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Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

I get, so ...

Just minutes ago I opened the Canadian Politics page, then a thread and everything was fine. I came here (Army.ca Status ~) and everything is slow again.
Odd... but I think it may be an issue with our connection. I'll keep digging.
Last night about 8:30/9pm it slowed to the point the threads never loaded overnight (firefox), but this AM both at home and here it's fine.
My experience since last evening has been similar to that described by E.R. Campbell.

For the record, I'm on MacIntosh using Firefox.  Mac using Safari is the same.

All other sites I've accessed are fine.
So, it's not just me!

But it's fine, right this minute, in this thread. But I could not even load another thread less than five minutes ago.
Not much change:

Linux/Firefox: site opens and pages load fairly quickly;

Vista/Firefox: site opens but cannot get past Forums page

Vista/Chrome: site opens partially;

Vista/IE8: site does not even open.

Other internet site work fine on both computers and with all browsers.
Maybe try a nslookup forums.army.ca (or use the hostname of your choice here). Could be some parts are resolving fine and others are not.

I'm unable to find any problems so far...
OK. I blocked a spider that was crawling the site; it was a marketing site, not a useful search engine. I was hoping that might have made a difference, but maybe not...
Thanks, Mike. Please don't get eye twitch again. We need you!  :)
Mike Bobbitt said:
OK. I blocked a spider that was crawling the site; it was a marketing site, not a useful search engine. I was hoping that might have made a difference, but maybe not...

Seems to have worked Mike!
That seems to have done it.

Funny, though, why my Linux box would, usually, work while the MS Vista box would, usually, not.
Now I seem to be missing the menu buttons in two places.  I tried to get a screen shot.  But in case I didn't do it right.  The buttons under the top pull down box, the ones that start with "Home" on the left.  All I can see is the button marked "Gallery".  I can "feel" the other buttons there.  The same with the buttons on the bottom of the posts in the thread I am viewing.
I had to "feel" for the reply button to post this.
The screen is appearing a little different.  The top pull down box is different.  I have an ad as normal on the left hand side of the screen.  Then my avatar.  The next (Main) Box only has the numbers 654 in it.  That is the difference.
I hope that I've explained it so that it can be understood.  I'm an engineer, but I work with antennas and am too old to be anything of a computer expert.
Hmm, sounds like some of the page is being blocked... are you using the same computer/browser as before? Are you logging in from the same location?

Might be there's a firewall between us now, stripping out stuff it considers "dangerous".
Mike Bobbitt said:
Hmm, sounds like some of the page is being blocked... are you using the same computer/browser as before? Are you logging in from the same location?

Might be there's a firewall between us now, stripping out stuff it considers "dangerous".

It actually sounds like the profile language issue again, Mike.
Same computer, I was uncertain of it because it is 3 days old.  An HP running an Intel E5200 chip and 8Gb of RAM.  I'm still running VISTA and IE8.  It only happens when I sign in.  Otherwise it is all normal.
oldmtler said:
Same computer, I was uncertain of it because it is 3 days old.  An HP running an Intel E5200 chip and 8Gb of RAM.  I'm still running VISTA and IE8.  It only happens when I sign in.  Otherwise it is all normal.

Does it look like the behaviour I reported in this thread?


If it is, I hesitate to tell you how to fix it until Mike has had a chance to look at it and find out why the language keeps changing.
In short, yes it does look similar.

I just noticed the following message at the bottom of the screen:
"Please notify this forum's administrator that this site is missing the copyright message for SMF so they can rectify the situation. Display of copyright is a legal requirement. For more information on this please visit the Simple Machines website."
This is printed/overprinted 3 times.