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A Year In, And Frustrated

recceguy said:
It's a matter of perspective. Mine isn't the same as someone else's. I'm also free to think the way I want. You want to offer up a suggestion and a reason? Go ahead, but don't lecture me on what YOU consider being necessary, or not. I'll decide on my own, thank you very much.
Just to clarify, I'm not lecturing you on anything - it's not our place to lecture others on their opinions - but with that said, like you, I'm free to think and say what I feel I should say.
recceguy said:
Perhaps the best lesson he could learn is just to STFU until such time as he's gained enough experience AND knowledge to form an intelligent opinion.

I can STFU if that becomes the consensus here.

I will say, though, I appreciate giving my opinions, if only because it allows others to correct me when I'm wrong.

By clearing up my arrogance and ignorance now, I suspect you are saving the military a lot of headaches down the road.
toyotatundra said:
I can STFU if that becomes the consensus here.

I will say, though, I appreciate giving my opinions, if only because it allows others to correct me when I'm wrong.

By clearing up my arrogance and ignorance now, I suspect you are saving the military a lot of headaches down the road.

Hey, if that's the game you want to play, go for it. So long as you remember to have a thick hide and take the advice without coming back with something silly or snarky.

I think you'll find that if you pose a reasonably intelligent question, without all your conjecture, the membership will be more than accomodating. Where you seem to keep getting in trouble is making off the cuff statements, without thinking.

Try pretending your an NCO and would you like someone making that kind of statement about yourself?

Do not assume we don't do things (like reams of paperwork), instead ask what an NCO has to do administratively. That way you'll learn from others without all these tangents.
Nauticus said:
Just to clarify, I'm not lecturing you on anything - it's not our place to lecture others on their opinions - but with that said, like you, I'm free to think and say what I feel I should say.

Nauticus, you've crossed my radar a few times for coming into threads only to post about how mean someone is to someone else. I have warned you about it but you seem to forget.

Here it is in plain English: If you have nothing to contribute to the thread itself, then STFU. Quite kicking it off track with your sideways swipes at other members. You started off in a contributing role and then lost that when you saw your chance to act like a dink.

Next time you're going into the warning system.

toyotatundra said:
I can STFU if that becomes the consensus here.

I will say, though, I appreciate giving my opinions, if only because it allows others to correct me when I'm wrong.

By clearing up my arrogance and ignorance now, I suspect you are saving the military a lot of headaches down the road.

In the acute situations I'll agree that the best answer is to always STFU.

I do not think that is what recceguy was getting at but he can speak for himself.