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"Worst Movie Of All Time"

MedTechStudent said:
which reminds me....

8 Legged Freaks sucked

To be fair it was a B movie, so they aren't "supposed" to be good to begin with. 
Captain Taggart said:
Unless mentioned, how about The Happening..utter garbage, people around me were laughing and booing. Several people left, and one man went to get his money back, which he did.

Wish I would have seen this post yesterday. Went to see this movie today with a few friends, and it was junk. I left feeling pretty disappointed as well.
The more movies Adam Sandler makes, the more I think he's only famous because was proceeded by Paulie Shore.
I might not put the new Indiana Jones movie in this list, but I would definitely call it the worst Indiana Jones movie of all time.

No spoilers since, bad or not, everyone's gonna see it.  But way too many places where you not only had to suspend your disbelief, you had to lock it up and throw it away for good.  Temple of Doom used to be my least favorite but now we have a new King of the pile. 

Raiders is still the best one, followed by the Last Crusade, which surprised me when it came out.
Oh man it's got to be "Eye of the Beholder" with Ewan McGregor & Ashley Judd.  A nameless private eye (Ewan McGregor) shadows the same woman (who happens to be a serial killer of men) all over the U.S. for 10 + years, without her ever knowing. When he finally contacts her, she drives off a bridge and kills herself...what the F?
The Happening... Well dude and dudettes... It sure ain't Happening for me?! IT BLEW!!! BIG HUGE GIGANTOR CHUNKS! IT SUCKED SO HARD I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO BE THE NEXT BLACK HOLE! Needless to say it is NOT recommended. Not now, not later, not even as a fracking rental. Don't... Do... It...
Speaking of Pauly Shore, do not, I repeat DO NOT rent Pauly Shore is dead.

Some jackass of a friend suggested it saying it was funny.  It wasn't.  And he's a jackass.
Another dog ....although this is  TV series
"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century"
Redeeming factor is Erin Grey in a miniskirt.
The Happening was pretty bad but then I didn't have high expectations in the first place.  Fell asleep during Indiana Jones because it was so damn predictable and boring and that was during the big action scene at the end.

The Worst Movie of all Times:

Is anything with Richard Gere in it.
kincanucks said:
The Worst Movie of all Times:

Is anything with Richard Gere in it.

I just IMDB'd Gere trying to find something good.... nope.
MedTechStudent said:
Planet Of The Apes remake sort of sucked...

Sort of? It sucked. Completley and utterely.

Highlander 2 blew chunks as did all the Fast and furious movies.

Boat trip with Cuba Gooding Jr. Lost complete respect for this guy...I loved him in Gladiators where he was a boxer...that was a great flick ...this one...mmm meh not so much
The master of disguise...Waynes world was good...Dana Carvy should of stopped there...seriously
Talented Mr. Ripley..no I do NOT want to see Matt Damon as a twisted gay guy...thank god he did the bourne movies to get back some cred!
Hostel for sure...horrible, why do you want to see people get hacked up for pleasure...did you know that there is an island near italy that centuries ago this actually happened?  sick!
Anything with Tara Reid
Anything with Stephen Baldwin...the drunk brother fyi
Eight -Legged Freaks  for obvious reasons.

Not at all sweetheart...can you see my picture...I'm a knockout imo and others...but she sucks as an actress...I can say that Kate Beckingsale and Kiera Knightly who are very beautiful at least have some talent not just their boozing ways and tits hangin all over the place...I love beauty and talent, not tasteless and unclassy...
Dee_Dee said:
Not at all sweetheart...can you see my picture...

SWEET! Someone actually called me a sweetheart!

and no I can't really see your pic. But regardless what I said was in jest, in case you missed the ;) at the end of the sentence. I really don't care if you're a knock out or not, however, cheers for pointing that out though.
NO I got the  ;), just jesting back, and I call all people sweetheart when I am trying to be condescending...lol JUST JOKING, but seriously hun I can take a joke so no worries my dear, and you're right it doesn't matter whether I am hot or not but, no prob in pointing it out...cheers...now back to the topic at hand...next
tits hangin all over the place

And the problem with this is?  It should a category in the Academy Awards.