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  1. M

    weekend BMQ or SQ

    SQ starts tomorrow morning at 0700.  There will be no more weekend courses starting before next September or October.
  2. M

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    Not out of line.  I know it was considered, though UBC's break is this week which is awfully early in the training year for a cumulative collective training event.  I believe we are aligned with the high school spring break though of course any high school student soldiers are likely to be...
  3. M

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    I have access to the PXRs.  I've even read them.  As we're getting closer to the Ex I should probably have a go at re-reading them.  I think the sigs PXR is in the pile but if it isn't I'll ask you by message to forward it.  Thanks.
  4. M

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    If your profile is correct and you are SQ trained but not a qualified sig op then you can expect to be employed in the D&S platoon, and not in the sigs trade.  Probably a better go. I have the impression qualfied sig ops are in short demand.  There will be jobs for that at TF Cougar and...
  5. M

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    Noted.  For Q-Ball and any other potential participating cadets, my advice to you is to go expecting NOT to fly.  It may happen but helicopters are never certain even for soldiers. I can't say for certain, but I would wager routine service support convoys (say,moving from the Airport to...
  6. M

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    MasterPrivate: This year's exercise is very similar to last year's.  Kamloops again.  Major activities for infantry include: live fire attacks (pairs to section) at the same range as last year, a company cordon and search operation (at Rayleigh, again, but with a different insertion planned and...
  7. M

    First ND, first charge

    NDs in Canada - $200 to $400.  NDs on operations - mucho dinero ($2000+).  Some presiding officers disdain fines and go for other punishments. NDs are serious, but especially with aggravating circumstances (non-static range, weapon fired in unsafe direction, blanks that would have killed...
  8. M

    Reserve rank vs. Reg. rank

    Further to my last, The idea of "has this soldier had sufficient OJT and mastery to be employed in his trade with minimal supervision?" has not and certainly should be applied to the reserves.  While many (a majority, but not a large one) who are promoted to corporal in the reserves meet that...
  9. M

    Reserve rank vs. Reg. rank

    If we mobilized (and if 11 September 2001 didn't do it, I don't know what would) then it is promotions, not demotions, all around. As a reservist I find the pace of regular force NCM promotions in peacetime a bit perplexing.  When even the keeners take 8 years to get promoted to MCpl it leaves...
  10. M

    Cougar Salvo 2006, 11-18 March

    I thought I'd open a thread for the upcoming 39 CBG exercise Cougar Salvo 06.  I'm involved in the planning and it's always good to have an ear in unofficial places.  So post questions, comments, feedback on training leading up to the ex, gripes, etc. The official exercise dates are 11-18 March...
  11. M

    The right NOT to vote

    Choose your tyranny, Canada!
  12. M

    Anti-Armour Platoon in reserves

    Some units used to have combat support platoons (airborne, mortars, recce, anti-armour) but those days are pretty much gone.  There is no reserve anti-armour course and when units even care to bring out the 84 into the field it's going to be carried by the big fella or the one the platoon 2IC...
  13. M

    Weekend Basic Training

    The BCR (downtown Vancouver) weekend BMQ starts very soon.  Ask through your chain of command if you can get on it or not (you may be too late to be nominated).  If not you'll have to wait for the full time course in the summer.  The next weekend course won't be until the fall.
  14. M

    A Day of Tanks

    Has anyone seen the commercial for History Channel's "Day of Tanks" (1 January)?  It's hilarious.  :D
  15. M

    Guns, Gangs and Toronto

    Try replacing putting the word "gangs" where it belongs in the article.  Funny it was never mentioned. Police added that gangs could have been involved and there could be more arrests. 10-15 people may have been involved Police said they believe the gunfire broke out between two gangs, with...
  16. M

    What have I dug myself into? Armored officer :D

    All regular infantry officers get mechanized qualified on the LAV-III.  You'll learn a lot about machine guns and will be qualified to fire C9 and C6 (light role, coax, and sustained fire), though you won't be an expert.  Jump qualification is definitely possible, especially if you are posted to...
  17. M

    reserve infantry to reg force armoured

    Request all you like.  You're still going to Shilo and 2 PPCLI.  >:D
  18. M

    What have I dug myself into? Armored officer :D

    Having been both an infantry platoon commander and armoured recce troop leader (reserve in both cases) I can say that both jobs are immensely enjoyable.  And platoon/troop leaders don't have nearly the amount of paperwork that more senior positions have.  Counting infantry and armoured school...
  19. M

    Reserve Infantry Training

    Try asking through your chain of command for a letter from your Commanding Officer to the person making the decision at your job.  Also see if the Canadian Forces Liason Council can help you out (it's their job).
  20. M

    Reserve Infantry Training

    I have not heard of any DP1 infantry course being run in any way but full time (5 weeks).  It's a good idea to check these things out before occupational transfer!  Note: there may be a reserve brigade out there somewhere that runs a weekend DP1 Inf but I doubt it.