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Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

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Yeah, I would anticipate there being a mixture but not just going from working as an AEC doing AEC work for like 2 years and then just signing my name to things for my remaining career. lol.

Thanks for the clarification!

(I'm pretty sure they are just jealous that I will be their superior, lol)
No, there's a decent mix of ops- and staff-type work through the ranks, so you'll get your chance to do what you're trained to do.  Of course, I had a buddy (in trade) go off to a staff job after a bit less than a year of a first op posting - needs of the service, and all.  I wouldn't say this is the norm in our career-field.
Ahhh... well hopefully that won't be what happens but I guess I won't rule it out as a possibility.

April 1st is here, Aerospaced_out, are there any news on what the trade is like in the new year? such as openings, training backlogs...etc
generalmeng said:
April 1st is here, Aerospaced_out, are there any news on what the trade is like in the new year? such as openings, training backlogs...etc

I am sorry to announce that things are not looking good for folks wanting to join AEC this year (2011) especially if they intended to join via DEO (civilian university) or CEOTP (direct from high school).

With the exception of ROTP (military college), we will be closed to external intake for at least the next year.  We will have about 14 internal intake (COR, CFR, etc) this year.  It is not clear to me whether those internal intake numbers will include voluntary OTs.

The next empty slot for an AEC course is Aug 2012.

Those already in the system should know their course date, but as indicated some of them will be waiting until 2012 for a course. 
Just got accepted as an Aerospace Control Officer.
Will be going to RMC this August. :)
Aerospaced_out said:
I am sorry to announce that things are not looking good for folks wanting to join AEC this year (2011) especially if they intended to join via DEO (civilian university) or CEOTP (direct from high school).

With the exception of ROTP (military college), we will be closed to external intake for at least the next year.  We will have about 14 internal intake (COR, CFR, etc) this year.  It is not clear to me whether those internal intake numbers will include voluntary OTs.

The next empty slot for an AEC course is Aug 2012.

Those already in the system should know their course date, but as indicated some of them will be waiting until 2012 for a course.

This is a very sad news for me.  I have been waiting for a DEO AEC position to open since 2009, Oct.  I was told by my Capt that my file has been on the national merit list for quite a while.  I wonder if they will except people on the merit list from not being hired this year. 
AC Op 169/00337.1 is Part NORAD Air Defense part Air Traffic Control
AC Op 170/00337.2 is Precision Approach Radar (PAR) Controller

It's a sub trade so that the PAR Controllers can get spec pay
I have been waiting for a DEO AEC position to open since 2009, Oct.

Not sure of your particular circumstance but it seems odd that you have been waiting that long. The backlog is a recent phenomena.
Was phoned by a recruiter this morning and there are zero vacancies for this fiscal year and CEOTP is no longer a recruiting option but can apply for ROTP next year.
there's a very distinct possibility that next fiscal year there will be no DEO openings
generalmeng said:
any idea why?

Simple, the trade is starting to meet its preferred manning levels. For the first time in a long time, AEC is no longer a red trade, in fact we're now at >90% TES making us a yellow trade. Furthermore, we've got enough of a training backlog to last us through to the end of 2012, so bringing in more recruits to sit and wait for training is not a good move financially, hence why DEO and CEOTP are closing off.

I'll check the SIP when I get back to work on Monday to see what the intake numbers for the FY look like.

If you're still interested in the CF aerospace world and are willing to be an NCM, AC Op is still a red trade and could use a few good soldiers. Ain't no shame in being an NCM with a degree :)
if I'm not mistaken - AcOp is a trade with a signing bonus now...?
generalmeng: Apologies for the delay. AEC and AC Op Intake is as follows:

AEC External Intake for FY 11/12 as of 27 May 11
CEOTP: 0/0
DEO: 0/4
ROTP: 0/30
CT ROTP: 0/?
CT: 0/?

AEC Internal Intake for FY 11/12 as of 27 May 11
In-Svc: 0/8
SCP: 1/1
BTL Reassign: 2/?
SUTL Reassign: 0/?
CFR: 0/3
SRCP: 0/0
MPLAN: 0/0
CEOTP: 3/3

AC Op External Intake for FY 11/12 as of 27 May 11
External SEP: 0/0
External: 10/59

AC Op Internal Intake for FY 11/12 as of 27 May 11
Internal SEP: 0/0
Internal: 8/16

As you can see, AEC recruitment is starting to close off as we reach our PML. AEC is forecast to be green at the end of the FY, at 98.1% of our PML, so recruiting figures will adjust accordingly. DEO has only a handful of spots and CEOTP is externally closed off. ROTP remains open as it has a production delay due to university.

AC Op is still quite open though.

Grando said:
if I'm not mistaken - AcOp is a trade with a signing bonus now...?

Grando - the CANFORGEN regarding that was released at the beginning of the month.

