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All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephanie
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Thanks for rubbing it in :(  They're still working on it, but much has to do with the completion of the MOSID review, as well as the Occupational Spec (OS) has to be fully rewritten.  Once this is done, then the Fire Academy will have to work on the Qualification Standard (QS).  I could provide you with a little more info as per course breakdown.  Assuming, that is, you'd appreciate something up to date.  Until then, this recruiting website and video cover most aspects.  I know it's not the detail you were anticipating, but it's all I can get for know, as I'm not at work.

Ok, no worries.  Yes, i have been over tthe recruiting site and watched the video a couple of times, thanks anyways though!
You know, i would like to know how they choose who get's specialist pay and who doesn't  ??? Isn't everyone a specialist of some sort in the CF! i was puzzled however why MP's get specialist pay and FF's don't. This is not a rant, merely curiosity. 



oh, hey guys, feel free to psot here http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/37626.0/topicseen.html as well, One of the mods set it up, it's poised to be some good discussion about the Fire Service/Industry.

and Merry Christmas too!
Hello all,
Long time no talk.I have a couple of questions.First of all I have been accepted to FF in Edmonton and start OJT on april 1st.Really excited.I have been waiting 5 years for this.I was just wondering what are the odds of getting posted back here as I have house and family here?I here the airforce is a lot more accomidating then the army for things like that.Also how easy is it to go on tour?Do you just have to ask?I have 2 tours already and really enjoy being on tour.I know!One step at a time.Worry about my 3's crs first.Any insight into that would help.What can I expect?PT?Training?Is it a lot of running or more upper buddy?That kind of stuff.I know on the recruiting sight it says 4 yrs on an airforce base until promoted  to CPL.What if you are already a CPL.what about ship duty?Do you volunteer or just go?Sorry all.So many questions.I am going to stop by the Base Fire hall and talk to the gents but any info would be appreciated
Also what does this FF fitness test consist of?I cant find anything on the DIN.Thanks
First off, Congrats!  I'm assuming this is an OT from Infantry, as you are currently in Edmonton.  It's a great place to perform OJT.  Mind you, you will probably think that any place is great for OJT, right about now.  When does your 3's start, is the question?

The Odds of getting posted back are difficult to say.  I can give you my opinion, and that's it.  You already have roots in Edmonton, which is definitely beneficial.  However, the Career Managers of our trade really push for deployability and ability to move around towards improving the member's career progression.  The amount of time you already have in Edmonton is what could effect this.  The less time you have there, the more favourable it is for you to stay.  The longer you have, the more chance you may be posted.  Granted, there are many that have only seen the East Coast/West Coast (whatever the case may be), but the goal is to have a well rounded FF.  Remember.....this is just my opinion, based upon my experience of what I've seen.

Tours are becomming available as I speak.  Unfortunately, the general requirement is to have your Journeyman qualification (QL5).  The other item is whether there are actually enough qualified personnel in the current Firehall, so as to allow someone to leave on a tour.  This is the biggest problem of our trade right now, the manning shortages.  Regardless, a simple memo requesting a tour is usually gladly accepted and placed on your file.

The "Cpl" item is more of a guideline for Direct Entry personnel.  But you are basically unemployable until your 4's package and Journeyman course is complete.  After which, you can pretty well guarantee of a posting.  This generally takes less than 4 years......again, due to us having to push personnel through in order to get qualified personnel.  Ironically, and this is just my opinion, we are getting the qualifications, but little to no experience.  It's unfortunate.

Ship can be volunteered for, but you will be going either there or to the Joint NBCD Company at least once in your career.  Prehaps to both.  This is based upon your Journeyman qualification (I bet you see a common occurrance here). 

I'll give you more info on the FireFighter Physical Fitness Maintenance Program (FF PFMP) - aka: PT Test a little later, when I get the book in front of me.  In the meantime, if you are familiar with the Firefighter Combat Challenge, out test is loosely based upon it.  Running is good training, naturally.  But running is forbidden on the Fire Scene, just for general info. 

Anyway, I'll get you more info soonest.  Welcome to the Fire Service :salute:

Here's a link for the Fire Fighter Physical Fitness Maintenance Program (FF PFMP):


By the way Heatwave, have you seen the new OJT'4 package, close to 1800 hrs. I think this is good, they had some problems lately at the school with people showing up to early and not ready for their 5's course. It's going to be hard now for a supervisor to sign off a package after only 6 months of training.

