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What is your military status?

What is your military or non military status?

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calling the RMR this week going in to the reserves till i finish high school then im joining the reglar force :)
Ok, translated to English, and into equivalent ranks, so I will try my best. 
I retired as a "Starshina" (equivalent of Sergeant Major) with the VDV Air Assault Forces (Russian Airborne).  I served 18 years, and made countless jumps.  After I retired, I moved here to join some relatives, bringing my family with me.  I got a job with a security company, and am living comfortably in Ontario.  I have my citizenship, and am looking into the possibility of joining reserves.
Ex 291-er/Rubberhead
Postings: CFS Inuvik, CFS Masset, CFS Alert, CFLS Ottawa, CFS Lietrim, 771 CommRsch Sqn
Enjoying civvy life in southern Ontario
Danjanou said:
You don't want to know... trust me on this I've known him a long time and you really don't want to know. :o

Hey come to think of it that last sheep i saw had your nose........ :o

Get back into the closet with the other skeletons you!!  :)
Colin P said:
Hey come to think of it that last sheep i saw had your nose........ :o

So I was a Seaforth (Highlander) back then, this comes as a surprise to ya laddie ;D
Right now, sipping on a JD & coke, its ENDEX (after 2 wks of enchanted frostbite and wind burn) down here in Victoria, and its been as cold as -5C, with the only winter kit a polar tech thingo to stop the freezing cold. Doesn't do much at 70kph in a LAV, and no heaters in the Aussie version, not that it makes a diff when you're hanging out of a hatch anyways.

Had heaps of fun, battle runs, etc, plus heaps of live fire with the 25mm, .50, and of course the coax and flex MAGs too. Its always fun to be cold, dusty, and stinking of diesel.

We fly out back to sunny Queensland soon enough.

Well, best get back to the burning 205L drum and the lads.


Listen to you Wes! Complaining about the weather in Pucka! HA! Now you should know that only real men drive fast in Pucka...after wrapping their faces with as many peices of expensive cloth they can track down and wearing gloves that would have made your siberian peasant proud! Its been that cold when i was there a few times before (Not too many), its not fun with your head sticking out the drivers hole either!
Danjanou said:
So I was a Seaforth (Highlander) back then, this comes as a surprise to ya laddie ;D

This is the real reasons Scots wear wool kilts with no underwear, it reminds then of same feeling they get from shagging the sheep at home!!!  ;D
Colin P said:
This is the real reasons Scots wear wool kilts with no underwear, it reminds then of same feeling they get from shagging the sheep at home!!!  ;D

Actually it’s just easier to chase them through the heather with a kilt pulled up to yer chin, than pants bundled aboot yer ankles laddie. Besides the sound of the zippers frightens the wee beasties. ;D
Danjanou said:
Actually it’s just easier to chase them through the heather with a kilt pulled up to yer chin, than pants bundled aboot yer ankles laddie. Besides the sound of the zippers frightens the wee beasties. ;D
  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

HL, and ye wood’na believe how wide Heather is either. A wee lassies she’s not.  :-*
Trooper Hale said:
Listen to you Wes! Complaining about the weather in Pucka! HA! Now you should know that only real men drive fast in Pucka...after wrapping their faces with as many peices of expensive cloth they can track down and wearing gloves that would have made your siberian peasant proud! Its been that cold when i was there a few times before (Not too many), its not fun with your head sticking out the drivers hole either!

Mate at the beginning of the Ex we loaded up our LAVs at your Units compound. I remember a female Digger named Nunn? Do you know her? We had come to the conclusion with her bum giggling under her DPCUs she was wearing a g-banger  ;D and that was day one.

I will be happy to get back to Queensland, you can keep this Victorian cold. As usual, is frosty as phuck this morning!
You chaps always use our compound, strutting around in your desert cams, looking cool and so much better then us, which are both true! I think i do know a Dunn but shes got nothing, look out for a Corporal Crawford, she should be down there and she is well worth seeing! Theres not many heads that a beret would look better on! She bats left handed, if you know what i mean, but still, one can always dream.
So the boys were dreaming about Gstrings on day one? Better watch your magazine stash Wes, bugger picketing the vehicles, get a picket to watch the Jetpacks full of porn!
Hope your enjoying it, i know that i'd give anything right now to be there,
Trooper Hale said:
You chaps always use our compound, strutting around in your desert cams, looking cool and so much better then us, which are both true! I think i do know a Dunn but shes got nothing, look out for a Corporal Crawford, she should be down there and she is well worth seeing! Theres not many heads that a beret would look better on! She bats left handed, if you know what i mean, but still, one can always dream.
So the boys were dreaming about Gstrings on day one? Better watch your magazine stash Wes, bugger picketing the vehicles, get a picket to watch the Jetpacks full of porn!
Hope your enjoying it, i know that i'd give anything right now to be there,

Seems like our 38A library was always being raided by the 3A lads. Our LAVs and B veh's are all loaded up now, so just some 'hurry up and wait' til we fly out.  I never did cop a squizz at Crawford, and the next time I am in Pucka, it will be too soon. Gimme Shoalwater or Tin Can Bay anytime. At least its warm to hot up there, and I would rather curse the heat, mossies and ticks.  I have a truly loathed the cold more than ever. You were right about the layers of cloth around the face.(my trusty CF cbt scarf copped abuse, adn doubled as a dust filter to a degree) The last time I was rugged up like that I was ski-dooing in the Quill Lakes area of Saskatchewan many moons back.

Good luck with your Long Look 2006 project.

Regards from a shytehouse cold Victorian day,

Danjanou said:
Actually it’s just easier to chase them through the heather with a kilt pulled up to yer chin, than pants bundled aboot yer ankles laddie. Besides the sound of the zippers frightens the wee beasties. ;D

Forgive me, I forgot that I was debating sheep shagging with experienced expert.  8) :salute:
Danjanou said:
HL, and ye wood’na believe how wide Heather is either. A wee lassies she’s not.  :-*
  LMAO ROTFL...you can't get humor any better or at any better price than at Army.ca...it's my daily smile...while I wait for my military status to change.

