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  1. K

    What's the food like on course? (BMQ, DP, ect...) [Merged]

    Do they set how much food you are given or is their always the option to get more? I ask because I know alot of young guys 19-25 especially those that are active could eat 5 times that of some of the older soldiers.
  2. K

    RCMP to Reg Force

    where can you find a list of what degree is preferred for each occupation?
  3. K

    Bracelets to help soldiers

    I had my suspicions as well but he seemed honest. I figured I would trust him and if he turned out to be a crook them I guess I fell for it and atleast have a interesting bracelet for it. If he is honest then I helped out in a small way.
  4. K

    Bracelets to help soldiers

    I was on a random site today and a guy was selling bracelets made out of para-cord in which he sent the profits to some organization that helps wounded American veterans. I bought one for ten bucks to help the cause. Does anyone know if anyone is doing something like this for Canadian soldiers...
  5. K

    Sirs and saluts

    I am joining the reserves, should be sworn in by the end of the month, so they say, anyways I was just wondering at what point should I be saluting officers, what point should I be saying sir and to who? I read that in the regs its not until you pass some level of BMQ that you are required to...
  6. K

    Reserve standards

    Thanks for the search link thing it helped. What is ment exactly by business/business casual? Tie and pants, polo shirt and pants?
  7. K

    Reserve standards

    For swearing in I just had a quick question. I will be going to the reserve unit (Rocky Mountain Rangers) for my swearing in a couple weeks and was just wondering what dress I need to be in? in addition, what is an acceptable hair length? I know the unit will probably tell me but if they dont I...
  8. K

    Rifle group sizes?

    Ya that really answers my question. I am really hoping to gain some really good marksmanship skills so hopefully I can learn from the best. Thanks
  9. K

    Rifle group sizes?

    Doesn't all types of weapons use effectively the same tactics though. steady hand, accurate eye sight, good posture and balance. it might be hard to say how anyone shooting compares to others but if you can generally shoot decent, you are capable of shooting well with a majority of firearms.
  10. K

    Rifle group sizes?

    I am curious, mainly for the selfish reason to feel more confident in my abilities before going into the armed forces, about how the shooting abilities of soldiers improves from before acceptance, through basic training and beyond? I have been accepted and am awaiting my bmq date. Anyways...
  11. K

    P90x before BMQ

    I have just started doing P90x after I took my reserve PT test last week. So far I have to say that the workouts are amazing. Overall, it has been covering all aspects of what I 'believe' is needed in the future, specifically on BMQ next summer. It has push-ups, pull-ups, and extensive cardio...
  12. K

    'Swearing in' finally in sight

    I'm going to TRU currently in my second year. I want to see how it goes in reserves until I'm done TRU then I'll be deciding between either law school, reg force or RCMP. Either way I believe it will be a great experience for me!
  13. K

    'Swearing in' finally in sight

    Thanks! I applied for infantry. Are you with the rangers or did you just use the unit for testing for the reg force?
  14. K

    'Swearing in' finally in sight

    After a process that started last september with a meeting with a meeting in Kamloops, BC at the Rocky Mountain Rangers unit I can finally see the end of my application process coming into sight. After submitting my application, I didn't hear anything till about April when I was called into the...
  15. K


    I have my swear in date to the Rocky Mountain Rangers in September and was just wondering the rules regarding chewing tobacco. I know lots of the men chew but when and where is appropriate?
  16. K

    Just handed in application

    I handed my application into the Rocky Mountain Rangers today which is pretty sweet. My problem is they only do basic in the summer months and Im not sure if I will have made it or not. I asked the recruiter and he said that he had no idea that it all depends. From the best of your knowledge how...
  17. K

    ROTP after High School Questions

    I have always been fascinated by the military lifestyle and as im graduating this spring from high school I am wanting to enlist with the canadian armed forces most hopefully as an infantry soldier. This being said I am also wanting to obtain some further education with a bachaleur of arts with...