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Army.ca Meeting & Greeting in Toronto

HitorMiss said:
Sounds like I missed a great time, Still no pics posted though eh,  some of you have aspirations for public office and are afriad the pics could come back to haunt you or what?

I didn't have my camera, HOM,otherwise, there'd be a link posted by now.
All aspirations for public office disappeared years ago with a minor incident.....oh, never mind, the judge didn't believe me either!  :-X
Dodger1967 said:
Humour test ? Just how humourous do you think getting stabbed in the kidney could be ?

Think you'd find it humourous if it was done to you ?

Anyone who would find this funny, or get sarcastic on this whole thing, should do a tour in Kandahar, to see how funny, getting seriously injured is, because someone wants to kill you really is ! I assure you it's nothing to make light of !

Hey I got blown up and shot the most sympathy I got from people here was along the lines of if I could quote JM and CDN Aviator "Learn to duck for christ sake!" And "You should change your name to JUST HIT!"

If you can't make light of something bad it may well eat you up. Dodger We all take what happen to you seriously but hey life is to short not to laugh.

Now if you'll excuse me the Army has made it madatory for me to retake Battle Schools first lessons PO401.1 When getting shot at for the love of God get DOWN!

EDIT: Spelling

PMedMoe said:
Just what part of you wasn't intact, D??  ;)

I know that for myself, I seemed to be pretty much physically intact, though it did take me a couple days to get the energy to finally finish unpacking  ;D thanks to Alexander Keith... I think that he somewhat wore me out  8)

proudnurse said:
thanks to Alexander Keith... I think that he somewhat wore me out  8)
I hate to be the dirty minded one, but, that is dirty  ;)  :D
I'm sure I'll have a laugh about it when....

A- I'm not so doped up.

B- it doesn't hurt when I take a dump !

C- it isn't going to open the stitches, from laughing !

So please cut me a little slack, for a little while.

Thanks Guys

Dodger1967 said:
Anyone who would find this funny, or get sarcastic on this whole thing, should do a tour in Kandahar, to see how funny, getting seriously injured is, because someone wants to kill you really is ! I assure you it's nothing to make light of !

You are mistaken; your unsubstatiated assurance notwithstanding, it is absolutely acceptable, if not completely necessary, to make light of it. Life is too short otherwise.

A more complete explanation is coming your way by PM.

Edit: Mostly what HoM just said  ;)
PMedMoe said:
At least someone got lucky!!!  :rofl: :cheers:

;D :cheers: back at ya!


Edited to say: I was thinking tonight while I was at work.. and thought I would add a little bit here to this post :) I feel that I was "lucky" so to speak... lucky that I got a chance to get out, which doesn't happen to often for me. Not that I mind but it did feel so awesome to get away and spend time with everyone. Just thinking back on this night, I had the best time that I have had in so long. And I do want to thank all of you for this. I'm feeling very blessed to have all of you as my friends. Truly, I have to say that I do feel very "Lucky"  ;D ... and yes I did have fun with Alexander Keith too  8) can't complain!

I do have some photo's, from the morning when I woke up. I still remember waking up in my room, first thing I did was go down to the lot to see if my car was alright... after I went back to pack up my stuff and have some breaky I did take a few pictures of the city. I will upload them into my album on here when I get home! Sorry mine from the meet did not turn out all that great.. but I at least have these and will take the time.

Just a few thoughts from me on a Wed night!
Michael Baker said:
I take it that there were no buttless chaps that night?  ;D

No, but Vern got an eyeful at the bike show with JM, lucky girl!!

Not that she got an eyeful of JM, she was just with him at the show
Well, as soon as I posted, I realized what it sounded like......kind of like when I talk..... ::)
Ahhh yes, the best highlight of my weekend. The "Buttless Chaps" fashion show. Absolutely fantastic!!  ;D

I should have grabbed a couple of shots of that, but being the ditz that I am failed to do so.  :'(