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Search results

  1. Jack Nastyface

    Ships' Names and Staff Duties, split from Re: HMCS Athabaskan

    So, by virtue of your logic all senior officers are correct 100% of the time. Am I correct on this point? If that is your argument then what with all the CPO1/CWOs, Generals and Admirals running the show at the Puzzle Palace in Ottawa you must be in agreement with every decision and resulting...
  2. Jack Nastyface

    Marriage and recruiting

    Hi Shanny, my suggestion would be to finish your degree and then apply as a Direct Entry Officer (DEO) applicant. If you told us what your degree majors in, that would help. If your husband is going Naval Wpns Tech it would behoove you to apply for Maritme Surface/Sub-surface (MARS) or MARE (if...
  3. Jack Nastyface

    Ships' Names and Staff Duties, split from Re: HMCS Athabaskan

    I have canvassed a SME on this matter, Cdr Bob Willson.He was the Navo in HMCS HAIDA in '57, commanded a steamer and after he retired was the CO of HAIDA when she was berthed at Ontario Place.  He is a prominent member of the NOAC and The Naval Club of Toronto. I quote: "Hi Jack, Greetings from...
  4. Jack Nastyface

    Destroyer/Or Frigate

    Some of the naval types in Slackers may have heard of CPO1 "Buster" Brown. Buster was the Formation Chief in Halifax in the early '90s and also served as technical consultant on the film "U-571 Widowmaker" as he had a long and illustrious career in O-Boats. I asked his take on which is proper...
  5. Jack Nastyface

    update interview

    It's not a full interview. Basically it is a target interview (that PRes NCMs receive) focussing on any changes to personal circumstances. This includes change of contact info, financial, legal, tattoos, medical and professional/academic upgrades. It should take approx. 5-10 minutes. Easy peasy...
  6. Jack Nastyface

    Destroyer/Or Frigate

    Bingo!! We have a winner. ;D
  7. Jack Nastyface

    Ships' Names and Staff Duties, split from Re: HMCS Athabaskan

    Funny that. I canvassed all of the naval officers at my unit and asked them how they would write a ship's name. To a man they answered, "All in caps."  I believe that the web sites and articles that Cdn Aviator offered were all DND and military articles. Whatever civvy authors do,I don't  really...
  8. Jack Nastyface

    Married couples and children

    A good friend of mine is a Chaplain (aka "The Bish", "Sin Bos'n" or "God Botherer") who wears an air force uniform. In 24 years he has served in ships and on army bases. You guessed it, never posted to a Wing or an air force billet. ;D
  9. Jack Nastyface

    Destroyer/Or Frigate

    I like the cut of your jib, MARS! :salute:
  10. Jack Nastyface

    Ships' Names and Staff Duties, split from Re: HMCS Athabaskan

    Ok Cdn Aviator, googled "Cdn Forces military writing"and lo and behold, this link popped up: "http://www.forceseurope.ca/dnn/Portals/0/Germany/Selfkant/PAdm/MW%20Guide%20Handout%20.pdfCdn It is the CF School of Admin and Logistics RMS Clerk Apprentice Training Military Writing Guide. Won't...
  11. Jack Nastyface

    Ships' Names and Staff Duties, split from Re: HMCS Athabaskan

    It's late here. I don't suppose that the traditional navy reasoning "that we've always done it that way" will pass muster?! I will do some digging tomorrow and post what I find. You may recall that all ship's cap tallies (cap bands on RCN matelots' hats) were capitalized.
  12. Jack Nastyface

    Ships' Names and Staff Duties, split from Re: HMCS Athabaskan

    CDN Aviator, some authors may not capitalize a ship's name, just as some people say "on" a ship, vice "in" a ship. Doesn't make it right. I am hoping that some other knowledgeable naval types will chime in to set the record straight. Please take a look at this museum's web...
  13. Jack Nastyface

    Acceptances to RMC - When sent out?

    In actual fact Kincanucks, in our AOR it is the interviewing Military Career Counsellor who will contact the successful ROTP applicant with his/her offer. After the first selection board in mid-Feb almost 85% of the offers were extended. Some offers may be thrown back into the mix due to...
  14. Jack Nastyface

    Destroyer/Or Frigate

    Rgr, out.
  15. Jack Nastyface

    Destroyer/Or Frigate

    Well, perhaps 15 years of sea time as a MARS officer gives me a wee bit of insight. From your "Verbal Warning" I see that you are one of the problem children here. Oh, you might want to brush up on your spelling as well as your naval terminology.
  16. Jack Nastyface


    In answer to your questions: 1. Yes. 2. The reserves are geared to students and people with civilian careers. Depending on the unit and  whether you are an NCM or a RESO, you will parade 1 or 2 evenings a week and usually a training Saturday or full weekend each month. Summer phase training is...
  17. Jack Nastyface

    Skipping Classes

    CDN Aviator, that was then, this is now. Believe me everyone wants to be a Top Gun, especially now that V2 and laser eye surgery are now permitted for PLT applicants. Just like most of the INFMN applicants I see want to be Snipers (they are all great shots on PS3, apparently). ::) It is...
  18. Jack Nastyface

    Skipping Classes

    With all due respect CDN Aviator, that,in reality, is about as true as it gets. Check my profile and see where I  work. That info is missing on your profile, so I have no idea of your level of knowledge in the recruiting field. Let's just say that I have been lurking here for over a year. In...
  19. Jack Nastyface

    Married couples and children

    Lindsey, please bear in mind that there is absolutely no guarantee that, should you both be enrolled and sucessfully pass BMQ, you will be posted to the same geographic area. Cook is a "purple" trade so you may find yourself posted to a ship or an air base. You can give your posting preferences...
  20. Jack Nastyface

    Skipping Classes

    Did your interview really last 10 minutes or did it just seem like it? They typically last 45 minutes and can run up to an hour-and-a-half, if conducted properly. BTW, if you don't have a pilot's licence (preferably commercial or multi-engine) and a degree-your chances of getting picked up for...