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Search results

  1. G

    SYR Refugees to Canada (split fm SYR refugees thread)

    Thank you so much.  I am having an awful trip & hearing that I might return to a move pde was making a bad situation worse. Any chance you could send me the link for the memo?
  2. G

    SYR Refugees to Canada (split fm SYR refugees thread)

    I've been overseas for the past few weeks & I live in single quarters at CFB Kingston.  I don't return until Friday. Can anyone tell me if Bldg C-46 is affected?  I hate surprises...  Many thanks!
  3. G

    Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

    Youngsldr:  did you ever get this resolved?
  4. G

    I am IN!! And now what?

    Patrick: < before this thread gets closed -- the others are correct and you should be using the search engine > You are a tad older than the average recruit.  THAT DOES NOT MATTER.  While the young ones will bring in youth, strength, endurance and *enthusiasm* YOU will bring in an...
  5. G

    London (England) Trip Accn: Union Jack Club <vs> Victory Services Club

    ALL: Thank you so much for taking the time to put in your advice; it is much appreciated!
  6. G

    London (England) Trip Accn: Union Jack Club <vs> Victory Services Club

    Thanks for the heads-up on the UJC.  Money isn't too big an issue and I don't want a room with no ensuite. Actually, I have been thinking about staying wk1 in the VSC and wk2 in the UJC so that I get two different views of the city.  I daresay it all sounds a bit odd, but I will be travelling...
  7. G

    London (England) Trip Accn: Union Jack Club <vs> Victory Services Club

    I am planning two wks ann lve in London, England, for late Nov / early Dec.  I have narrowed the accn down to two:  the Union Jack Club OR the Victory Services Club.  I have never been to London before and I will be traveling solo.  I am a CF female officer in mid-30s (if this matters for your...
  8. G

    First week-end off!

    Security check... your RC gave you the forms for the security check.  During Wk 0 or 1 (I don't recall) your plt will have a visit with the commis and secur pers.  You will certainly be expected to have those security forms filled out.  Now, depending upon your mocc (at least with offrs this is...
  9. G

    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    Aiiight... I am NOT trying to re-ignite the witch-burning that has been going on in the last week or so, but back to the whole DESSERT thingy with Celtic Girl: On BMOQ (and BMQ) you have maybe 10-15 mins to CHOOSE and EAT at any given mealtime.  If you are a vegetarian (like Celtic Girl) your...
  10. G

    Combat Conditioning (Matt Furey books)

    In most areas (cardio/core/pushups) I am well above what the CF expectations for women are, but I absolutely suck at anything that requires pulling my body weight up and over something.  And, frankly, I am tired of looking like a bloody moron whenever I have to run the obstacle crse!  So, I...
  11. G

    Combat Conditioning (Matt Furey books)

    I recently bought Matt Furey's books _Combat_Conditioning_ and _Combat_Abs_.  Furey's approach is very old school and is basically about doing calisthenics for FUNCTIONAL strength and being a master of your own body weight. Has anyone tried his system?  Any comments are welcome.
  12. G

    Update on Current Requirements for Joining the CF and open Direct Entry Trades

    stalled trg + not entitled to have family join you whilst waiting = VRs (IMHO) (At the yr 1 and 2 serv in level)
  13. G

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Correct on all counts Otis.
  14. G

    Update on Current Requirements for Joining the CF and open Direct Entry Trades

    I'm NOT a recruiter NOR am I privy to current stats, HOWEVER I can tell you that CFLRS is full of ROTP (RMC / civ uni) recruits right now.  On the ROTP civ uni side of things there are plt with about 50% airforce (pilots) and these OCdts do NOT yet have a set occ.  The grand majority are cat as...
  15. G

    REG FORCE:: CF Express Test: What Do You Do First? Cardio or Strength?

    There is plenty of recovery time between "events" in the test at CFLRS.  As was said above about being able to do the distance and pushups you will be fine.    Only someone who is out-of-shape would find the pacing to be demanding.  This isn't an ironman contest; it is merely the MINIMAL fit...
  16. G

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    No one cares what you do in your personal life.  HOWEVER are you a female or male as that changes the scope of your questions and possible answers. I am so confused...
  17. G

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    The name tapes still need to be sewn on, but using the Sharpie instead of the provided marking pens reduces the need to continuously rewrite your first four and last three due to fading.  BTW the tapes ares IRONED on at the basic at Esquimalt.
  18. G

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Sewing kit is provided, although there aren't any scissors in it.  Walmart sells a small fold up scissors that is very useful, esp since you aren't allowed to burn threads anymore.  An extra spool of white thread is handy to have.  Buy a waterproof Sharpie for marking your kit as the marking...
  19. G

    Week 0 of BMQ?

    You will start marching now from pt A to pt B, in your civies for at least the first part of the wk.  You will prolly feel foolish, esp when you march by other plts that have their sh****t together.  You should not feel foolish; this is a mistake.  From time 0 do your best to march like the...
  20. G

    August 2009 BMOQ

    Highly unlikely.  A very "unique" sit occurred with the group to which you are referring.  Basically, they recd offers in Jan/Feb with a crse start of spring 08 (Apr or May -- I don't recall), and enrollment ceremonies in Mar 08 (to get the enrollment numbers into the CF FYE (31 Mar).  In early...