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What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

Do what you are told.  Plug one ear so that anything you are told can't go in one ear and out the other.  Take initiative to get things done in a timely manner.  Help your buddies.  Maintain a positive, cheerful manner.  Constantly take notes, even if you already know the subject.  Be punctual, which means 5 minutes early.  Lose the attitude, just because you were cool in high school, doesn't mean you will be cool in the military.  Learn everything you can, relevant or not.  When being asked for volunteers, volunteer regularly, but not all the time.  The list can go on and on.
hey quick question to everyone that has done BMQ....
no I'm not the fittest guy around  and have a Lotte extra load if u no what i mean ...
now Ive been running every day for the last 3 weeks ... now question??
I'm running the old requirements 2.5 km 11min and under i can o it in 12-13 min is this alright or should i be working my arse of for the next 3 weeks before i start BMQ
i would try the beep test but i don't have a gym i can use .... any suggestions on a quick weight loss program
please any positive feedback will be thankfull
Adam Hurley
silent_steve said:
Thats just where I will be posted after I start/finish my training, and thus i just wanted to show support for that Regiment, sorry for the confusion.

If you finish and pass the training. Theres no guarentee.

hurley007, keep working at it. Always strive too improve your fitness.

Also, I don't think there is any quick weight loss programs; least not anything healthy.  Search around the forum though, theres a number of threads on nutrition, PT, etc
Hi, all I know is I leave Jan. 13 for Basic and yes I have done the whole cadet program and I know that was less then baby steps. I am only 17, early out of high school to do this and because of my age I will never feel ready. All I can say is wow, I read all the tips and such and I will try to keep them in mind but when the time comes to apply them they may not seem so clear.
I have been working hard just to get money so I can do this darn thing, I will not have any of the recommended money at all after I finish getting the supplies I need, so the tip I need the most is what I need the most and the least. I have been doing a bit of running and push ups but I know the PT will be rough at the start because I have no time, but I know as soon as the routine sets in I can do it.
So, if anyone here is leaving for Quebec to start their basic I wish you all the luck and maybe we can all pull each other through.
They'll give you an advance of $220 when you get there, the only thing you really need to worry about is cab far from the airport (have about 100) and you should be golden
I've been on enough courses thus far to say, if you do not want to cut your hair, then don't.  I've had the pleasure of working with many a CF member who can manage their hair under almost any time constraint and almost always come out faster than at least a third of the men!!

having recently completed BMQ back in june and with the vast amount of info given on this thread all i can really add is that alot of the course is about stress managenent and team building, so work together and keep a cool head, and do what your told, you'll do just fine its only 13 weeks out of your life. i'm just finishing up my DP1 (trades course) and when i grad in march i will have been in for 1 week shy of a year. You will have fun, so enjoy it. CHIMO!
A second kit that gets used in lieu of inspection kit.  Called a ghost kit because they're not allowed so they don't really exist.

Generally not needed unless you're a high-stress individual.
    Theres a fine line between cutting corners and playing it smart. Having, not an entire kit, but maybe a spare soap dish so you don't have to scrub it all the time can save you a crucial minute. If you use that minute to help your platoon mates, I'm all for it. However, be careful about being the clown who thinks he has it all made from tips from army.ca., most people pass BMQ just fine without help from this site, so just listen and learn.
camochick said:
Cat, I thought about cutting my hair before basic but I didnt and I'm glad. It really doesn't take that long to get your hair back in the morning, not any longer than it would take a man to shave. I just pulled my hair back in a pony tail, wrapped it like a bun, bobby pinned it, put a hair net on top of it and another elastic around it to hold the hair net in (our staff made us wear hairnets, which you can buy at the canex)

Great tips. I'll have to practice this pre-BMQ. My hair is quite long and I don't want to cut it if I don't have to.  ;)
Ghost kit is way more trouble then its worth. If you plan on using one, leave it behind, and if you are in BMQ with a ghost kit, throw it out. If you have a ghost kit and the instructor asks Are you using this your shaving kit and you lie, they WILL find out and you will cause ALOT of problems for you and your section and even platoon. I just did my BMQ/SQ last summer and no matter what you think its everything is important and part of the experience.

You go to training to learn to do a job, not to learn to cut corners, from my minimal experience in the army, everything they teach you in BMQ/SQ is worth something and there is a reason for it, cant speak about the rest as I haven't done anything else...

Besides the instructors know most of the tricks, if a recruit thought of it, the instructor likely knows it...
As useful as ghost kit sounds, it's not worth the time and effort. I think I bought a second soap dish when I went to the field just so it wouldn't get broken. Thats about it, all you have to do is keep on top of your kit ant you're fine, it's not rocket science.
Chapeski said:
As useful as ghost kit sounds, it's not worth the time and effort.