How goes it,
First of all.Heatwave I appreciate the info so thanks.I am actually an Engineer at 1 CER and you are right.I am very happy.I have taken a Diploma in Fire Prevention and Safety aswell as a Company Fire Officer Diploma.doesnt mean anything.It was more to keep my brain turning.I know my wife is happy.She has had enough of playing silly bugger with the army.Like I said I would like to stay here but if not what can you do.what about IR to Coldlake or a new recruit going to Comox?Just trying to get my options.Thats kind of a bummer about having to be 5A qualified in order to go on tour however I am already in my trade now so hopefully that speeds it up a bit.You also asked about my course date.dont have one yet.I start OJT on april 1 and I am anticipating an aug course.Hopefully I am right.My acceptance letter just went out to Borden so I hope to hear soon.write back with anything else you think might help.Thanks

Don't downgrade the previous training that you've already been involved in.  I can almost guarantee that it was a key reason for you being accepted for your remuster.  In the long run, more knowledge is often better than none......Just don't walk into the Academy with a Cocky attitude!  Believe me, you'll be noticed, because that's looked for (as with any other course, I suppose).


Yes, it is quite the impressive package, and about time!  I can't agree more that people were/are being pushed through.  With all the positive changes being made at the Academy and with the new OS, we will definitely be reaping the rewards of more knowledgeable firefighters.  It still doesn't answer our manning shortages or the lack of experience.  But that too shall come.

hi, im in the army reserves right now as an infantry soldier and i have my CT in now for firefighter.
I go to the gym frequently but i was wondering if any of the firefighters in here could maybe tell me how they stay in shape for their job, such as their gym routine, i just would like to be ready for when my CT goes through (if it ever goes through  :threat:)
anything would be appriciated
thank you very much  :cdn:
If you go to the gym frequently, you won't have any problems with the physical test. Also a point to remenber is that once your course is   completed and you start working at the Firehall, you get one hour a day on shift for PT. Every Firehall is equipped with a Gym and you can train as a crew or do it on your own. Once again here's the breakdown for the test itself. It has to be done in 8 minutes with your full protective clothing and a breathing apparatus using only one bottle.

Evaluation - Consists of a health appraisal questionnaire, pre-test screening, and completion of a 10-item task based circuit. The circuit must be completed in 8:00 minutes or less, and consists of:

One Arm Hose Carry - Carry one 15.25 m (50 ft) section of 65 mm (2.5 inch) a total distance of 30.48 m (100 ft);
Ladder Raise - Carry a 3.6 m (12 ft) ladder a distance of 15.24 m (50 ft) and raise it against a wall;
Charged Hose Drag - Drag a charged 38 mm (1.5 inch) hose a distance of 30.48 m (100 ft);
First Ladder Climb - Climb a 7.3 m (24 ft) ladder three times (10 rungs);
High Volume Hose Pull - Pull a 30.48 m (100 ft) length of 100 mm (4 inch) hose and a 15.24 m (50 ft) length of 65 mm (2.5 inch) hose tied together a distance of 30.48 m (100 ft)
Forcible Entry - Move a tire weighing 102 kg (225.5 lbs) a distance of 30.5 cm (12 inches) using a 4.5 kg (10 lbs) sledge hammer;
Victim Drag - Drag a mannequin weighing 68.2 kg (150 lbs) A total distance of 30.48 m (100 ft);
Second Ladder Climb - Climb a 7.3m (24 ft) ladder twice (10 rungs);
Ladder Lower - Lower and carry a 3.6 m (12 ft) ladder a distance of 15.24 m (50 ft);
Spreader Tool Carry - Carry a 36.4 kg (80 lbs) spreader tool a Total distance of 30.48 m (100 ft).

N.B. Rest intervals of 15.24 m (50 ft) walks are provided between each task except between tasks #4 and #8 where rest intervals are 30.48 m (100 ft) walks.


