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Anti-war protesters get fast start on PM

Summer? That‘s for panhandling on the island isn‘t it? :D
After all, it‘s still "their culture".

Okay, let‘s just say that I have a long history of Viking blood. Now, part of my history indicates that the Vikings used to sail to faraway lands, rape and enslave people, steal their stuff, and bring everything (slaves included) back home to party.

Well, what right do you have to discriminate against my lifestyle and my beliefs? It‘s my CULTURE, after all. And it shouldn‘t matter to you that I choose to exercise my cultural freedoms on your sorry *****, should it?

Oh...you mean you have an army, and police to prevent that sort of thing? Why? It looks like your culture is repressing MY culture. Is that nice? Is that designed to make me feel good? I feel like a victim here, being judged by YOUR moral standards...

Maybe if we all just sit down and discuss it, the problem will go away...we can discuss our cultural differences, and you can explain that I should rape and enslave only my own people. That would be such an improvement, especially for the people being raped and enslaved. After all, people are all different, and if you‘re getting raped as a Canadian, it will feel a lot different that if you were an Afghani...it would probably matter less to you personally too, right?

Merry Christmas = Eid Mubarak...it‘s only a cultural difference.

$8 an hour minimum wage, freedom to eat fast food, stay out late = staying in the house all the time with an abusive husband and being turned into a baby machine against your will...it‘s only a cultural difference.

Yeah. Whatever.

Freedom hasn‘t been "imposed" on the Afghanis, all that happened is that a particularly brutal group of thugs has been informed "Don‘t mess with the West, got it?" (Which means, "they wouldn‘t leave us alone"). A less brutal group of thugs in currently in power, and it allows more freedom to the people forced to live there because we‘re still holding the whip hand.

Besides, how exactly do you impose freedom? "You, over there, with a brain and beliefs that allow you to make choices....Make some choices that determine your overall welfare...Now! And don‘t ask my permission! And feel free to ignore me, immediately!"
No, really Gunnar, don‘t hold back. Tell us how you truly feel :D
God **** hippies nothing but a bunch of sh**ty nose whiney toilet licking maggots in my opinon.
I HATE HIPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monger, have you hugged a tree lately? Go cuddle with a bunny :D
Ah Hippies. Man I love to hate them. Going through highschool and being a reservist was quite interesting at the best of times, dealing with left-wing students and teachers, trying to convince me what I was doing was morally wrong etc. (this was before the Iraq war, i graduated June of 02,so Sep 11 and afghanistan still fresh in everyones mind). When they had something intelligent to say I was happy to debate them, but most often they were just spouting off whatever ill informed garbage the Teachers were feeding them. Even now I still have to deal with these idiots, seeing as how I parade out of Moss Park Armoury in Downtown Toronto. We have people protest outside on a fairly regular basis ( about once a month, not very large about 100 odd people). Most of whom want the place turned into a homeless shelter (thats a whole other issue here in T.O.). **** on Rememberance Day as our unit marched passed that bastion of liberal-commie enlightenment known as the univeristy of toronto, I noticed the odd person saying/doing something derogatory towards us. Most of them b**** for the sake of b*****ing, and that majority has no clue what they are talking about. Oh well it is their right, even though they would like us to stop allowing people in other nations to enjoy that same right. :(
I Live in Califronia now and I have had it with these granola eating twits. :soldier: