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  1. quinner12

    2 PPCLI

    Two words I would never have thought go together,,,,Chief and Resposible..LOL ..Tell him Hi!!!
  2. quinner12

    2 PPCLI

    YAK is back in the Bn...has been since just prior to TF 1-06...Snr NCO now...
  3. quinner12

    CBC The National - Fallen Soldiers documentary Dec 2006

    Watched the National tonight.  Part 1 of 2 on story of the familes of our fallen.  Well done to the CBC........... :cdn: :salute: 2VP
  4. quinner12

    Searching for an Old friend "SCOTTY"

    Scotty and \I work together, He is still in...I have pssed on that you are looking for him...Contact me via  email and tell me who you are and I will pass on youe email to him..thx...
  5. quinner12

    Cpl Mitch VanCresbek (did time with 2VP)

    VanCrasbeek....Haven't heard that names in YEARS...I thought he got out awhile back...Shows how much I know..
  6. quinner12

    Brent Bethell, Dan Ketchum or anyone from Pt Alberni

    :nana:      2Cdo...4 Years away from the unit....Time to go back soon isn't it???
  7. quinner12

    The Grant Hotel in Winnipeg

    Where did the sign go???? Scroll up^^^^^^ Cindy said she has it...What would the GRANT have been if Cindy and/or Alice weren't serving up trays of Wednesday night 50 cent draft??? Went there about a month ago just to check it out...Not the same...How it could be the same without "Wet T***ies"...
  8. quinner12

    The Grant Hotel in Winnipeg

    Been there DONE that !!!!  2VP :warstory: :cdn:
  9. quinner12

    Cpl David Braun 2 VP (22 Aug 06)

    Rest in Peace, Soldier !!!! 2VP :salute:
  10. quinner12

    A Poem by MCpl Jeff Walsh

    This poem was written by MCpl Walsh earlier this year: Monsters in the Dark by MCpl Jeff Walsh I know that they are out there: I will not be ignorant anymore: Pulling the blanket over my head will not keep them               from coming ashore; Instead I choose to confront them              ...
  11. quinner12

    MCpl Jeffrey Scott Walsh 2VP

    My sincerest condolences to the Walsh family.  "Rest in Peace my friend.....You will be missed..." 2VP!!!
  12. quinner12

    Medak Pocket (info, documentaries, etc. - merged)

    If it's any help, I was in DCoy HQ during that tour....Each platoon in the coy had an unofficial photographer...He would hand his pics to the coy 2IC who would then pick and choose from the lot that he was given and use these for the SANDBAG(the tour book).  I know this because, the 2IC took...
  13. quinner12

    Cpl. Francisco Gomez, & Cpl. Jason Patrick Warren

    Good Speed and condolences to both families.....Rest in Peace Frankie!!!!!!!! :cdn: