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Packing for Basic [MERGED]

Piper said:
I can't believe I missed all that, especially a forum nemesis agreeing with me.  ;)

Good luck Celticgirl, don't let stick-in-the-muds get you down.

And for the record, 48th, I take offence to the Pratt label. Call me anything you wish except for the same name used by that arrogant douche on The Hills (I'm not that bad).

Alright, alright, fair enough......I just love using old words that are no longer spoken....lemme see,  well you know what...I also agreed with your view over in that right wing thread....so that should cancel out finding another word  ;)



btw, that 400 Pipe band is actually pretty good at practice, adn they seem laid back too.
the 48th regulator said:
that 400 Pipe band is actually pretty good at practice, adn they seem laid back too.

'Tis a quality band, and the first Canadian pipe band to invade Russia.
the 48th regulator said:
Alright, alright, fair enough......I just love using old words that are no longer spoken....lemme see,  well you know what...I also agreed with your view over in that right wing thread....so that should cancel out finding another word  ;)

You've really got to keep up with the times, Spencer Pratt is the modern embodiement of the oft hated 'd-bag' (my succession of girlfriends watch that show religiously). I'm not quite as bad as him (although I have an affinity for colourful button-ups and polos as this Pratt character does...albeit with the collar un-popped).  ;)

Mtv.ca, check it out. Be warned, your blod pressure will rise exponentially.

btw, that 400 Pipe band is actually pretty good at practice, adn they seem laid back too.

Indeed, I have heard very good things and was in contact with the PM today. I'm still kicking myself for not remembering that they were in Borden. I thought they only practiced in Toronto (they practice in both spots apparently). At least I have a place to practice for the summer....I'm sure my upcoming Borden roommate is thankfull.
"Pratt" is a very old British term, equating roughly to "ass".  It has nothing to do with that IQ reducing MTV crapfest.
Kat Stevens said:
"Pratt" is a very old British term, equating roughly to "***".  It has nothing to do with that IQ reducing MTV crapfest.

I know the term.

Interesting coincidence though, don't ya think?
"Re: Canex and Prep Gear" .... has reduced to talk about the WORST television program to ever be on TV!? My heart is sinking into my gut just thinking about it... Giddy cell phone/shoulder bag addicted girls and a whole fleet of "pratts" in their hurting polo shirts...

screw "pratt".. bring back "zeeek!"
Aiiight... I am NOT trying to re-ignite the witch-burning that has been going on in the last week or so, but back to the whole DESSERT thingy with Celtic Girl:

On BMOQ (and BMQ) you have maybe 10-15 mins to CHOOSE and EAT at any given mealtime.  If you are a vegetarian (like Celtic Girl) your choices -- if you even have time to search out the vegetarian options (usually nutritionally deficit processed pasta plus sauce) -- are fairly limited.  Add to that CG's height and weight (very slim), her only choice in order NOT to lose weight was to eat extra desserts.  When I was on crse (and I am NOT a vegetarian) I had to eat extra desserts (combined with a fairly balanced protein/carb diet with lots of fruits/vegs etc which equal vitamins/minerals/and all the body needs) in order not to lose too much weight and have all of the subsequent probs that come with that.  IOW when the body is calorie deprived the fuel needs to come from somewhere, and slimmies like CG and myself can not afford to have the body use muscle to fuel itself.  Ergo, the desserts.  Now, in *normal* life there are other solutions, but give the lady a break!

Ghost kit... good grief I *hate* that term.  Recruits are not fooling DS and recruits of any merit understand this.  It is all a little game that everyone knows about.  My DS checked those little things (eg shaving cream), but DS has its ways of determining "attention to detail" and the dimensions of this-that-and-the-other plus the state of one's footwear and DEUs tell the story.  No doubt usually the whole story of time spent on kit/room prep.  (Especially whether or not there was dust within the jams of the windows -- oh, I hate windows).

What does surprise me, though, is all of the candidates who do NOT sleep IN the sheets, YET their beds STILL looked like "a dog's breakfast" the next day:  blankets / sheets not pulled over very taut to get rid of the wrinkles and corners not at 45.  Now THERE is a lack of attention to detail.

Celtic Girl has never purported to be what she isn't.  Kindly read her posts before going after her -- which is what the grand majority of you have done.  'Nuff said but I sincerely think it is worth mentioning.

G2G out.

G2G, well said and I fully back you up.
It's quite obvious from some of the posts that there are still some "namby-pambys" getting in and poisoning the others with their bs pc rhetoric.
I'm still amazed at the lack of discipline and feeling of superiority among some new troops: when, one day some years ago, a newly no hook pte told me to f.o....yes, I did spit and sputter and proceeded to speak to his WO, who politely informed said new pte about how to speak to someone who is servicing your aircraft with a big yellow truck.
I hope some of the new recruits are paying attention to some of the advise given here.  CelticGirl has her head screwed on right and tight and will do well and go far, because she knows the first rule of keeping you head up, ears open and mouth shut.
If you want pc-ness, welcome to Walmart.  This is the military/army/navy/airforce, you give up certain rights to belong....There's No Life Like It!!!...and I Don't Regret the Day~~
  pheww      :2c:
Try to stick to the list!
You'll just get hassled if you have wildly different kit from everyone else. Plus most of the digital frames I've seen are not cheap and need to be plugged in. For the most part you don't want anything expensive that could 'grow legs' and if there is a power outlet nearby it will be for your standard desk lamp and your standard alarm clock that sit next to your standard 5x7 frame with your standard photo of your standard family. Just my 2 cents. Good luck & have fun:)
tristismilitis said:
Try to stick to the list!
You'll just get hassled if you have wildly different kit from everyone else. Plus most of the digital frames I've seen are not cheap and need to be plugged in. For the most part you don't want anything expensive that could 'grow legs' and if there is a power outlet nearby it will be for your standard desk lamp and your standard alarm clock that sit next to your standard 5x7 frame with your standard photo of your standard family. Just my 2 cents. Good luck & have fun:)

In other words:  "Uniformity".
On the day you enrol you will be given a kit list for BMQ/BMOQ. Follow the list. Once Basic is over you will be sent to your next base. When all your training is over and you are posted to your first permanent job you can have all the rest of your stuff sent to you. DO NOT over pack for BMQ/BMOQ You won't need it but still have to lug it around.
Small point, *lugging it around* includes moving it from your vehicle to the Green Doors, and then to whatever part of the Mega you will be quartered in.  If you end up on the top floor on the opposite end of the complex from the Green Doors, that can be a long haul.  Keep in mind, you aren't allowed to use the elevators during all of this. 
Necro-post mobbing in progress...
:clubinhand: :clubinhand: :clubinhand: :clubinhand: :clubinhand: :clubinhand: :clubinhand: :clubinhand: :clubinhand:

Three most important rules to remember for what you bring:
1. You are going to be taught the military culture; not how to be a robot, but how to conform your personal non-physical expression to a level acceptable for the military and your future career. 
2. Anything 'unusual' is going to get ridden like a raw pony.  Avoid bringing leopard-striped underwear or anything else you wouldn't want on public display, because everything you bring is potentially open to inspection.
3. Have a sense of humour about it.  Anything unusual will draw comments, many of them embarrassing to the owner of said object, as part of making a point to the entire course.  You can try to avoid being that example, but sometimes it ends up being you anyway.     
Re: Underwear (cotton)

Do they have to be cotton? Really? I haven't worn "tighty whities" in about 10 years!

I wear Under Armour boxers because I chafe everywhere. I have muscular legs!

I understand that I can use bodyglide / vaseline, but do I have any options?