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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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sober_ruski said:
Chumps and chumpettes, i present to you,

Been done a few pages back by niner domestic.  You can't tell who's who.
But thanks again... ;D

Edtited to remove foot from mouth....After careful deliberation and point taken from the below post, I can now see that the second from the left COULD be Helo. 
The pic is really nice and large.  I stand corrected.  Thanks Sober ruski. 
Well, if you actually bothered to click on the image, you'd see that it is 3 times bigger and shows faces pretty well.
Those are just stand ins. We all know that Trinity is one of the leaders of the five.  I may be one of the five as well, but I am not allowed to say. MUAH HA HA!!!!! >:D
Picture says male, male, female, female, male.

All white so Dee is out. Nobody is ''old'' so ...
I would say that the one on the left could definately be the chief, same chin and nose.  The photo also eliminates Adama and Roslin as possibilities as well as Baltar.  The problem with Helo being a cylon is how could he and Sharon have a hybrid if they are both Cylons.

Of course, this photo may not even be of the actual five.  You have to ask yourself whether this was put out there to drive us geeks nuts with speculation.  The people in the robes also may not be the actual five.  They could just have easily thrown anyone from the cast into the robes just to shoot the scene.  After all, the faces were never meant to be seen.
Is the new episode even worth watching?
I mean, is there any toaster wasting action or is it turning into Santa Barbara in space?
sober_ruski said:
Is the new episode even worth watching?
I mean, is there any toaster wasting action or is it turning into Santa Barbara in space?

Nothing you would consider action in the last episode. If you don't like watching character development/drama (yawnnn!!!), you might as well skip this one...

Oh well...

BTW, is it just me or the use of a disease as a prop element for an episode has been done to death in other sci-fi series such as Star Trek and Stargate SG-1?

Oh well, again...

What bothers me about this whole series, is that they drastically obliterated most of humanity right off the bat! There could have been so much more, an entire season done BEFORE the Cyclons nuked the crappola out of the 12 Colonies... Well maybe not a whole season, but at least we could have seen some major fleet battles, like say, 30 Battlestar's against a comparable fleet of Cylon base ships etc etc... And THEN WHAMMO us into space...

And then not only that, they shortened the list even more throwing "New Caprica" into the whole mix. I didn't watch the old series mind you all, but I just thought they could have kept the Pegasus around for longer, throw in some more intense battles and military gung-ho stuff, and THEN maybe get rid of it! They just keep shooting all thier show options out of the water! How long is this series expected to last at this rate of attrition?

I suppose I'm being selfish, but I'd like the series to last...
I would like to have seen a smaller escort type of warship added to the fleet and maybe coming across more humans. So no, your not being selfish Joe, I agree with you here.
AAhhhh, that's a good idea even. Something almost like a Destroyer or Cruiser. But a direct-engagement vessel enstead of a Viper nest...

I imagine there's still a lot more down the pipe comming yet, but even still, should have let a bunch of us write some script for them haha! I'm sure it would have ended up waaayyy to violent for TV if that were the case...

R031 Pte Joe said:
AAhhhh, that's a good idea even. Something almost like a Destroyer or Cruiser. But a direct-engagement vessel enstead of a Viper nest...

I imagine there's still a lot more down the pipe comming yet, but even still, should have let a bunch of us write some script for them haha! I'm sure it would have ended up waaayyy to violent for TV if that were the case...


Agreed...the idea of a navy made up of a single type of warship just never sat right with me...
Yes, season 4 has 13 episodes scheduled. 

Two Battleships pretty much evened the odds against the cylons - seen when they took on 4 Basestars.  So where is the tension? The whole arc is about humanity against the cylons in insurmountable odds. The second Battlestar was a main plot device to a) give backstories b) allow to increase the number of pilots and craft within a plausable story line and c) lend itself for sacrifice. 

At this juncture in the arc, finding another human spaceship in the infinity of space would be beyond even the most ardent fan's ability to suspend disbelief.  The arc needs the tension and anxiety of the odds of one battlestar against what we know of at least 4 basestars. 
I think the story writers had better start "heading towards Earth" and finding human colonies along the way jor the are going to lose a huge fanbase.  Not so much as along the lines as the old series, but start finding some extra people.  Maybe one of the five on some distant planet.


Not so much an advocate for violence, but our friends to the south have a tendency to go for violence and action rather than science and exploration.  Remember SeaQuest DSV?  It went under within two seasons due to lack of action.
The original went under in three after some "crew changes" and lack of action.  Plus, I think, they found Earth to early.
My 0.02,    :army:
R031 Pte Joe said:
... Well maybe not a whole season, but at least we could have seen some major fleet battles, like say, 30 Battlestar's against a comparable fleet of Cylon base ships etc etc... And THEN WHAMMO us into space...

Well there was a battle mentioned in the four-part pilot mini-series of Battlestar Galactica where Cdr. Adama mentions that "30 battlestars were destroyed so far in the initial attacks by the Cylons". When Starbuck hears the news, she says "30 Battlestars- that's over a Quarter of the Fleet".

Thus, YES, I agree with you- they could have showed that fleet battle, but NO...the makers have a limited budget. Oh well...

Pte Joe,

To compensate you for that lack of action, here's a little photo clip showing the destoyed hulks of the Colonial Fleet floating in space: (see the photo below)

And also, here's a little youtube clip that will help satisfy your weekly fix of BSG action


THANKS, that's what I needed...some action...kabooms...laser battles...kabooms...simulated death and destruction..
...umm, who would win that fight?   
great CGI.