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Dane,  remember impact over intent.  Your post did appear ignorant and ill thought out.
Dane said:
Wow, way to take a comment grossly out of context, and then start a debate over nothing.... perhaps I should have changed the word most to many, would that appease you?
You spoke way out of your lane therfore you had to expect a raking over the coals
Firstly a great many members of the CF, whether PRes and Reg put posts in this forum towards Cadets that are out of great ignorance. Yet, if a cadet even mentions the CF, they cry foul. That's not a comment towards you, as much as it is a generality (specifically I noticed this in several threads about cadets wearing field uniforms and being in the PRes while being a Cadet... they ahve no idea what regulations govern us and why they've been put in place).

I cry foul when i read  uninformed comments such as yours

I know you're wrong about PRes or Reg members always having their webbing on. As some one said, but then was unjustifiable shot down for, it all depends upon the context in which you are training. MY affiliated unit almost never has anyone use webbing. When I was at Cougar Salco I saw a great many Infantry members use webbing, as well as others. But for some it proved not to be the most effect method to carry equipment. I'm sorry to have offended you, you seem to like webbing very much.

First off its COUGAR SALVO.  Again you are out of your lane when it comes to the rest.  maybe one day when you are all grown up and have experience of your own you will knwo what she is talking about.

Ex-Dragon, I did not imply otherwise. In fact I did not really imply that much at all... your post is invalid, and quite rude actually.

What you were implying was quite clear.  You were called on it by me and it was again pointed out by ex-D later.  It wasnt rude..it was a fact.

(I'd suggest that 12 Med does the same thing on their PRes activites but some one might tell me I'm a cadet speaking out of place).

.....and you would be......so cant argue with you there.

Dane if you think my comments were rude then I suggest you grow a thicker skin. Especially if you plan to become a CIC officer, otherwise your cadtes are going to eat you alive and walk all over you.  ::)
when i first got my webbing i got it for the looks. i wanted to look cool. since than i have moved on and used it for more than looks. i will admit that they are not always needed for cadets. but they can come in handy. i usually just use my camalbak for water now and carry some things in my pockets.

but like most people have said if you have the money to get one go for it, if you don't than don't bother.