AND let's remember they had families too.
Remius said:
Good riddance.

Hold the phone, here. Are we saying we're glad that these two misunderstood youth, who have yet to be convicted of a crime, are dead? How do we know they didn't just do what many scared kids wrongfully accused of something do, run?  Is there concrete proof beyond the shadow of doubt that these two lambs of god were murderers? Interesting given that the death penalty thread just flared up with all the "kiiling bad people is bad" posts.

Nah, just kidding, burn in the hottest fire of hell, you great wastes of genetic material.
Hamish Seggie said:
For what its worth I agree. AND let's remember they had families too.

So did the people,they killed.  Remember they set this all into motion. They are responsible for what they did to their own families.  I feel sorry for their families yes not them,.
Colin P said:
As much as they were murdering scumbags, I can also see two more young lives wasted, I suspect one mostly followed along.

I’m glad it’s over without anyone else hurt.

It sucks that families will be denied the potential closure of “why”? A robbery gone wrong, followed by a desperate carjacking? Something else? It’s a damned shame that those most hurt by this won’t be able to know...

I’d say it’s quite likely that the investigators probably know much more of the ‘what’ and maybe some of the ‘why’ than they’ve released (as they would have had no reason to compromise the investigation), and now absent a trial we’ll likely never learn that.
tomahawk6 said:
I guess this gives some closure to the cummunities in the area,

Sadly, it might even get worse in some ways as the masses of media story hunters, from around the world, turn up to get some kind of copy for their various channels/papers etc during a slow news summer period....
CanadianTire said:
The bodies were confirmed to be the two, death by suicide and they had been dead for at least several days when they were found.
RCMP info-machine version ...
The Manitoba Medical Examiner has completed the autopsies and confirmed that the two deceased men located in Manitoba on August 7, 2019 were Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky. Their next of kin have been notified and they have been offered support.

The RCMP can also confirm that the two died in what appears to be suicides by gunfire. While both individuals were deceased for a number of days before they were found, the exact time and date of their deaths are not known. However, there are strong indications that they had been alive for a few days since last seen in July and during the extensive search efforts in the Gillam area.

Police can also confirm that two firearms were also located with the two deceased males and forensic analysis is underway in order to definitively confirm that these weapons are connected with the northern BC homicide investigations. The Manitoba RCMP have completed their search of the area where the two male bodies were discovered, approximately 8 km from where Mr. Dyck’s burnt RAV4 was located on July 22, 2019.

Investigators are now assessing all items located in Manitoba, along with the previous findings related to the three northern BC homicide investigations, in order to gain more clarity into what happened to Leonard Dyck, Lucas Fowler and Chynna Deese. The assessment will review all the investigative findings to date, whether it is statements, evidentiary time lines, physical or digital evidence, and the BC RCMP have also have engaged our Behavioural Analysis Unit (BAU).

The BC RCMP commits that once we have completed that review within the next few weeks, we will be providing the families with an update with respect to the totality of the investigations and then releasing the information publicly.
Text also attached if link doesn't work.

