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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
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In this fiscal climate I wouldn't hold my breathe unless there one of those courses is 365+ days long.  That is part of the VOT deal, time away again on initial occupation trg.  It won't necessarily be the career mgr, it could be the MOC BTL manager who gets the decision.
Without the benefit of all the reg's in front of me, I believe that should be a posting then.  As far as I can remember, a mbr can't be on Temp Duty or Attach Posted more than 364 consecutive days.

Hopefully you guys will get the word from the BTL Manager or career shop soon.
Currently a ROTP NCdt at RMC. I'm on TCAT awaiting surgery in December. I want to VOT to med tech. I know that because I'm on TCAT I can't VOT, but I'm just wondering if they will put me on holding platoon. Has anyone has every been in a similar situation? I have a BPSO info secession coming up. Just want to be prepared before I go into it.
Hey UK2CA, how did the VOT go? Were you successful? If so, which one were you offered? Which one did you accept? Has it been worth it so far? If not, do you know of any particular reason why it didn't go through?
PoohBearGreaseMonkey said:
Hey UK2CA, how did the VOT go? Were you successful? If so, which one were you offered? Which one did you accept? Has it been worth it so far? If not, do you know of any particular reason why it didn't go through?

He hasn't been active since August.
it doesn't really matter, say you decide AVN. you'll know the ins and outs of the mechanical side, but sooner or later you'll get a desk job as a MCPL or a SGT.

choose ACS, well you'll buck rivits, repair sheet metal until you become a MCPL or SGT.

at the end, you always end up behind a desk, just to make it easier for you to decide :) i choose AVS
Kai said:
it doesn't really matter, say you decide AVN. you'll know the ins and outs of the mechanical side, but sooner or later you'll get a desk job as a MCPL or a SGT.

choose ACS, well you'll buck rivits, repair sheet metal until you become a MCPL or SGT.

at the end, you always end up behind a desk, just to make it easier for you to decide :) i choose AVS

Just a point Kai: if you aspire to become a MCpl or Sgt, you will have to learn how to communicate using proper English in the written form.  If you don't know how to use proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation, you are not likely to get very far.  You as a MCpl, or above, will be expected to write reports that are legible, coherent, and concise, for your superiors and also write assessments on your subordinates.  If you can't communicate properly, mistakes will be made.  They will reflect negatively on your career.
Does anyone know if a VOT-U (untrained, fresh out of BMQ) is treated any differently than other VOT's? Is it any more or less likely to be approved? Will it be pushed through faster so I don't start DP1 in my current trade only to stop midway through and start another course? What is a rough timeline of the process?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
aj2912 said:
Does anyone know if a VOT-U (untrained, fresh out of BMQ) is treated any differently than other VOT's?

You may find these discussions of interest,

Remustering while at BMQ 

Remustering after BMQ?

remuster during BMQ 

remustering during BMQ?

Occupation Transfer at BMQ

Change of Trades during BMQ 

OT during BMQ 

Occupational Transfer in BMQ


Edit to add

Can only OT after DP1? plus speaking with a BPSO

How to OT after Basic Training?

HELP with a VOT-U
"I have BMQ only"

VOT between Elements after BMQ 


mariomike said:
You may find these discussions of interest,

Thanks for the info, I've read those threads already but didn't find what I was looking for. I'm looking for some current info from anyone who might have gone through this process recently and how the process works in 2016.
This is me, www.liddyphoto.org and I'm waiting to see if boards chose me for Img Tech this year...
I've heard some boards have already sat for OTs. Anyone here in the know and can they confirm when the HCA OT board sits ?

For those of us with an OT in, under the My Career tab on EMAA, at the bottom of the page that loads, there is a button saying OT Application, and the status of it.
With the deadline of Feb 12 well behind us, I'm curious if anyone has something showing there.  Mine is not.
DrSize said:
Due to staff shortages no ones file will be reflected in EMAA

I guess they would rather prefer receiving hundreds of emails and or phone calls asking for status updates instead?  Just another great tool in the box that nobody uses because "it takes too much time".      :facepalm:
DAA said:
I guess they would rather prefer receiving hundreds of emails and or phone calls asking for status updates instead?  Just another great tool in the box that nobody uses because "it takes too much time".      :facepalm:

Agreed, however now we know not to waste time looking there.  And really if you haven't heard by beginning of May chances are you haven't been picked up anyways.  6 weeks or so to go
Can you imagine the pain hundreds of chain of commands would go through if someone flipped a switch to "OT Status: Approved" and then didn't send out an offer/instruction for 6 weeks due to paperwork timing? Probably a good thing they leave it.