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What is the best style of applying face Cam?

That balaclava pic isn't the best example, guys wearing black balaclavas an LBE in the forest   ::)

Plus, in warm weather, a balaclava would be pretty sh*tty, since you'd get pretty warm wearing an sweat a lot in it.

A facenet, dunno, could get caught up on stuff.

Anyways, whats so stupid about camming up? An facepaint works good anyways

Baloo said:
Just remember to not put your cam in a kitty cat face. Sure, it might be cute and creative, but apparently, Major's don't like it.  ;D
A guy on my basic did a bravehart style cam job,  next day he did a raccoon, he got a nice little talk to by some of the sgts an a written warning for that.
foxtwo said:
When I looked around, It did say that it caused cancer. :blotto:

Well coming on top of all the recent news reports  about Agent Orange testing in Gagetown this is just more good news to us old farts.

At least the Domestic Niner will now have something to keep her busy in her retirement years. Harassing the Government re compensation if/when I kick off because I spent years masking my boyish good looks with green makeup in a tube a quarter century ago.

I was the Pl WO on a TQ1/QL3 Basic Infantry course with RNFLDR in the 1980's when I saw one of the more innovative ways to came up. We had a field kitchen complete with immersion heaters with us at one point in the boonies.

The boys were doing BP for an evening's fun and games fighting patrol and to cam up they took the chimney off of the immersion heater, held it in front of their faces, closed their eyes and then had someone blow at the other end. Voila instant sooty politically incorrect black face. It actually lasted about as long as the tube stuff, meaning by the end of the night they had sweated it off or into streaks.

No chits and full marks for ingenuity from me after I stopped laughing.  8)