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Searching for an Old friend "SCOTTY"


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I am searching for an old friend. I am not sure that he is in the army anymore but this is worth a try. I knew him back in 96. He was stationed in WPG he was part of 2 PPCLI. I believe he was in C company at the time. His name was PTE Scott Mcmullian ( I am not sure if this is the correct spelling of his name) We used to call him "SCOTTY" He was a regular at the "GRANT". No I was not one of the BAR RATS ha ha ha. For those that remember the GRANT.

If anyone could help me or if they know him. I would give you all my information that is needed.

Thank you
Scotty and \I work together, He is still in...I have pssed on that you are looking for him...Contact me via  email and tell me who you are and I will pass on youe email to him..thx...