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RANT - What's the deal with troops at the mall with the small packs on?

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Wesley "Over There" (formerly Down Under) said:
+1 Para. I fully agree. Here too we have small packs of both issue and aftermarket jobs, no one cares.

+2; Sounds like a big deal over small potatoes. 
No no, people.. I am not making a BIG deal about it... just letting some steam off.. hence the "rant".  I am not calling for firing squads to take these troops down, I am merely asking if anyone else finds it as annoying as I do?  And if so, why nothing has been done about it.

Shamrock said it best - "it just sort of looks lame" and I just don't like professional soldiers looking "lame" if it can be prevented.

That's all.
Bzzliteyr said:
No no, people.. I am not making a BIG deal about it... just letting some steam off.. hence the "rant".  I am not calling for firing squads to take these troops down, I am merely asking if anyone else finds it as annoying as I do?  And if so, why nothing has been done about it.

Shamrock said it best - "it just sort of looks lame" and I just don't like professional soldiers looking "lame" if it can be prevented.

That's all.
then mock them. Loudly. Unmercifully. At every ooportunity. Get everyone you know to do the same. As you said, these are young men, a group particularly easy to manipulate if you play upon their self-image. If they think something "looks cool" nothing will stop them. If they think they will draw laughter for doing something, they won't do it in public for Love or Money.

It's we how got the Reservists around Pet to stop bending their dogtags halfway forward, so they showed up under their t-shirts.  ::)
paracowboy said:
It's we how got the Reservists around Pet to stop bending their dogtags halfway forward, so they showed up under their t-shirts.  ::)

Oh dear god please tell me they weren't as a reservist myself, I would be ashamed to be around these clowns. That is just sad ::)
para.. haven't seen that here.. thank goodness!! I love seeing them hang out in their "groups" at the mall.. with their backpacks on, and their "course 0602" shirts to impress with.  I was in line at Timmies behind a young lady with a "RANGERS" tabbed shirt design the other day.. I found it odd one of the names was f/sgt so I looked around front to see it was an air cadet camp shirt!! WTF!?!?!

Ask Vern about cadets.. she has a good story to tell.. c'mon Vern, post it here!!
Bzz, it is a common sight on the base its self.  I have to agree it drives me nuts as well, but not as much as troops walking around with there dog tag hanging out side there shirts.  If you look at it from an other side most of these troops are on there SQ or DP1 course, and have never been told not to.  Also it is usually these same troops that think that they are allowed to were a head dress in a mess.
Hmmm this is interesting, but I don't see the big deal. What I do see, talking from an educated view, is the military making it's presence in public and not in a drunken/ruckusy state down at "Sweetwaters" or "Rock'n Rodeo".  Wearing of a small pack at the mall because all of his course material is in it is a smart man. Shows that military men are learning something. It's is an Armour school is it not?  Plus those small packs can be bought anywhere anyway. I could go to the kit shop buy one with a nice regimental logo and give it to someone as a gift. :)   
Devlin said:
Oh dear god please tell me they weren't
okay, they weren't.

But, I'm lying to you. First time I saw it, I thought the dude had a tumour or something.

Hi-jack alert!
Dude tried to pick 9r a few years ago. He's decked out in Para Coy kit from a ball cap, to sweat pants, and maybe maroon undies, I don't know. So, he swaggers/waddles up to 9r (he was, apparently somewhat rotund) and starts his spiel. His first line: "I'm in 3 RCR Para Coy."

Not "Hello".

Not "Are you with someone?"

"I'm in 3 RCR Para Coy." Yeah, that should get her on her back ::)

So she figures, okay, maybe he's a WO with APS, and too much booze in him. She's seen enough Sr NCOs/Sr Officers who've gained some poundage, but can still run and hump the troopies into the dirt not to judge too harshly. BUt, she sigures this guy is slightly tubbier than he should be.

But, okay. Maybe. So she starts rattling off names. Dude says he doesn't this guy, that guy, him either, no, finally she asks if he knows Bo. EVERYONE in the BN knows Bo. He's impossible not to notice, and there are enough stories about to warn off the FNGs that they know him too. (They don't know the sweet teddy bear, but they know who he is. Kinda like every kid on a block knows the mean dog at the green house).

He doesn't know Bo. That's it. She turns to the table of dudes actually from Para Coy, who are taking turns baby-sitting her, (this wasn't long after ol' pc gave up the booze) and have been eye-balling the guy talking to the Cowboy's wife and bracing their feet for the big lunge, and says "Hey xxxxxxx, this guy's trying to pick me up."

