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What is your military status?

What is your military or non military status?

  • Total voters
3.5 years in the infantry reserves, then I did a component transfer and recently finished battleschool, now posted to PPCLI.
32yrs old
9yrs in the Reg force with 2 VP. 8yrs of that with A-Coy and no certificate to show it ???. Sent to BN TN.

Currently being posted to Inf School in Gagetown.

Two tours, Both coffee tours to Bosina.
A true :cdn::salute:
Just joined the army reserve. I'll be parading with the  QOCH until I do BMQ in Jan. University student on civvie street.
ex-Army R.C.H.A./ Ammo Tech  10 years of reg. force  now iam a CIC officer for 3 years. and having a blast !!
17 Just joined the army reserves.  Parading with the Canadian Scottish Regiment in Victoria.  Supposed to do BMQ and SQ this summer but got put on a waiting list.  Doing my BMQ on weekends for sure and might get SQ on weekends too.

Cheers :cheers:
Brazil_66 said:
Im currently in Army Cadets and hopefully if all goes well, I will be moving on to bigger and better things with the Reserves (BCD's) in 3 to 4 months, Or Reg Force Cook, hopefully soon.
- Shawn
Brazil_66 said:
(Change in plans)
Still in Cadets, but
Hopefully by September or earlier I will be going in as a Reg Force Cook, just have the Medical, Interview & PT Test to do.

Passed Basic Training (May - July) and I am now waiting for my Cooks Training in Borden
Born and Bread in Niagara Falls, but flew overseas to join the British Army, Tanks much cooler than planes lol
Air Cadet for the past couple years - planning on going Reserves soon.
Officer Cadet, CELE in the Air Force.  First year in the CF and I am coming in through the ROTP.
1. Civilian
2. Army Cadet
3. Reserves
4. Reg. Force
5. Reserves
6. Civilian
7. Reserves
8. Civilian
9. Retired
1 year CH of O Cadet Corps '82-'83
4 years 1 RNBR B Coy '83-'87
1 year 4 RCR London '87-'88
18 years Rad Op/Sig Op '88 - now
hello to all the military

im in French marines infantry (infantrie de marine) in the Régiment de Marche du Tchad been serving in the french army for 1 year i have a 5 years contract going in Chad in january for 5 months
1961-1979; LWOP
1979-2003; Reg Force Combat Engineer
2003-????; obsolescence/museum piece
Kat Stevens said:
1961-1979; LWOP
1979-2003; Reg Force Combat Engineer
2003-????; obsolescence/museum piece


Kat...you know you are in preservation !!
Update to my last:

BPSO Appointment went swimmingly (do people still use "swimmingly??"). Recommendation was made, and now I await my message from Borden/NDHQ/The-Powers-That-Be.

Here's the SNAFU: BPSO was, at the time, unsure of how the process was to proceed; whether there was to be a Board to convene as a selection process, or an ad-hoc selection based on files as they are received. Until then, because of the 1 April CANFORGEN issued this year, I continue on with MARS training (currently enrolled in MARS IV @ NOTC VENTURE)

So, I'm guessing that I have missed the dates for the 18 September CAP course, ergo, I standby in preparation for a January 07 course, by:
  • PT'ing the body twice a day, because it seems to be the pre-CAP thing to do
  • Looking on the DIN for course material
  • Contemplating what regiment to join, should the option present itself (VP is winning out over Vandoo thusfar)
  • And such 'n such...
Once I get word, a message, or otherwise, I'll let Army.ca know...

Until then, standing by to standby