For those that have never done this test before, it combines both upper and lower body strength.  This is why it is difficult to suggest that you concentrate in any one area.  One thing that most do agree on, it is a great cardiovascular workout.  Don't try running through the whole test, if you've never done it before.  Slow and steady is a good idea for the first time (but not too slow, as you only have 8 minutes).  The two areas that really get people breathing hard are the ladder climbs and the Forcible entry.  The ladder climbs don't seem like a big deal, but with the extra weight of the FF gear and the breathing with the SCBA on, it sure gets the ol' lungs pumping. 

Sounds like good times, that test is a little different then what most Dept's in Ontario use for hiring but it's all tough! I remember doing our testing every month while at Fire College, i thought my lungs were gonna blow up, it's amazing how fast you can suck back a SCBA can when your really working.

Hey, which bring me to another question! what does the CF use for SCBA Scott, Draeger, MSA ? or does it depend on the house ?

just curious.


Currently, we rely on the MSA Ultra Elite system, with Stealth bottles (30, and 60 mins), throughout the CF Fire Service.  Most Depts also have the Firehawk MMR with URC (for comms).  This isn't exactly the same for our ships as they aren't equipped with all the bells and whistles.  It's not that we prefer one system over the other, it's just that this was the company that won the bid on the contract many years ago.  As we become more involved with NBCD, things may change a bit.....More to follow.

hey, thanks alot for answering guys
8 minutes ? that seems like...not alot of time
how much time do you find that it takes you to complete this test ?
what if someone were to fail ?...do they get another chance or do they get the boot ?
thanks alot  :cdn:
Most personnel average between 6 to 7.5 minutes.  I have seen some fail/not finish, though.  Our new program has recently been re-implemented, so I can't state as to whether the "failures" are properly addressed.  In a nutshell, the individual is supposed to be placed on a remedial program and given another chance.  If this process doesn't bring positive results (ie: a pass), then possible career action may be taken through the review board.  We'll see if this is abided by.  Generally, the CF doesn't prefer giving the "boot" to trained personnel, so they do provide actions to address each scenario.  Which is good, based upon our shortages.  I know that it's hard for you to judge, as you've not participated in this particular test, but I think you'd find that 8 mins truly is reasonable, considering the requirements of the trade. 


Where did everyone go ? well, i went down to my local CFRC today to start the transfer process to the reg force.  Seems they were short staff, so i really didn't get any info that i didn't already know.  I was informed that they are not hiring for FF trade right now i guess, so essentially the trade is closed? well from what you guys have told me in the past, it will probably be open somtime soon, and so thte application process begins.  I have also been reading my essentials of FF vol. 4 and pump operator text books- time to get refressed.
Look forward to your insight heatwave, buddy et all.



Good luck to you PViddy, hopefully the process of transfering will get done quickly. Even if all the basics are covered in the apprentice course, I think it's a good idea you keep refreshing your memory......Once again, good luck.

Well, if the trade is not hiring, i guess it's hurry up...and wait! appreciate the support.

i am sure i will come up with some more stuff to ask in the mean time  :D


I know it's not what you care to hear, but if everyone that was told "No" when asking for Firefighter, many of the personnel currently employed in the trade wouldn't be in.  Personally, I was told, "Firefighter....You can forget about that!  RadOP will be open in August, if you'd like to make that your first choice."  I refused and a day and a half later, I got a phone call advising me that Firefighter was open, if I'm still interested. 

Now, I'm not saying that it'll be that quick for everyone, by no means.  What I am saying is that if I gave up on it, I wouldn't be where I am right now.  It's in your court. 

As for the books, the Essentials are a good start.  They also use the other IFSTA's at the CFFA.  Having too much knowledge in thie Fire Service is a practical improbability. 


I have heard the same thing however, Fire fighter isn't only my first choice, it's probably gonna be my only choice...unless thy can sell me on a trade that involves HAZMAT or confined space entry stuff (not holding my breath).  Thanks for the words, it's a lot of inspiration.


I have recently applied for FIRE FTR as my only choice as I know that is the only thing I want.  I have lots of qualifications - degree, 1001, tonnes of courses, volunteer firefighter, etc.  I am hoping that the trade opens up soon.

My only question is, since i have yet to complete my fitness, medical, and interview (although condifent i'll pass) and the trade opens up, does it fill right away with people on the list?  Do I miss the boat because of this?

So essentially, if someone sees the trade open and applies, they are probably out of luck right off the bat because it fills so fast right?