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Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

I have no idea what my current problem is - I cannot seem to post a reply from my DIN computer - or my GPNET computers.

I don't even know if this reply will work.

I keep getting some "505" error - "page not supported".
Sounds like the security software shaking you down... it unfortunately happens from time to time, especially if your post has links or text that looks "dangerous" to the system. You can always try trimming out suspect parts of the post and see what gets through and what doesn't.

Unfortunately I don't have a better system at the moment... Given the nature of being a public Internet server, I'd rather see a few legitimate posts dropped than the alternative. A sentiment that's driven home every time I watch the security log of thwarted attacks rolling past in real time. :)
ahhh...maybe that is it.  I have been trying to paste text from Microsoft Word (Milnet spellcheck does not work on my DIN computer).  Thanks.
Any idea what "dangerous" text might look like Mike?  I am still having issues, trying to type a lengthy post - for the tenth time today  :)

I just typed it directly into the reply box from my home computer, but no joy.  Is there a time limit or character limit -I mean, it is not that long...

I am trying to post into this thread


Maybe it is locked and I can't see that or something?  I am now getting a "format not supported error"

Edited to add: Disregard this transmission.  I tried what you said Mike and submitted my post paragraph by paragraph until it stopped working.  The offending text was apparently "OS-AB-LS" (with forward slants as separators)  which I amended.  Works fine now.
type it up in Word, spellcheck, then copy & paste to notepad.

This strips all Word formating from the text. It should post without trouble after that...
thanks GAP - I got it to work.  It was the use of forward slants that appeared to be causing the problem. 
Makes a certain amount of sense, / looks like a path or a URL, and in conjunction with certain other letters or characters, can take on the look of an attack to the guard dogs. :)
Ooops... file another one under sloppy administration. I unplugged the hub that services our connection by accident. Took far too long to diagnose "not plugged in"!  :-[
Mike Bobbitt said:
Ooops... file another one under sloppy administration. I unplugged the hub that services our connection by accident. Took far too long to diagnose "not plugged in"!  :-[

One of those "demotivator" photos comes to mind...I'll only post the link.  ;)

It has been very slow here (Ottawa) for the past hour plus. It can take one or even two minutes to load a page.
Things have improved slightly: it took just under 40 seconds to load the message above, and only about 15 seconds to load this REPLY page.
Took the server down tonight for one last move. It's now in it's final resting place. :)
So did I miss something, army.ca has a new look, pale green melting into white? I kind of liked the old Green, being an up and coming old fart not liking change.  :nod:
Yep, it's a pretty big change:


What you're seeing right now is still the first iteration. It will get better. Or worse. Hard to say yet, it's still early. ;)
Sorry folks... an upgrade to the intrusion detection system didn't go well. In fact, it went roughly like a Terminator movie in that the system considered us all a threat and took action accordingly.

I successfully sent myself back in time so I could save humanity and get that lotto ticket I missed out on.

All is well.
Sorry folks... the "last" of the electrical work is now done.

Who knew Army.ca was on that breaker...?
Extremely slow today. Took over 4 mins. to pull up this tread and post this reply. I'm on dial-up but it's not that slow. Normal speeds on other sites I visit.

Well, another day, another outage. Our ISP issued us new static IP address last week and didn't tell me. So when they decommissioned the old ones tonight, we were blown off the air.

It may take a up to two hours for the DNS to fully propagate for everyone, but if you're reading this message, it already has for you. :)
Mike Bobbitt said:
Well, another day, another outage. Our ISP issued us new static IP address last week and didn't tell me. So when they decommissioned the old ones tonight, we were blown off the air.

It may take a up to two hours for the DNS to fully propagate for everyone, but if you're reading this message, it already has for you. :)

I just thought your hamsters fell off their wheels.........