The whole point of a ghost kit is to save you time and effort! When you use shaving cream, the shaving cream continues to 'spew' out for a while after you've put the cap on. So you either have to keep cleaning the soap residue off, or wait until the last second to give it a clean right before inspection. But, if you have one can you never use and just leave out for inspection, and another can you use but never clean that you keep in your civi lock-up or personal box, then you never have to actually clean your shaving cream can! Same goes for tooth paste, shampoo, soap dishes, razors. I'd recommend actually using the mouthwash that you put out for inspection, beacuse they can actually see that it's being used, with the clear plastic bottle and all.
NCdt Lumber said:
The whole point of a ghost kit is to save you time and effort! When you use shaving cream, the shaving cream continues to 'spew' out for a while after you've put the cap on. So you either have to keep cleaning the soap residue off, or wait until the last second to give it a clean right before inspection. But, if you have one can you never use and just leave out for inspection, and another can you use but never clean that you keep in your civi lock-up or personal box, then you never have to actually clean your shaving cream can! Same goes for tooth paste, shampoo, soap dishes, razors. I'd recommend actually using the mouthwash that you put out for inspection, beacuse they can actually see that it's being used, with the clear plastic bottle and all.

DS pick up on that, as well as the full can of shaving cream, tube of tooth paste, pit stick, new bar of soap after a month...then they want explanations.

Short cuts work in a pinch but the point is for you to take care of yourself and your kit.

Try pulling that stuff if you ever get into shyte and end up on defaulters and have hourly inspections.

I still smile when I think of this little ditty I just happened to overhear"Just throw it at the bottom, he'll never find it" and then began a systematic search of all their kit.

Funny thing is I already made a note of it during their last inspection, as anyone performing one would do, to follow up on.


Actually instructors know when your not using the kit. They will check the toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and razor. If they get suspicious and ask a student a lie will be found and punished.

If its said you should do it this way and you shouldn't have this or that, follow the rules. The Rules were established to TEACH you something not just to be there.

You do your best to follow the rules or you get out.
NCdt Lumber said:
The whole point of a ghost kit is to save you time and effort! on. So you either have to keep cleaning the soap residue off, or wait until the last second to give it a clean right before inspection....

Or use shaving foam instead of shaving gel.
NCdt Lumber said:
The whole point of a ghost kit is to save you time and effort! When you use shaving cream, the shaving cream continues to 'spew' out for a while after you've put the cap on. So you either have to keep cleaning the soap residue off, or wait until the last second to give it a clean right before inspection. But, if you have one can you never use and just leave out for inspection, and another can you use but never clean that you keep in your civi lock-up or personal box, then you never have to actually clean your shaving cream can! Same goes for tooth paste, shampoo, soap dishes, razors. I'd recommend actually using the mouthwash that you put out for inspection, beacuse they can actually see that it's being used, with the clear plastic bottle and all.

I always grabbed a small piece of paper towel and wiped it at the last second. At least that way there was a small chance of something being left behind. I know that sounds backwards, however if you have seven 100% perfect inspections in a row then they start to wonder what the heck is going on. Nobody is perfect on BMQ, no matter how hard you try they will find something, cheating it isn't the way, just look after your kit properly, do a last second boo to find any straglers and you should be fine.
Chapeski said:
I always grabbed a small piece of paper towel and wiped it at the last second. At least that way there was a small chance of something being left behind. I know that sounds backwards, however if you have seven 100% perfect inspections in a row then they start to wonder what the heck is going on. Nobody is perfect on BMQ, no matter how hard you try they will find something, cheating it isn't the way, just look after your kit properly, do a last second boo to find any straglers and you should be fine.

As a former Instructor at the Armour School, there is no way that you can have even one 100% perfect inspection.  When I inspected Defaulters, it was manditory to find 20 faults.  If anyone gets a perfect inspection, it is because the Instructors are in an extremely good mood.  Hint: Now don't piss them off or you will find out how many faults they let you get away with.  Smears on windows.  Dust under the Captain's Beds.  Measurements wrong on your bed.  Buttons undone on your pants hanging in your locker.  Bedspaces not being identical.  Dirt/oil/carbon in your rifle.  Lint on your beret. .....................Ah!  Memories.
NCdt Lumber said:
The whole point of a ghost kit is to save you time and effort! When you use shaving cream, the shaving cream continues to 'spew' out for a while after you've put the cap on. So you either have to keep cleaning the soap residue off, or wait until the last second to give it a clean right before inspection. But, if you have one can you never use and just leave out for inspection, and another can you use but never clean that you keep in your civi lock-up or personal box, then you never have to actually clean your shaving cream can! Same goes for tooth paste, shampoo, soap dishes, razors. I'd recommend actually using the mouthwash that you put out for inspection, beacuse they can actually see that it's being used, with the clear plastic bottle and all.

Hey, I should give that a try too, but scaled up a bit?  Maybe I'll leave one aircraft back in the hangar serviceable so that I don't break anything, and fly another one, but park it around the corner so people don't know I didn't take the other one.

Notice how stupid that sounds? 

Starting off doing things like this during basic training and potentially getting away with it (having been DS on BOQ, I can tell you we know a large % of the tricks that you think are witty and undetectable...) only reinforces an attitude of "finding a shortcut".  WRONG WAY TO START A CAREER!

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