Not pretty. Brief, though.

Hi-jack ends.
Ahhhh Bo.. he was my storeman in Battle School, heck even most of 1 RCR know's Bo. The there was Todd H, right off his PPF they sent him to instruct a course, so much fun that course was  :crybaby:

Hope they didn't hurt him too bad PC, perhaps it was a very good learning experience.
Todd H....

Huge guy, ex-QOR? 

Hey Para,

Did they give a guy a wedgy with his maroon underwear in the end?



Bzzliteyr said:
Ask Vern about cadets.. she has a good story to tell.. c'mon Vern, post it here!!
But there was profanity involved (not on my part), and minors!!  8)  Let's just say there was a problem and he was dealt with.

0601 t-shirt? Probably my Romeo from Bleachers last Saturday night, or some other studly that the husband is instructing. Can't wait till the course party!!  ;D

I'll have to stay alert for the dog-tag third boob now, first time I've ever heard tell of this little 'trick.'  This whole thread is starting to remind me of the Roma and Itchys & Scrathys.

Yup Tess, thats the guy.

He is a Fire Fighter in the AF last I heard.
Buzz.. I seriously doubt that many of them are at the mall with thier course buddies actually studying.. not by the scores they tend to get on any quickie tests we give them!!!
HitorMiss said:
Yup Tess, thats the guy.

He is a Fire Fighter in the AF last I heard.

That's right!  I remember the last I saw him in Toronto he was applying to become one...geez what a small world..

How are you keeping brother?  Things going good?



I don't see the big deal with this.

We use hubbies kit bags all the time when travelling. They are much easier to pack in a tiny car.Also I can pack more clothes this way.

We also use ( I am pretty sure it is the old one) knapsack as well. It is just handy to go to the park with and hiking. We don't use these things to flaunt " I am in the military" They are just convenant. Is their rules against this?
I would like to comment on some guys wearing PT gear and combat boots to mow their lawns on base. I don't have a problem with this. I actually enjoy watching them, well the good looking ones anyways. HE HE HE HE HE.

Heck hubby bought me a pair of PT sweats when I was pregnant. They are the most comfortable pair of sweats I own of course I wouldn't go to the mall in them or anything.
Yes that would be correct bzzliteyr LOL too funny.  I rather enjoyed those quickies.  Always a good for a challenge, some times. ;)  I never wore mine as most didn't is because it would look rather tacky and a beacon of "here I Am" to any senior NCO or NCM's and DS.

It could be looked at both sides of the coin as it is here.  One, it's CF issue and shouldn't be dawned without proper concent of the DS staff.  Two, it can be purchased at the kit shop and given as a gift to homey-G unit.  (Then you have to be sure who your jacking up in public). Although it would be hilarious too.  All in all it takes all kinds, but makes one kind of army.  Not the kind you have in mind.  But that has to be sorted right from the get go upon issue.    At least that guy/gal isn't wearing that crap webbing for extra storage of whatever he/she may be carrying through the mall along with the pack.  

For summer leave I used my small pack to drive home with with my cloths because it is compact and easy to pack but also had a set of combats for incase I was re-called off of leave.  (We were at the tail end of our IRU)

I think this is more of a isolated issue because it's in Gagetown. I see it here all the time for those that live off base it's used to carry clean combats and boots for after PT in the morning.    Legitimate usage.  Wearing of PT gear in the mall or around the city/town/base, except for the attention areas of course.  It shows that we are professionals at what we do and are proud. I think that's better than bending my tags. That's ridiculous modification to DND property. If we did that here--->CHARGE!!

the 48th regulator said:
Did they give a guy a wedgy with his maroon underwear in the end?
no details from the troops, and they wouldn't let Mrs. watch. So I dunno.
This really pisses me off to. I constantly see guys on my campus wearing their small packs to class and to the athletic center. They where not designed to be an ergonomically correct gym bags!
I guess I'll chime in, just because this incident happened a few days ago.  I was driving home from a session of SOF at Jericho in Vancouver, and I spotted a guy riding a Harley (I ride a Kawasaki, so I tend to notice all motorcycles), though it wasn't the Harley that caught my attention... it was the fact he was wearing what appeared to be a CadPat Helmet with his civvies.  I had a bit of a chuckle from it, and when I pulled up I asked him if the helmet was SNELL (Motorcycle Helmet Standard) approved.  He just laughed it off and road off.  Eh, whatever works for him I guess.
If a guy can't pick up at the mall with a small pack and a course t-shirt he's doing something wrong.  Oh wait, I've been that guy...
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