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Another case of issued kit on E-Bay?

That topic of discussion comes up anytime kit is spotted on EBay.. there are collectors out there who are very willing to pay big bucks to get that "sweet" piece of kit that no one else has.  That could very well be the type of person this is. 

Kit becomes available through many different avenues in the world, from contractors who do trial and evaluations for kit then sell the "extras", to people who join the military and then sell the kit to buy drugs ( I have seen it happen).  Trinity makes a good point and that's why we have to be on our toes.  Even though we have however many people on base.. we can hopefully recognize a "Canuck" when we see one.. (the Timmies cup should give them away.. or lack thereof)
Trinity said:
1.  That's why we have passwords.  Just because you are dressed like a soldier
doesn't mean you can just walk up to other soldiers in a war zone.

2. US kit is everywhere and easy to buy.  Why try getting Canadian stuff (green)
when you can buy an entire set of American kit and attempt what you are suggesting..

Situational Awareness.  If a soldier comes out of no where and you are the only friendly
units in the area.... your spider senses should be going off.

100% true.  But even if one is alert,  dressing in the CF uniform does offer tactical advantages in many other situations. I am only 80% sure on this but the CADPAT isn't ever owned by a person,  it is still Property of the CF. (correct me if I'm wrong)  Even if you buy it,  you simply paid money to hold onto stolen goods. The items themselves,  the pattern on the clothings and I believe even the look are all protected.  You'll notice the knockoffs you see in surplus stores are noticeably different than the issued stuff.

  I'm not a fan of torture,  or public flogging,  but I think we should find people who do this and force them to endure harassment training every day for no less than 6 weeks oh and the instructor should be unreasonably good looking.  I am shocked that e-bay hasn't pulled the item.  But it is Boxing week,  so I guess they're busy.
Zell_Dietrich said:
I am only 80% sure on this but the CADPAT isn't ever owned by a person,  it is still Property of the CF. (correct me if I'm wrong)  Even if you buy it,  you simply paid money to hold onto stolen goods. The items themselves,  the pattern on the clothings and I believe even the look are all protected.  You'll notice the knockoffs you see in surplus stores are noticeably different than the issued stuff.

You are correct...every part that is issue is property of the CF, you technically have to return everything. but...like socks, boots, Beret, towel, underwear....things that are more "personal" you will show them and technically keep them after they have put on the mark that they are no longer in service...(the tamp, the hole in the boot. ) etc. etc. etc.

Got a few towels home...mine now not in system anymore. The Cadpat uniform will be taken back even if wore..because it is something considered as reusable...

I cannot tell for every equipment part.

there is a form that you sign that tells that you "promise" to return every equipment part issued and you are willing to pay for the lost items.

(form is sign in the Pres not sure for the Reg force...but it must be the same thing).
mysteriousmind said:
You are correct...every part that is issue is property of the CF, you technically have to return everything. but...like socks, boots, Beret, towel, underwear....things that are more "personal" you will show them and technically keep them after they have put on the mark that they are no longer in service...(the tamp, the hole in the boot. ) etc. etc. etc.

"personal" as you call it, is also known as "next to skin".

Whether they put the hole in the tongue of the boot or not, I have never been given the option of keeping them.  Anyone else?
I've never been allowed to keep my boots, either. Kinda sucks when you gotta start from scratch. Oh well.
Big Foot said:
I've never been allowed to keep my boots, either. Kinda sucks when you gotta start from scratch. Oh well.

I have - they said they were worn enough that they'd just be tossed anyways - they are now my "mowing the lawn" boots.

Some of this seems like a moot point anyway - what self respecting infanteer wears the issued TV or boots?

I would personally be more worried about the guy who shows up with a shiny new TV, cbts and Mk IIIs! Nobody actually wears that stuff!
I was refering more to my ankle boots, lol. But, I still have a pair of the old style ankle boots so I'm happy.
Zell_Dietrich said:
I know this is likely just a quick way for some dishonest person to make money and the buyer is likely just some "odd-person" with an interesting sex life,  but seeing issued stuff for sale actually freaks me out.  If "they" (we are at war remember) got ahold of our uniforms it wouldn't take much to make copies,  good copies or even use the ones purchased in combat.  Imagine the tactical advantage to approaching a group of Canadians in a CF uniform. And that is just what I, with my limited imagination, could think of.  How about if Timmy started running around doing horrible things in the CF uniform ... wouldn't take much to get really bad really fast.

It isn't just theft,  it could cost lives - it is/could be treason. I don't care if the seller is in Germany. I'm surprised, I always thought the Germans were better at this.  Although they might just want to see who buys it. 

The only kit I bought was my beret,  and that was because I wanted to take the lining out.

In reality there is enough fake TW CADPAT to go around as it is, places which make name tags, etc. In the MEAO there has been numerous thefts of arid CADPAT uniforms before it even got into A-Stan.

I bet you could walk into any Armoury back in niave and unsuspecting Canada, or open base for that matter, posing as a CAPT for example and get into places, say a BOR with a bomb in your daypack before anyone even suspected you. Wearing a stolen TV is irrevellant.

If a person or persons are hell bent on doing something, they will.

Here impersonators kidnap and murder at random.

airmich said:
Whether they put the hole in the tongue of the boot or not, I have never been given the option of keeping them.  Anyone else?

I am transferring from army res to air force reg, I had to turn in all my kit but they let me keep all foot wear (combats, gortex boots, parade boots, oxfords) and next to skin stuff.  It's not on my charge. The funny thing is when I go to St. Jean they will probably have to issue me new ones. What a wonderful system.