CANFORGEN 102/11 CMP 050/11 011321Z JUN 11

REFS: A. CANFORGEN 146/10 CMP 062/10 091603Z AUG 10
C. CBI 205.525


MET TECH 00100



GEO TECH 00238

MED TECH 00334

AC OP 00337

PHARM 00194


OPI IS MAJ J.L.G. VILLENEUVE, DPPD 3, (613)995-2071


That said, the signing bonus is only applicable for those who are previously trade qualified IAW CBI 205.525
Thank you very much for that detail answer. May I ask a few questions to see if I am reading that correctly. From the post, as of May 27 of 2011, AEC have 4 opening for DEO and none are fill?
Forgive me if this has been asked previously, but how difficult is it to transfer to an AEC position, if you first join up as an AC OP ?
I am hearing different things from different people.  For example, I've read here that you should "wait it out" for the trade you want.
That it is easier to become an Officer "off the street" than it is to join NCM and then later commission.

However, I've heard from a reliable source (Reg Navy member) that if you join an NCM trade in the Navy, it's quite possible (not overly difficult) to transfer to MARS a few years later. Now, I realize that is Navy, and that things could be different in the Air Force.  But just want to know.  If anything, I could see it as a tremendous selling feature when transfering to AEC from AC OP as you have personal experience in the role, and it would make you a better rounded AEC Officer as you have intimate knowledge of AC OP matters (since you were once one yourself!).

Any comments?  Anyone else thinking about this option?
Yes, the CF wants you to pick a trade you'll like and stick with it.  However, with the low intake numbers, one has to adjust to the circumstances.
generalmeng said:
Thank you very much for that detail answer. May I ask a few questions to see if I am reading that correctly. From the post, as of May 27 of 2011, AEC have 4 opening for DEO and none are fill?

Possibly. It could be the case that those slots have been filled but the document has not been updated to reflect that (the information I posted was from an excel spreadsheet on the DWAN). If in doubt, ask your CFRC if there are any DEO AEC positions open.

malamudagain said:
Forgive me if this has been asked previously, but how difficult is it to transfer to an AEC position, if you first join up as an AC OP ?
I am hearing different things from different people.  For example, I've read here that you should "wait it out" for the trade you want.
That it is easier to become an Officer "off the street" than it is to join NCM and then later commission.

However, I've heard from a reliable source (Reg Navy member) that if you join an NCM trade in the Navy, it's quite possible (not overly difficult) to transfer to MARS a few years later. Now, I realize that is Navy, and that things could be different in the Air Force.  But just want to know.  If anything, I could see it as a tremendous selling feature when transfering to AEC from AC OP as you have personal experience in the role, and it would make you a better rounded AEC Officer as you have intimate knowledge of AC OP matters (since you were once one yourself!).

Any comments?  Anyone else thinking about this option?
Yes, the CF wants you to pick a trade you'll like and stick with it.  However, with the low intake numbers, one has to adjust to the circumstances.

I wish I could give a definite answer as to how difficult it is to go from AC Op to AEC. Certainly it has been done (my CO is a former AC Op, now AEC LCol), and provisions do exist for such a transfer (see the Internal Intake sections from my previous post). Just remember, if you join as an AC Op, you have to compete to become commissioned, it's not an entitlement.

On the value of starting as an NCM versus starting as an Officer, it depends on the individual. I've seen former NCMs who are fantastic as Officers, and some who are mediocre. I've seen Officers who joined off the street who are fantastic leaders, and some who are less-than-stellar. Like all things in military careers, you get out of it what you make of it.

I'm actually undergoing the reverse process, relinquishing my commission and becoming an AC Op. Hopefully once the message gets out of Ottawa and I lose my stripe I can adapt to what life is like as an NCM before I head back to CFSACO.
Thanks for the info Guy.  Of course I understand that you have to compete, but it is nice to know that it is possible.  If anything, I would think that any military would want to encourage people to develop into other positions, whether other officer positions or NCM postions.  For instance some cool positions are only NCM and I would take a reduction in pay, etc, gladly to do them (e.g. SAR Tech).

Maybe I'm wrong, but if you are interested in a long-term career (and given the low intake number reality currently), maybe it's better to join NCM and then try later to transfer as opposed to waiting on civvy street for who knows how long for something that may or may not happen.  At least you'll be inside gaining experience in Aerospace controlling and will be earning a living.

If it's not too private, do you mind if I ask why you want to go NCM?  I understand that with Officer positions there is more responsibility as you are a "manager" which is an additional stress and burden and there comes a time sometimes in a person's life where they decide they want to focus on their families or personal endeavours more which is totally understandable.  But wanted to hear your reasons if you are willing to share of course.

I have a degree, so I feel like I should "get my money's worth" and go Officer, but if you can have just as much fun, adventure, and challenge with less of the stress, then I would certainly consider AC OP.
