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RCMP to Reg Force


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Good day!

This is my first post.  I tried searching these forums (and the internet) for my question, but couldn't seem to find a straight answer.

A couple of questions actually:

1. I was a constable with the RCMP for about 3.5 years.  I'm looking to apply to the reg force and was wondering if the pensionable time is transferable.

2. I'm looking at applying under the ROTP program (I never completed a degree prior to entering the RCMP), and was wondering if the selection as to whether I attend RMC or a civilian university is completely out of my hands, or if my advanced age (28  ;) ) and established family life in Edmonton would be considered to allow me to be enrolled in a civilian university.  This is of course assuming I am considered acceptable for the ROTP program.

3. Now that I think of it, I have one more question: I am primarily interested in a commerce/economics degree.  I see a lot of prerequisites for many positions require a degree in the sciences as opposed to arts.  Will this limit my potential transferability within the forces?

Thank you in advance for your responses, and please excuse my ignorance should I have displayed any.
I left the RCMP almost 4 years ago and went o the Reg Force.  Yes, your RCMP SA transfers to the CFSA.  You will still need to do a minimum of 25 yrs in the Reg F before pension, BUT, you will have a 28.5 yr pension.  The CF does have a bit of latitude regarding civi U rather then RMC.  Of course they prefer you go to RMC, but make your case known.  There is a chart which shows which degrees are most desired for each MOC.  Try to google the ASU Ottawa PSO shop and go through their links, it is there somewhere.  Good luck, if you need to know anything else, PM me.

ten30golf said:
and established family life in Edmonton would be considered to allow me to be enrolled in a civilian university

Please prepare your family for an eventual up-rooting.  Unlike the RCMP, you really cannot postpone/delay/turn down a move. 

If you apply for ROTP, plan that they will send you to RMC in Kingston.  Civi-U is an overflow option that is offered to an applicant, rarely is it requested.
bick said:
I left the RCMP almost 4 years ago and went o the Reg Force.  Yes, your RCMP SA transfers to the CFSA.  You will still need to do a minimum of 25 yrs in the Reg F before pension, BUT, you will have a 28.5 yr pension. 

There is a section on the web that discusses this very scenario:

The degree program you choose can affect which occupation you're assigned.  Some occupations have required degrees.  Most have preferred or acceptable degrees.  There are plenty of options for Commerce/Economics degrees.  For Logistics, it is a preferred degree (while a BA in History is an acceptable degree).  Some occupations simply require a degree and it doesn't matter which field (e.g. Commerce is just fine for pilot or MARS).

The fact that you have a dependant family established in Edmonton should be mentioned to the Recruiting Centre and may be a consideration in determining where you go should you be accepted into ROTP.  Economically it makes a lot more sense.  If you have already enrolled at a school in Edmonton and started a program, that will be a big factor in the decision (that's what happened to me).
Greetings brother. I too work within policing. One of my reasons for going reserve is that I don't want to give up my policing role - yet - and also that I can't afford to be moved around due to family and being established. It is why I am going the reserve route. That being said, if you have a unit near you, you might also want to look into joining as an NCM and getting reimbursed for your tuition. Not sure what the RCMP policy is out there - or what you local chain of command is like in reference to military time off, but if they are amenable to it you may be able to at least start your army career without uprooting the family.

Keep in mind too that is you're a 1st class constable then you're making in excess of 80,000 a year basic pay not including overtime etc. So depending on your situation that's a pretty hefty cut to go to Officer Cadet / 2LT for the first few years. Which is again why I have to go the reserve route as I can't afford that kind of cut. Either way though, best of luck to you. I know of a RCMP guys that are reservists and love it. [Eastern Ontario though.]
bolt said:
Keep in mind too that is you're a 1st class constable then you're making in excess of 80,000 a year basic pay not including overtime etc.

Of course,  money is not everything   but, it is something to consider if changing jobs:

Last year, 1,329 Toronto Police Officers made "the Sunshine List".:

"the list doesn't include earnings through paid-duty jobs"

After G20, I am sure 2010 will be another profitable year.
The Sunshine List does not include "Paid Duty", because the money does not come directly from the city budget:

( Although I read two days ago that CRA wants to make parking at TPS stations a Taxable Benefit. )

Interesting articles...and I agree that money isn't everything. My personal belief is to do what you're good at and what is in you to do, and try to get paid for it. Sometimes it works out well, sometimes not so well. For example to do a weekend exercise as a reservist 2LT or LT I'll make around $200-300. Giving up overtime or a paid duty where I could have been paid $1500-2000 for the same time period - timmie's in hand, in a warm car and not wet in a trench - that's quite a difference. But I'll do it because that's what I want to do...and money isn't everything.

But ofcourse the reality is that wives, kids, mortgages and the like have to be considered so I just wanted to make sure my brother weighed the cost accordingly. Although his posting on this site like most of us "newbies" indicates he's well on his way to weighing all the pros and cons.

mariomike said:
Of course,  money is not everything   but, it is something to consider if changing jobs:

Last year, 1,329 Toronto Police Officers made "the Sunshine List".:

"the list doesn't include earnings through paid-duty jobs"

After G20, I am sure 2010 will be another profitable year.
The Sunshine List does not include "Paid Duty", because the money does not come directly from the city budget:

( Although I read two days ago that CRA wants to make parking at TPS stations a Taxable Benefit. )
bolt said:
For example to do a weekend exercise as a reservist 2LT or LT I'll make around $200-300. Giving up overtime or a paid duty where I could have been paid $1500-2000 for the same time period - timmie's in hand, in a warm car and not wet in a trench - that's quite a difference. But I'll do it because that's what I want to do...and money isn't everything.

Highlight mine.

I understand what you are saying. I was in a similar situation.

"Phase out paid duty police at film shoots: Thomson":