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Hey Armyrick I was on your battleschool course remustered to the navy now was with 2VP from 94-03 Left just before Bosnia and the move to Shilo. Wondered what alot of the guys where up to.
Scooter!  Good luck buddy and have fun up north.  I'm in Cold Lake bangin' nails and spending the Queens money.
So Sorry, Skip, I forgot ya, and OBB too... and Beswick too..Mike Morrison... Ya I'm gettin out, I did a weld test today at Transwest Mining, prolly be able to start as a second yr apprentice, $24-26/hr, and all the overtime/travel/camp jobs a guy can swallow, the journeyman guy that put me thru my paces made $130K last year....Made me feel old and clapped out :P  Bernie you old Dawg, what the he(( are you doing bangin nails???  There are guys everywhere out here, Joe Walsh is in Gr Prairie, C. FerChuk is in Villenueve, and who knows else is kikkin @.  Pretty good fission up there i hear, Maybe if I ever again get time off  :crybaby: We'll hafta hook up and catch some!!!  Talk to ya all later, keep in touch !!
Joe Dimauro lives in Brampton (I don't have his current address though). Last time I saw him he had a kid (new baby) and a wife. He looks like he doing better than he was.
ArmyRick said:
Joe Dimauro lives in Brampton (I don't have his current address though). Last time I saw him he had a kid (new baby) and a wife. He looks like he doing better than he was.

Yeah ,he is doing good, good job etc. I have been down to visit him a few times last summer.  Meant to go down over Christmas but never made it.
My Husband was Posted to 2VP from 1994- 2000 then he remustered to Weather Witch and we got posted to Comox. He is now retired and works as a welder now here in Edmonton Region.

Do you guys know Ozzy- Ostrander He is out retired now. MCPL Gerrards is out a Calgary Police Officer now, after remustering to MP and getting posted to Comox as well. Do you know Peach? Cpl Wade Ford - he went to Gagetown lost touch with him there.

Ostrander was a riot. I remember his zen like pose one day in Bosnia, he looked like a freaking hippy with short hair just vegging out in the sun for hours. He was great to talk to as well.

When did he retire?

Felt sorry for him though because the troubles with his health.
I think he retired 2003.  Yeah his health problems gave him some grief.  I still think its contributed to those 10 liters of coffe he drank though.  ;)
There were several guys who got sick from that tour in 94. For Ozzy's who knows what started it?
Hey Do you guys know Bernie Arthurs I think was the last name he was in Victoria 3PPCLI with my Husband.
Do you guys remember this nickname TOUT? That is my husband. My husband is friends with Boucher, and Fletcher. :)
Oh and a guy in Wainwright Cpl Smith, Craig from Cape Breton.

My husband talks by email now and then to Ozzy.
  Hey Misty, I think Berndawg up above and Bernie Arthurs are one and the same  :salute:  Big Jim Peach is here at 1 Svc as a trucker I think, and saw Rob Bowen today, as a firefighter.  Remember boys that cook Sherri Seymour, well she is the education coordinator now for Edmonton Garrison.  Crazy ol' Joe Black, ex-TOW PL is here as well as a bus driver,  Dave Tower is a carpenter in Comox but is releasing (just like me  :crybaby:) in April in Winnipeg.  Adios Muchachos    :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:
Yup that's me.  Oh the horror!  Outed on Army.ca!
Looks like I'm gettin Daves position in Comox BTW find out more when the posting messages are cut next month.
  He says it's an awesome spot Bern, but he has been on IR for the last two? yrs, and hits his 20 in April, so he's pullin it !
Don't blame him and I get to go back to BC to burn off the rest of my 25 then watch and shoot.  ;D
scooterjones said:
   Hey Misty, I think Berndawg up above and Bernie Arthurs are one and the same   :salute:   Big Jim Peach is here at 1 Svc as a trucker I think, and saw Rob Bowen today, as a firefighter.  Remember boys that cook Sherri Seymour, well she is the education coordinator now for Edmonton Garrison.  Crazy ol' Joe Black, ex-TOW PL is here as well as a bus driver,  Dave Tower is a carpenter in Comox but is releasing (just like me  :crybaby:) in April in Winnipeg.   Adios Muchachos    :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute: :salute:

Get this Rob Bowen if one and the same and if he is from BC - I went to Elementry with in Duncan BC. :)
Comox was nasty for us - They kept trying to force my husband to volunteer for Scouts - HELLO we don't have kids by choice.
Peach here in Edmonton, Awesome If you see him Scooter ask him where Wade Ford is?  It would be so cool for all you guys to get together.

Berndawg:  Do you remember Mario Salzar who was 3 VP from Vic? We saw him at a home show here he sells hardwood flooring now. :)

BernDawg-  Remember Chia Brett, and Leech what ever happened to them? Is McRoberts still in Vancouver? I know Stout in Ottawa where he wanted to be.  Good for him. What about Smitty (Craig Smith)? Last we heard he was in Wainwright.

PM me and I will give you my Husband's email so you can catch up.

Wow! Stumbled on this site looking for some of the feasibility studies done on the move of 2 PPCLI  to Shilo for one of my students and see all these names I have not seen in years. BTW the TOW canteen under the iron fist of the "YAK" could not be beat. Scooter good to hear that you are doing well. mistyqueen, if Tout is who I think he is then its really good to hear that he is doing well, I lost touch with him after he left A coy Transport. Well now that I know this site is here I will have to keep an eye out for other familiar names and catch up with everyone.
Well as of Mid 2006 I heard he was in Gagetown. That's second hand information though. I had run into his ex. who let me know where he was.