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"Worst Movie Of All Time"

kincanucks said:
tits hangin all over the place

And the problem with this is?  It should a category in the Academy Awards.

Why?  I would get bored watching Jennifer Love Hewitt win every year.  ::)
MedTech said:
Blasphemy! It's Kate B mate! Kate all the way!

Clearly the only way tot settle this is to place both of them in a kiddy pool filled with chocolate pudding and just... let aggressive nature run its course.
Kate would win hands down...have you seen Jennifer Love do anything that she isn't smiling like an insane barbie doll?  Smiling is fine, but come on, no substance or fire...Kate at least kicked some ass in Van Helsing.  Plus she's hotter, than the shoulder pad head bobbing JLH...my opinion of course
Dee_Dee said:
Kate would win hands down...have you seen Jennifer Love do anything that she isn't smiling like an insane barbie doll?  Smiling is fine, but come on, no substance or fire...Kate at least kicked some *** in Van Helsing.  Plus she's hotter, than the shoulder pad head bobbing JLH...my opinion of course

Oh ya wow forgot about that movie.  Ok ya I take it all back she wins. 
Let us NOT forget the two Underworld movies okay? Those defined HOTNESS for Kate... Mmmm
Captain Coffee said:
I might not put the new Indiana Jones movie in this list, but I would definitely call it the worst Indiana Jones movie of all time.

I'm going to see this tonight with a friend, and I am hoping that you are wrong.  ;D
Captain Coffee said:
Be sure and let us know!   ;D

OK, I thought it was pretty good...typical Indy. He's pretty spry for an old(er) guy, eh? ;)  The ending was rather surreal, but then so was the one for Radars of the Lost Ark. All in all, I don't feel like I wasted my money.  ;D
Celticgirl said:
OK, I thought it was pretty good...typical Indy. He's pretty spry for an old(er) guy, eh? ;)  The ending was rather surreal, but then so was the one for Radars of the Lost Ark. All in all, I don't feel like I wasted my money.  ;D

I didn't feel that I wasted my money, either.  Temple of Doom is still the worst one in my books!
Moe... How dare you insult the Great Temple of Kali! Kali Ma!!! Kali Ma!!! Shakti dey! Kali Ma!!
MedTech said:
Moe... How dare you insult the Great Temple of Kali! Kali Ma!!! Kali Ma!!! Shakti dey! Kali Ma!!


Everyone complains about Temple of Doom, but personally I always like most of it. I mean there are some parts that aren't very good, but I always get a good laugh out of Mr. High Priest of Khali, and at Shorty.
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Words can't fully express how much of a piece of crap this movie is...  And yet, for some reason, I can't stop watching it (it's the only thing on right now). 
It's like a train wreck; I really don't want to see it, but I can't look away... I feel compelled to see how much worse it could possibly get.

I think the best way I can describe how much I dislike this movie would be; it makes me want to eat broken glass... just so I'd have something better to do.

Normally, a movie this bad would lead me to writing a long (even more so than this) diatribe describing every fault and annoyance with the "film" (in quotes cause it pains me to call it a film...) but, just thinking about the absolute junk that is this celluloid abomination makes me feel angry... it makes me want to punch kittens.

I'm going to go drink paint thinner while I watch this piece of crap... 

RHFC_piper said:
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Words can't fully express how much of a piece of crap this movie is...  And yet, for some reason, I can't stop watching it (it's the only thing on right now).   
It's like a train wreck; I really don't want to see it, but I can't look away... I feel compelled to see how much worse it could possibly get.

I think the best way I can describe how much I dislike this movie would be; it makes me want to eat broken glass... just so I'd have something better to do.

Normally, a movie this bad would lead me to writing a long (even more so than this) diatribe describing every fault and annoyance with the "film" (in quotes cause it pains me to call it a film...) but, just thinking about the absolute junk that is this celluloid abomination makes me feel angry... it makes me want to punch kittens.

I'm going to go drink paint thinner while I watch this piece of crap... 

I know eh!  Its like a car wreck you just can't look away.  It is one of the biggest write offs in cinema though...which is a shame cause I really like Ewan McGregor....as a friend that is.
MedTechStudent said:
I know eh!  Its like a car wreck you just can't look away.  It is one of the biggest write offs in cinema though...which is a shame cause I really like Ewan McGregor....as a friend that is.

Ewan McGregor wasn't in that movie, it was Jude Law.
