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  1. F

    Poor Use of Iconic Photo

    That is true. I am not suggesting anyone take this to a democracy sapping human rights tribunal or some other State policing censorship organization. I am not by any means suggesting any legal organization should ban this! That would be quite opposite the purpose of a democracy. Just exercising...
  2. F

    Poor Use of Iconic Photo

    I agree that they have their total right to Freedom of expression. I, as well as everyone else here is entitled to theirs in telling them that their use of that picture is poor taste and insensitive.  To me, examples of this represent a total lack of understanding and appreciation of history. I...
  3. F

    Poor Use of Iconic Photo

    The British Airlines Stewards and Stewardesses Association (BASSA) have used the symbolism of the iconic Joe Rosenthal photo of the flag raising at Iwo Jima to represent their stuggle with British Airways management. http://www.bassa.co.uk/BASSA/webpages/front.asp Is this not crazy to suggest...
  4. F

    JTF-2/Airborne destined for land north of Trenton?

    Looks like JTF2 Really is moving to Trenton eh?
  5. F

    Are Orothotic inserts allowed in Basic?

    I wore my orthotics all through my BMQ. I cannot possibly see why you would not be allowed to wear them. Just be careful to not get them wet, because you can ruin the form.
  6. F

    RANT - What's the deal with troops at the mall with the small packs on?

    Undoubtedly the small pack is awesome for carrying a lot of books around, and its great to be proud that you are in the CF. No one would argue with that. It just not morally right to wear it around tho. Also, at UfT some officer cadet created a facebook forum for all CF members to join in. That...
  7. F

    RANT - What's the deal with troops at the mall with the small packs on?

    This really pisses me off to. I constantly see guys on my campus wearing their small packs to class and to the athletic center. They where not designed to be an ergonomically correct gym bags!
  8. F

    Does size matter in the CF trades?

    I have found that power to weight ratio is just as important as size and maximum strength. If your really small, but are very strong for your size, it could be an advantage in many tasks. There was one girl on my bmq course that was may be 5"3, and could without a lie do 300 consecutive sit ups...
  9. F

    Want to be an officer but your grades aren't good enough?

    All that I am saying is that being and A student in grade 12, when the courses are hardest, they should overlook my mess ups when I was 14! I took all 3 university math’s(in the Ontario curriculum) with 80% above. I'm doing very well at one of the hardest institutions in Canada. I was already in...
  10. F

    Want to be an officer but your grades aren't good enough?

    I had and 85% average in grade 12 and I am now attending University of Toronto Commerce and Finance program. (Consistently rated top 3 undergraduate business education in Canada) and I did not get into RMC for I was ````up in grade 9 and 10. I really don’t think the system is reflective of the...
  11. F

    Does Canada need a Military?

    To be a sovereign state, you must be a geographically bound entity that sets rules and regulations, and governs with a monopoly of force. Kind of hard to be a country that stands on its own two feet, without a strong military as its backbone.  :salute:
  12. F

    A Protesters Response To "The Ex Charging Bison" Thread

    Fiji has just painted a picture of the "left" Strawman that so many far-right individuals use to disparage all who are seen as having opposing views.  In my experience that term itself should be avoided as it is used to brand a group of people with wildy differing viewpoints. For instance, I...
  13. F

    A Protesters Response To "The Ex Charging Bison" Thread

    After spending quite a bit of time reading everyone’s threads, there are a number of things that I would like to express to our friend  Kgerrard. As a student at the University of Toronto, in the heart of the city, I find myself encountering people that share very similar views as yourself. My...
  14. F

    Ex Charging Bison (Winnipeg)

    General comment on the ex. As a student reservist at the University of Toronto, it is sickening to hear the comments that Torontonians make towards the armed forces. It is very distressing that students, and more importantly professors at “Canada’s top academic institution” make such ignorant...
  15. F

    Regular or Reserve

    Currently I am a reservist in the engineers, and a student. The army will pay up to $2000 of your tuition a year as a reservist. I would say do the reserves until you finish your college, and then go reg force. At that time you will be 21, and a lot more mature, and can make a more informed...
  16. F

    Please advise on my military career plan.

    Currently I am a reservist in the engineers, that is looking to go reg force as an officer. ( >:D) Unfortunately you cannot become an engineering officer unless you are studying engineering in university, eliminating that option for me. I understand all the basics of the army doing my BMQ, and...