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RANT - What's the deal with troops at the mall with the small packs on?

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I received my small pack last winter, but I've never even taken it out of the plastic.  I use my CPGear cadpat patrol pack all the time though.  I brought it when I took my daughter to Normandy for the 60th aniversary of D-day.  It got a lot of looks and questions, but because of that I also met a lot of really great people.  The best thing that ever came out of carrying that bag was a free bottle of calvados from Canada House in Bernieres-sur-Mer.  I promptly drank the contents and then filled the bottle with sand from the beach, and it is now a treasured souvenir on my bookshelf.

Is it dorky that I, the REMF Reservist, still uses that bag for pretty much everything?  Probably.  But for me it's also a reminder every time I pick it up, that I am a small part of something great.
I must confess that I often use the SPS for school. It gives me the ability to carry my laptop, enough books for an essay (10+), class notes, lunch, and PT strip for the gym, and comfortably at that. I have weighed it at the gym, and at peak times I’m carrying 40 lbs. Not quite a rucksack, but a decent enough weight.

Incidentally by wearing the SPS, identifying myself as CF has lead me to meet other members who are students as well. In my school career I have not had a backpack yet that excels as the SPS does. I know it is not technically right to use the SPS in this function, but it does the job so damn well.
Undoubtedly the small pack is awesome for carrying a lot of books around, and its great to be proud that you are in the CF. No one would argue with that. It just not morally right to wear it around tho. Also, at UfT some officer cadet created a facebook forum for all CF members to join in. That was a great way of meeting CF members at school, without wearing kit around. :salute:
Well, it can look as retarded as you want. You can bitch, whine and moan. If it is not against policy, then the wearer has all the right in the world to look like a dufus. You think he looks stupid (and probably does) go ahead and jack him up. Just make sure you know who your dealing with. Just cause your DS, doesnt mean you can dictate policy contrary to CF rules, regs and standing orders. You're not allowed to make things up on the fly. Every one was young once, everyone was, and should still be, proud to be serving. Some just need to learn that they will be noticed for what they are, simply by the way they carry themselves, and they'll grow out of using their issue stuff to go to the mall and call attention to themselves. They're proud and cocky. Leave them be.

Considering everything else we should be preparing our new, young soldiers for, oh I don't know, LIKE COMBAT, pissing on them about their lack of fashion sense should be the furthest thing from your mind. The parade square days are ending, time is tight and so is the pucker factor. Put what time you have to train to good use and forget the bullshit.
If a guy can't pick up at the mall with a small pack and a course t-shirt he's doing something wrong.

Hey, I met my wife that way....

Dooee said:
Considering everything else we should be preparing our new, young soldiers for, oh I don't know, LIKE COMBAT, pissing on them about their lack of fashion sense should be the furthest thing from your mind. The parade square days are ending, time is tight and so is the pucker factor. Put what time you have to train to good use and forget the bullshit.

Would you mind telling CFSCE that ?
Dooee said:
Considering everything else we should be preparing our new, young soldiers for, oh I don't know, LIKE COMBAT, pissing on them about their lack of fashion sense should be the furthest thing from your mind. The parade square days are ending, time is tight and so is the pucker factor. Put what time you have to train to good use and forget the bullshit.


We all know that the bastions of soldiering are dress and deportment, snappy drill and painted rocks. ::)

Seriously though, +1, I may have a new avatar line here though!
Quote from: Dooee on Yesterday at 21:47:51
Considering everything else we should be preparing our new, young soldiers for, oh I don't know, LIKE COMBAT, pissing on them about their lack of fashion sense should be the furthest thing from your mind. The parade square days are ending, time is tight and so is the pucker factor. Put what time you have to train to good use and forget the bullshit.

Would you mind telling CFSCE that ?

Could you also CC that to CFSAL and CFSTG?
I find it hilarious hearing the old guys rant about the youngsters with their small packs. I don`t know how many old guys I`ve seen pack up all their military gear from rucksacks and combat boots to rain gear, cots and sleeping bags just to go camping, hunting, hiking or fishing.

As for dog-tags hanging out or the wearing of course t-shirts, well, I`d rather see young proud soldiers than ones that are only simply in the military for the 15th and the 31st. It`s up to the kid`s platoon`s staff to brief them as what to wear, how and when.