Wesley (Over There) said:
I bet you could walk into any Armoury back in niave and unsuspecting Canada, or open base for that matter, posing as a CAPT for example and get into places, say a BOR with a bomb in your daypack before anyone even suspected you. Wearing a stolen TV is irrevellant.

What would be funny is an impersonator showing up at St Jean or Meaford (anywhere where there are naive young recruits) wearing sergeant's hooks, walking up to a few recruits that don't have any supervisors around and ordering them to put their C-7s in the back of his pick up truck. I wonder if it would work?
Command-Sense-Act 105 said:
There are a number of IDF soldiers and Israeli civilians that are dead because their enemies wore IDF uniforms, were carrying Galils and M16s and approached their positions in busy, built up areas without raising the alarm, then opened fire.  This has happened a number of times, not only in the Gaza Strip and West Bank areas like Nablus, Jenin and Ramallah, but has happened (if I remember correctly) in Jerusalem as well.

I think we should take every effort to minimize our distinctive equipment appearing in non-CF hands.

One only has to look back to the Second World war and the Battle of the Bulge for a near perfect example of the use of the enemies kit. Germans running amok in US kit. Twenty questions at check points. And as for us north of the parallel there is a very interesting story in South Alberta's in which a Sherman was lost one night and led a German attack on it's previous owners the next night. American's "borrowing" Canadian OD in Somalia is a more up to date event. As to today's kit in trying to equip and somewhat standardize a small cadet corps there is just not the abundance of "used/surplus" kit available as in years past. This I surmise is in part due to the measures taken to prevent kit from falling in hands not meant to be. Yes the odd piece will show up now and again but it is not like five or ten years ago when it was cheaper to pop down to the surplus store to replace a lost/stolen/worn out piece of kit then repurchase through the system. As to the knock offs that keep appearing anyone heard of copyright infringement. If the entertainment industry is finally coming to grips with this problem should not others shortly follow suit. Next time you go into a surplus store just take a look at all the new maroon CAR t shirts up for sale. In closing it is kind of interesting to find those that mock those in uniform are the first in line to buy Parkland's lastest fashion release.
Anyone remember the "RCR soldier" that supposedly had jumped the fence during the OKA Crisis?

The "soldier" was on national TV spouting all kinds of retoric, and was caught. Turned out to be a local teen trying to stir the pot so to speak.

Needless to say, you could tell that this guy was an imposter, even though he had the proper rank, hatbadge, beret etc.

Funniest thing I ever saw during the whole thing.

I got to keep my boots and next to the skin items both times I got out of the regs.

old man neri said:
No, the gov't hates seeing people stealing from them. The ice breaker thing was perfectly legal.

Well there was the case of the weather ships, were they sold them cheap, then had to buy back the weather related equipment for almost as much as the buyer paid for the ships, plus the fuel tanks for these long range ships were apparently full.
old man neri said:
I am transferring from army res to air force reg, I had to turn in all my kit but they let me keep all foot wear (combats, gortex boots, parade boots, oxfords) and next to skin stuff.  It's not on my charge. The funny thing is when I go to St. Jean they will probably have to issue me new ones. What a wonderful system.

What would be funny is an impersonator showing up at St Jean or Meaford (anywhere where there are naive young recruits) wearing sergeant's hooks, walking up to a few recruits that don't have any supervisors around and ordering them to put their C-7s in the back of his pick up truck. I wonder if it would work?

Silly you, you don't leave recruits un-attended under any circumstances  :D
Those who have served know the value of this vest.  This TAC vest is the envy of all NATO armies
I found this quote to be quite amusing. Envy of all NATO armies, eh? If thats the case, then why are so many soldiers using aftermarket rigs? Do other NATO countries really have terrible load bearing equipment? lol. I mean, I've only ever used the tacvest for 7 weeks but still, I know there's a lot left to be desired by the vest. Besides, since it specifies that it doesn't have the tags and that it has green mesh instead of CADPAT, I think that means that it isn't the issued tacvest.
the vest hes selling must be some older gen, as it doesn't use cadpat mesh, it uses olive mesh, if you read the fine print the vest hes selling is not the one displayed.
Talk about a Bull Shyter!  This guy is trying to sell a CADPAT TAC Vest, and then in his last line states that "it is not Camo" and doesn't have any tags on it like in the second picture.........Makes you wonder what exactly he is trying to sell?


Canadian Military Digital Camo Tactical Assault Combat Vest

Features and Specifications:

Adjustable straps
bayonet holder
4 mag pouch
2 grenade pouch
2 C-7 pouch
1 canteen pouch
1 supply pouch
2 accessory pouches

This is the new Combat Vest the Canadian Military switched to 2 years ago replacing the old webbing.
Durable, tactical and adjustable for all sizes
Those who have served know the value of this vest.  This TAC vest is the envy of all NATO armies
Currently in use in Afganistan
Digital Camoflage is a unique pattern exclusive to the CF Canadian Forces

On 12-Jun-07 at 16:32:31 EDT, seller added the following information:

BTW, i just want to be completly clear, the vest for sale do not have the tags that are featured in the second picture.  Also the mesh is olive green and not camo.  Sorry if this troubkle anyone.  Other then that shes a beauty!!
If you're dead certain that this is an issue tac vest (and I suspect from the pictures it is) your first step would be to alert ebay of its controlled military goods status and that it is unlawful to sell them, they'll pull the auction, the next step if you really want to push it would be to get ahold of the closest provost section, I notice you're a loyal eddy, there should be a provost handy.
If that is not bad enough, this *@#$% is selling a used kevlar vest with level 4 plates in it for $13 US.

Now if that does not set off alarm bells, I do not know what will.