We are all a little guilty of wanting to show off. How else would kitshops make their money? Everyone knows someone with an Airborne T-shirt, infantry school coffee mug, Vandoo bumper sticker or a Bosnia sweater.
This is a old problem that has been going on for years, what are you the SNC going to do about it. Saying were is the RSM does not cut it with me, you no the regaluations so follow them,  If a solder is not dress correccley it is your job to sort him or her out. Maybe just maybe they are not sure what the can were or not. That said I also do not like seening any military gear (ie rucksucke what give you the right to march around in PT Gear) worning with any kind of civies. If this was the old Army all you SNC would have been Jack up for not doing your Job,  don;t always blam the solder.
Arty God said:
ie rucksucke

If it wasn't for the total lack of spelling, I would have thought this was a great play on words.  I think I've called it a ruck suck in my mind a few times myself.
Arty God said:
That said I also do not like seening any military gear (ie rucksucke what give you the right to march around in PT Gear) worning with any kind of civies

I don't like seening military gear worning with any civvies either.  ;D
Personally, in my humble opion, i dont see a darn thing wrong with it!  The young ones are probably wearing the course shirts and DT's hanging out to pick up...nothing worng with that, The CF is fine with Soldiers having families.........The backpack is holding stuff undoubtfully, its a bag, woo hoo....our Canex is selling the same thing for $165 as my hubby just got..i can go and buy it and my lil boy can run around hauling HottWheels if i was so inclined, or hang out at the mall if he was old enough.

I dont see having the bag as a big deal.  I dont agree with not wearing the uniform proper, like not wearing the head dress when one should be, or seeing other rules be broken like recruits lounging out front of canex, on their cell phones, looking sloppy, but i do know alot of them here, came with their big ol luggage, are going to town or something and take their little bag, and dont have a little back pack with them.  And i dont see why they should have to buy a new one when the little green one is sitting there all lonely and useful.
It all depends on what the rule-book says. It doesn't matter whether we like the looks of it or not, whether we think it's common sense or not, whether they are hauling books around or on course or not. In the army...we have rules.

Plain and simple. If the rules say no...that means no. Doesn't matter what their excuse is.

In the case of the small pack, the rules are ambiguous so they are good to go, it is authorized for use as a day-pack with civilian dress.

In the case of dog-tags, course t-shirts etc, who cares if they're trying to pick up chicks. That little tactic won't help them at Sweetwaters. Let them look little idiots if they want to. It's neither here nor there because their haircuts and their "traveling in packs" mentality gives them away as 'newbie' army guys every time.
ArmyVern said:
It all depends on what the rule-book says. It doesn't matter whether we like the looks of it or not, whether we think it's common sense or not, whether they are hauling books around or on course or not. In the army...we have rules.

Plain and simple. If the rules say no...that means no. Doesn't matter what their excuse is.

In the case of the small pack, the rules are ambiguous so they are good to go, it is authorized for use as a day-pack with civilian dress.

In the case of dog-tags, course t-shirts etc, who cares if they're trying to pick up chicks. That little tactic won't help them at Sweetwaters. Let them look little idiots if they want to. It's neither here nor there because their haircuts and their "traveling in packs" mentality gives them away as 'newbie' army guys every time.

Next you will tell us that a farmer's tan isn't hot
I can't believe this thread is still going on.

I'd rather see people wearing course t-shirts proudly showing off what they have accomplished than t-shirts with Snoop Doggy Dogg and marijuana leaves.
I saw about four younger guys (younger than me) wearing them around Wasaga Beach a few months ago. They even came up to Banana's (the beach's biggest bar). They didn't look to cool...especially on the beach. Or maybe it was because they weren't too cool looking themselves. HeHeHe. I just thought it wasn't the place to be walking around with 'em on. Or maybe they were on leave for the week-end, and decided to come check out the sand. I dunno, just found it funny.
Just wondering if using your small pack for Civi use is a wise choice? I have friends that use their's, but I have this unsettling feeling if they where to run into a higher up they would be jacked up? I am guessing whereas the Small pack is Military equipment, and for Military use, odds are its a no-no. I guess I pretty much answered my own question, but if someone could clarify this for me, it would be great.
Pte.Butt said:
Just wondering if using your small pack for Civi use is a wise choice? I have friends that use their's, but I have this unsettling feeling if they where to run into a higher up they would be jacked up? I am guessing whereas the Small pack is Military equipment, and for Military use, odds are its a no-no. I guess I pretty much answered my own question, but if someone could clarify this for me, it would be great.

The small pack is indeed authorized for use as a daypack. (It looks DORKY though -- and is sooooooo uncool!!)

Run a search ... there are some threads on this site, and, I believe, I've copied in the ref authorizing it's use as such previously.

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